Christianity in Jewish Theology

Revue des Études Juives, 160 (2001), pp. 495-497

Webmaster’s Note: The draft outline below was 这是1968年法国天主教主教向他们提出的要求的结果 首席拉比雅各布·卡普兰描述了犹太人对基督教的看法. 几个世纪以来,相关的拉比注释是由一个委员会收集的 composed of the celebrated philosopher Emmanuel Levinas, Eastern Studies specialist Georges Vajda, and Charles Touati他是法国拉比教义协会主席 commission.

The committee 被告知该项目将是一份官方声明,传达 只有法国拉比的观点,他们应该只借鉴 公认的权威犹太圣贤的著作. The committee later 他们选择了代表犹太教最佳精神的文本. 他们拒绝争论性的文本,指出人们可能会发现类似的敌意 texts about Judaism in the Christian tradition. Those texts that judged 崇拜偶像的基督教倾向于在公元前1000年前出现.E. materials. Later 在中世纪,对基督教更积极的评价开始出现 among Jewish thinkers. 

The committee 制作了一个大纲,提出了六个由拉比支持的断言 commentaries they collected.  Their conclusions applied equally to Christianity and Islam. 这个大纲很有趣,因为它反映了法语 犹太人的思想在梵蒂冈第二届大公会议发布三年后 Nostra Aetate in 1965. It also can be compared with the American Jewish statement Dabru Emet published in 2000. 

The outline 直到1978年才在法国拉比大会上正式辩论 数年前,法国天主教主教发表了自己的牧函 on Catholic-Jewish relations. A significant minority of the assembled rabbis 对提议的声明有严重保留,并看到这种协商一致意见 是不可能的,卡普兰首席拉比撤回了提案 consideration. 

Touati他是起草委员会中唯一幸存的成员 该纲要具有历史价值,建议向公众发布. Accordingly, it was published in the Revue des Études Juives in 2001. 在2001年2月12日出版的 Le Monde, the chief rabbi of Paris, David Messas emphasized that 1968年案文不应被理解为表达了联合国目前的观点 法国拉比并没有排除拉比的可能性 assembly taking up the subject again. In the same article, René-Samuel Sirat, the former chief rabbi of France, observed that other 如果今天再次讨论这个问题,可以借鉴一些想法. 

The following English translation by Katherine E. Wolff, NDS is made available courtesy of SIDIC.




Christianity in Jewish Theology

Revue des Études Juives, 160 (2001), pp. 495-497

Report 由法国首席拉比任命的专家委员会成员,包括 Mr. Lévinas, Mr. Touati and Mr. Vaida.


1. The rejection of Christianity could have been avoided

In the famous anecdote in Talmud Babli Sanhedrin 107b and Sota 47a(被基督徒谴责的文本) censorship, but which can be found again in Hesronot Ha-shas and in the Adin Steinsalz edition of Sanhedrin), a certain regret comes through, when a barayta says the following :  愿左手总是推开,但愿右手带来 更靠近,与以利沙用双手推开基哈西相反 Joshua b. Perahya用双手推开耶稣. »


2. The Christians are not idolaters ; they adore 上帝创造了世界,他们有一定的信仰 common with the Jews

There are many texts.  Let us quote first of all Tosafot, Bekhorot 2b, shemma :  « ‘The Christians’ all swear by the name 他们不认为是神的圣人.  Even though they mention the divine name in 他们思念耶稣,从不呼求偶像;  in addition, their thought is turned toward God, the creator of heaven and earth.  即使他们把上帝的名字和其他事物联系在一起,当他们 必须宣誓,这是没有违犯的禁令:  lifney ‘iwwer lo titten mikhshol, 由于Noahides并未被禁止“结社”(shittuf). »  Cf. also Tosafot, Sanhedrin 63b, asur and Tosafot ‘Aboda Zara 2a, asur :  « the non-Jews among us, we are sure that they are not idolaters. »  (The Tosafot texts were also censured ; we are basing what we are saying on the manuscripts and old editions ; cf. Urbach, Ba’aley ha-tosafot, pp. 59-60.)  In his commentaries on the 《太阳城网赌平台》,拉本努·梅纳赫姆·哈-梅里总是强调塔木德 关于异教徒的法律既没有考虑到基督徒也没有考虑到穆斯林; whom he qualifies as ummot ha-gedurot be darkhey ha-dator (nations that are ruled by religious norms) ; cf. among others his commentary on ‘Aboda Zara, Schreiber edition, 1944, pp. 28, 48, 53, etc. and his commentary on Baba qamma, Shlesinger edition, Jerusalem 1973, p. 330 :  « Whoever belongs to the nations ruled 通过宗教规范,以任何方式为神服务,即使 他们的信仰可能与我们的信仰相差甚远,但他们就像一个完美的以色列人。Yisrael gamur),例如,在有关这些事情的地方(例如,在赔偿方面 of lost objects is concerned). »  Cf. also Rosh, Sanhedrin, VII, 3 ; Shulhan ‘arukh, Orah Hayyim, 156, §1 ; Hoshen Mishpaf, 425, §5 ; Moshe Rivkes, Be’er ha-gola on this last text, the long footnote shin ; Abraham Sebi Eisenstadt, Pithey teshuba, on Yore De’a, 147 and 152, 脚注2,在这里可以找到许多现代决定的参考资料.  On abedat ‘akum,[1] which is not to be returned, cf. Be’er ha-gola on Hoshen Mishpaf 266, footnote aleph :  this rule 并不适用于今天的外邦人,他们承认上帝是世界的创造者 world, etc. (cf. Joseph Karo, Beit Yosef on Fur, the same paragraph).


3. «Eternal Salvation for Christians »

犹达·哈勒维,我们的思想家中最排外的, wrote :  « We deny to no one, 无论这个人属于哪个信仰团体,都是上帝的奖赏 for his/her good deeds (Kuzari I, §111, Arabic text p. 62), and farther on (111, §21, Arabic text p. 174) :  你们荣耀神的赏赐,必不失落 you. »  Isaac Arama, writing in 15th 在世纪西班牙被驱逐的前夕,更进一步,他相信 "以色列"这个词在"所有以色列人都有。 part in the ‘olam ha-ba’ means the righteous from all the nations », unless they impute iniquity to God (‘Aqedat Yitshaq, Shemini, gateway 60).


4. Israel must be inspired by Christians and by Muslims, etc.

Bahya Ibn Paquda为他从 非犹太哲学家和其他犹太法典中的苦行僧说:  « You have not acted like the most 你在非犹太人中是义人,你所行的却最合乎义 depraved, » (Babli, Sanhedrin 39b) ; he could do so all the more because the rabbis declared :  “凡说智慧话的,就是在万国中,也是 called Hakham (Babli, Megilla 16a) (Hobot ha-lebabot, Preface, Arabic text p. 26, Hebrew translation, Zifroni edition, p. 20).


5. Christianity and Islam contributed towards the improvement of humanity

Cf. Maimonides, Guide III, chapter 39, Munk translation (into French) p. 221 :  今日,我们看见地上大多数的居民都在荣耀 “上帝”在共同的协议和祝福自己通过记忆 Abraham’… » ; Nahmanides, Torat ha-Shem temima, in Kitbey ha-Ramban, Chavel edition, vol. I, pp. 142-144 :  the peoples of today have a better moral and religious conduct ; Commentary on the Song of Songs (attributed to Ramban), same edition, vol. II, pp. 502-503 :  all the nations acknowledge the words of the Torah ; Ralbag, Milhamot, Leipzig edition, p. 356, and Commentary on the Torah, Venice edition, p. 2 ; today, the Torah is spread throughout all the nations of the world.


6. Christianity and Islam clear the way for the Messiah

Cf. Juda Hallevi, Kuzari, IV, §23, Arabic text pp. 264-266 :  « God also has a 太阳城网赌平台的秘密计划,就像他对 seed.  The latter falls to the ground and is transformed ; in appearance, it changes into earth, water, manure ; the observer imagines that no visible trace remains of it.  But in reality, it is the seed which 通过赋予土地和水自己的性质来改变它们;  gradually, it transforms the elements which it makes subtle and in a sense like itself…  第一颗种子的形状导致果实在树上生长,这是 就像从果实中提取种子一样.  It is like this with the religion of Moses.  Although on the outside they push it away, 在它之后出现的所有宗教实际上都是对它的改造 that religion.  They do nothing but clear 为我们所盼望的弥赛亚预备道路,预备根基, who is the fruit. »  (French translation by Touati)  Cf. also Maimonides, Mishne Tora, Hilkhot Melakhim, XI § (this text was also 被谴责并根据图书馆的手稿重新编排 Nationale),在Nahmanides中引用了一些变体, Torat ha-Shem temima, Chavel edition I, p. 144 :  基督教和伊斯兰教“什么也不做,只是为人类扫清道路。 King-Messiah and for the improvement (taqqen) of the whole world so that it might serve God in common accord… »


For the Commission

Chief Rabbi Charles Touati                                                          Paris, May 23, 1973



[1] An object lost by an idolater (editor’s note).