


Dear Members of the 太阳城网赌平台 Community:

The 2022-2023 academic year at 太阳城网赌平台 will begin soon, 我们写信是为了提供有关大学秋季学期关于COVID-19的计划和协议的信息.  The University will remain guided by its commitment to protect the health and well-being of the BC community and nearby neighborhoods, and provide as normal a campus experience as possible for our students, 教师, 和工作人员.

The protocols below are subject to revision, based on changing conditions, 以及疾病控制和预防中心(CDC)以及州和地方公共卫生部门的指导.


如我们5月10日所述, 2022, 给BC社区的信, 太阳城网赌平台 will require all students, 教师, 以及将在秋季学期在校的工作人员全面接种疫苗,并接种了针对COVID-19的加强疫苗.  个人在接受第二次Moderna/辉瑞COVID-19疫苗接种后两周被视为完全接种, or two weeks after a Johnson & Johnson or second Novavax COVID-19 vaccination, 经过四个月的Moderna/Pfizer COVID-19疫苗接种和两个月的Johnson疫苗接种后,他们被认为符合增强资格 & Johnson COVID-19 vaccination.

Consistent with Human 资源 COVID-19 requirements, all new 教师 和工作人员 who will be on campus must be fully vaccinated and boosted, and upload their vaccination card via the 集市门户 before starting at BC.  那些在开始工作日期之前没有资格获得第一次助推器的人应该与人力资源部门审查他们的情况.

学生必须在8月15日前将疫苗接种证明和增强剂上传至大学健康服务中心.  没有资格在该日期前获得第一次助推器的人士应立即与保健处联系,讨论助推器的时间表.


The University strongly recommends that current and returning students, 教师, 员工获得额外的 boosters according to CDC and state and local departments of public health guidance.  那些获得大学批准的疫苗接种/加强豁免的人将继续被要求戴口罩并按规定接受测试 由大学保健处及人力资源部提供.

Pre-Arrival COVID-19 Testing

大学将要求所有社区成员在到达校园前不超过72小时进行抗原或PCR检测.  检测呈阳性的个体应在症状出现后在家隔离5天, and contact their primary care provider for additional instructions.  学生 testing positive should alert University Health Services, and 教师 和工作人员 should contact Human 资源.

在学年期间,大学不会进行无症状监测测试.  出现COVID-19症状的学生应立即联系大学健康服务中心(617-552-3225),以获得指导和检测.  教职员工 who exhibit symptoms should use at-home antigen self-tests, 如果是正的, 留在家里进行隔离, and also consult with their primary care provider.

For assistance concerning COVID-19 testing or vaccination/booster matters, students may contact UHS at covidtesting@misawa-city.com, and 教师/staff can get in touch with Human 资源 at HR@misawa-city.com.

Vaccination and Booster Clinics & Card Uploading Instructions

太阳城网赌平台将在2022-2023学年提供COVID-19疫苗接种/加强诊所, and follow CDC guidelines for eligibility.  此时此刻, 50岁及以上的人以及所有12岁以上的中度或重度免疫功能低下的人都有资格接种第二次增强疫苗.

A vaccination/booster clinic will be offered on August 24, from 10 a.m. 到12点.m., in the Wet Classroom in the Margot Connell Recreation Center.

在秋季学期, 从8月29日开始,康奈尔中心湿教室将于周一(全天)和周三(半天)提供疫苗接种/加强和流感诊所.  对于那些感兴趣的人,流感疫苗将在9月中旬或更早的时候接种,如果有的话.

尚未这样做的大学社区成员应在8月15日之前通过Agora门户网站上传疫苗接种证明, following the directions below.

学生 应将COVID-19疫苗接种记录卡(初始接种系列和所有后续加强接种)上传到Agora卫生服务门户网站,方法如下:

Go to 集市门户 - Other Services - Health Services 

  1. Select the “Immunization” icon in the Agora Health Services Portal. Choose via the drop-down menu the “COVID-19 Vaccination Booster” icon, and record the vaccination booster date. 点击“提交”保存;

  2. 拍摄疫苗接种卡或文件的照片,并将其保存在电脑或手机上,以便上传到入门网站(http://services.misawa-city.com), found under “Other Services”;

  3. 选择“上传”图标,在下拉菜单中上传COVID-19疫苗增强剂下的图片(注:下拉菜单位于“可上传文件”列表下方). 点击“选择文件”,选择要上传的文件,点击“上传”按钮.

教职员工 应将其疫苗接种记录卡(首次接种系列和所有后续加强接种)通过 集市门户:

  1. 点击位于“我的服务”部分的“仁科人力资源服务”链接;
  2. Confirm your identity through BC的两步验证 process;
  3. To log in to PeopleSoft Human 资源 while off campus, you will need to connect to a 公元前VPN and confirm your identity through BC的两步验证;
  4. 在“主菜单”中选择“自助服务”,然后选择“个人信息”,再选择“太阳城官网COVID-19记录”;
  5. To upload your CDC COVID-19 Vaccination Record Card, follow the instructions on the page and click “Save";
  6. If you have tested positive for COVID-19, please include your positive test date under the “COVID-19 Testing Record” tab;
  7. If you have any questions, please reach out to HR@misawa-city.com.

Isolation: On-Campus Student Residents

As the United States and the world transition from a COVID-19 pandemic to an endemic, the University will continue to treat the virus as a manageable illness.  因此, 居住在自驾游范围内且检测呈阳性的在校学生应乘坐私家车前往常住地隔离.  Those who cannot do so will isolate in place in their residence hall, exercising proper mask use and precautions.  收到阳性症状检测结果的学生应与大学健康服务部讨论这两种隔离方案和他们的个人计划.

As a reminder, the University will follow CDC guidelines for isolation.  Those who test positive for COVID-19 regardless of vaccination/booster status:

  • Must remain in isolation for five days, 有无症状(无症状以阳性检测当日为零日,有症状以出现症状当日为零日);
  • Are eligible to leave isolation after five days if they have decreasing symptoms and no fever; individuals with fever must remain in isolation until fever-free
  • 解除隔离后5天内不能保持适当的身体距离,必须在室内外佩戴口罩. 有症状的学生在测试前五天或更长的时间里,如果在症状出现后的10天内无法保持身体距离,则必须戴口罩.


The University will not require masks or face coverings for students, 教师, 和工作人员 while on campus in the fall semester, but encourages those who prefer to wear masks to do so.  在宿舍隔离的学生必须随时佩戴口罩, and continue doing so for five days following the end of their isolation.

Reminder: Symptom Vigilance & 每日症状检查

我们提醒所有社区成员保持警惕,以识别可能的COVID-19症状.  Sore throat, fatigue, and headache—even if mild—can be indicators of the coronavirus.  Please continue to utilize the BC 每日症状检查 (the BC Check应用) every day before coming to campus, 因为这是我们在全社区努力限制COVID-19传播的重要资产.

We thank you for your continued cooperation as we embark on another semester.



Dr. 道格拉斯Comeau
Director of University Health Services


Vice President, Human 资源