度 & 证书

在我们所有的学术课程中, 学生必须在整个课程中整合神学和教牧方面的考虑. 每个学位课程提供了一个独特的和量身定制的方法来神学教育, 让我们的学生专注于他们的个人优势和成长优势,以实现他们的职业目标.




This three-year ecclesiastical degree provides ordained and full-time lay 部长 with a theological and practical background.


  • 30 credit hours of philosophy

  • Curriculum available upon request: stmadm@misawa-city.com

  • Proficiency in Latin, demonstrated either through recent successful coursework or by passing a translation exam

  • S.T.B. comprehensive examination, given in your final semester

Acquire an enduring foundation that prepares you to improve ministerial practice and pursue the S.T.L. 这post-B.A./B.S. 课程是教会一级学位,是想申请S .的学生的理想选择.T.L. 项目.

进一步的太阳城官网,尤其是S.T.L. 教区、高中、大学或教区的教会工作 宗教和其他非营利组织 高中教学 监狱部门 医院牧师服务
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/机顶盒

This six-course certificate includes spiritual enrichment opportunities for those looking to further their academic or personal development in Christian Spirituality. 老师, 牧师, 部长, 而那些被精神培育工作所吸引的人将受益于这一基督教灵性的重点太阳城官网.

Ideal applicants include: Persons with an earned Master’s degree in an area other than theology who wish to 太阳城官网 Christian Spirituality broadly, 或那些对灵性的太阳城官网感兴趣,以充实自己或提高牧师的能力,并拥有强大的学士学位的人. 企业高管、教育工作者、校友、牧师、牧师.

This certificate enables persons who are personally or professionally interested in the 太阳城官网 of Christian spirituality to delve into historical and contemporary Christian spiritual traditions, 主题, 并着眼于今天有效的精神领导实践.

教区牧师 宗教教育家 高中教学 高中或大学校园事工 学院或大学行政管理 非营利组织的工作

In addition to ongoing professional development, 该计划为精神充实和太阳城官网提供了一个培育环境. 课程是在与你的学术顾问协商后选择的.

Program requirements:

  • A current commitment to ministry

  • 18 credit hours of academic work, including three courses designated as core requirements

  • Sufficient knowledge of the Spanish language

A limited number of applicants who do not have a bachelor’s degree may be admitted to the program under certain conditions.

Are you already enriching Hispanic communities—or interested in doing so in the future? 这个程序是完美的学生和专业人士, 有或没有太阳城官网生学位, 有谁愿意把他们的服务重点放在西班牙语事工上.

教区牧师 宗教教育家 高中教学 高中或大学校园事工 学院或大学行政管理 非营利组织的工作
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ certificate-hispanic

This six-course certificate includes spiritual enrichment opportunities for those looking to further their academic or personal development in Ignatian spirituality. 

Ideal applicants include: Persons with an earned Master’s degree in an area other than theology who wish to 太阳城官网 Ignatian Spirituality in particular, 或对依纳爵灵修的太阳城官网感兴趣,以充实自己或提高牧师的能力,并有很强的学士学位.  企业高管、教育工作者、校友、牧师、牧师


This certificate prepares persons to assume leadership in specifically Ignatian spiritual formation. 它使仔细太阳城官网一个极具影响力的基督教精神传统成为可能, 持续关注依纳爵和耶稣会的精神主题和实践, 教育学与领导力.

教区牧师 宗教教育家 高中教学 高中或大学校园事工 学院或大学行政管理 非营利组织的工作
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ 证书-Theology-Ministry

This program is ideal for veteran religious educators who want to gain specialized knowledge and for new teachers who are looking to gain an introduction to the area of religious education.

There are opportunities to combine coursework and take advantage of the resources at the Lynch School of Education—the top-ranked school of Catholic education in the country—and the Roche Center for Catholic Education.

During the summer, 课程是专门为你提供的,以磨练你的教学技能,并解决当代问题,如数字时代的神学和课堂多样性.


Intended for educators in Catholic 高中 and catechists in parishes who want to concentrate their knowledge, 这个证书课程是为了适应学生的需要而设计的. 受益于STM在宗教教育方面的专业知识传统和四位专职教师专家.

教区牧师 宗教教育家 高中教学 高中或大学校园事工 学院或大学行政管理 非营利组织的工作
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ certificate-religions-education

This six-course certificate includes spiritual enrichment opportunities for those looking to further their academic or personal development in the area of spiritual and pastoral care. 

Please note: The six-credit Introduction to Spiritual Direction Practicum is an option within the Christian Spirituality 证书 and the 证书 in Ignatian and Jesuit Studies. 这是在精神和教牧关怀证书的必要元素. For those with spiritual direction training already who have complete the 19th Annotated Exercises, the summer one-week intensive training program in the 19th annotation is also an option.

Ideal applicants include: nurses, 辅导员, 社会工作者, and parish pastoral care givers

This certificate provides nurses, 辅导员, 社会工作者, 和堂区牧灵关怀人员,有机会探索灵修太阳城官网和牧灵关怀的交叉点,以加深他们的牧师和信仰服务. 精神指导入门课程是本证书的必修课程.

教区牧师 高中或大学校园事工 学院或大学行政管理 非营利组织的工作 护士 社会工作者 辅导员 田园生活的照顾者
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ 证书-Theology-Ministry

This six-course certificate includes spiritual enrichment opportunities for those looking to further their academic or personal development. 如果你决定继续进入M.A. 学位课程完成本课程后,您可以使用该课程获得学位. 你与指导老师一起选择适合你目标的课程——要么专注于特定的神学领域,要么广泛接触CSTM提供的课程. 获得证书的学生有资格获得CSTM的学费奖学金.

Explore a specific area of ministry or an expansive range of theological and pastoral areas through this flexible 18-credit certificate. 在学年期间完成课程, 在夏季, or online—or through a combination of these options

教区牧师 宗教教育家 高中教学 高中或大学校园事工 学院或大学行政管理 非营利组织的工作
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ 证书-Theology-Ministry


A six-credit post-master&这是一个为年轻人服务的个人颁发的证书项目. 该计划将训练参与者阅读和解释圣经,并将其作为宣讲当代问题的基础集合, 比如种族歧视, 经济, 环境正义. 该项目将教授讲道和教导不同受众的方法. 它特别适应各种各样的机会, 上下文, 媒体可以最有效地接触到年轻人.

证书 Features

  • Hybrid certificate program that can be completed in one year with a small cohort
  • Critical and creative engagement with Scripture
  • Enhanced preaching and public speaking skillsHands-on experience practicing preaching and developing justice-focused activities in different 上下文

This six-credit post-master&我们的证书课程是为年轻人服务的. 该计划将训练参与者阅读和解释圣经,并将其作为宣讲当代问题的基础集合, 比如种族歧视, 经济, 环境正义.

公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ courage-to-preach

During the program, 学生在特定领域发展专业知识, 掌握本学科的问题和方法. 我们的校友为教会的行政和教牧工作作出贡献, 通过教区服务, 神学院, 宗教团体, 以及世界各地的高等学府.

Degree requirements:

  • A three-semester residency

  • One modern language beyond S.T.L. requirements

  • Four courses or seminars in an area of specialization

  • Two semesters as a teaching assistant

  • Comprehensive examinations

  • Thesis proposal

  • Completion and defense of a doctoral thesis

Complete the culminating degree in the Catholic Church’s ecclesiastical education system. 这里是美国七大城市之一.T.D. 项目, STM培养了对神学方法论产生原创太阳城官网和新方法的学者.

教会 博士
圣典教授,圣. 约翰的神学院 巴黎高等教育中心神学系教员 美国旧金山大学副教授
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/性病
带M的双程序.A. 在咨询

This program is designed for individuals who wish to combine theories and practice of psychology with studies in theology and the pastoral dimensions of caregiving.

You’ll benefit from faculty advisors in both schools, 第一年和暑假在CSTM,第二年和第三年在林奇学校. 毕业生将同时获得两个硕士学位.A. 在神学和事工方面取得了硕士学位.A. 在咨询和可以寻求执照作为专业心理健康咨询师. 学生通常在三年内完成课程. 你必须单独申请,并同时被CSTM和林奇学院录取.

Learn how to incorporate faith and spirituality successfully into mental health care. 校友在心理健康机构工作, 避难所, 教区的牧师职位, 校园事工项目, 监狱, 还有青少年和青少年项目.

属灵及教牧关怀 咨询 高中或大学牧师 教区牧师和宗教教育 高中教学
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ dual-counseling

Combine an M.A. 在著名的太阳城网赌平台神学和事工方面.B.A. 该计划体现了大学的使命,即教育在各自领域服务卓越的个人,并为社会和经济正义而努力. 学生通常在CSTM开始他们的学习,并与CSTM和卡罗尔学院的顾问保持密切联系. 该课程必须在六年内完成. 学生必须单独申请,并同时被CSTM和卡罗尔学院录取.

Calling all future leaders—prepare to apply management best practices in the Church and ministry. 毕业生在教会和教会相关组织(如教区)的管理工作, 医院系统, 以及社会服务机构.

教会管理 财务及行政 教区牧师和宗教教育 高中或大学牧师 非营利组织的工作
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ dual-工商管理硕士
带M的双程序.Ed. (天主教城市教师团)

Combine an M.A. in theology and ministry with an M.Ed. in curriculum and instruction through 太阳城网赌平台's Urban Catholic Teacher Corps (UCTC). Through this program, students take coursework in both disciplines while serving as a full-time teacher in the Archdiocese of Boston. This dual degree prepares faith-filled teachers to make a strong impact on Catholic education. Students generally begin their studies in UCTC and maintain close contact with advisors both in CSTM and the Lynch School. Students must apply separately and be admitted to both CSTM and UCTC. 

Develop as a Catholic school educator through strong foundations in both theology and education. 这双学位装备天主教教育导航信仰和文化之间的关系. 

高中教学 宗教教育 校园部 学校领导

This program integrates theological understanding with social work theories and practice. 学生培养计划的技能, 管理, 并在当地教堂和信仰机构提供社会服务. 

毕业生将同时获得两个硕士学位.A. 在神学和事工方面取得了硕士学位.S.W. 并且可以申请临床社工执照. 学生通常在三年内完成课程. 你必须单独申请并且同时被CSTM和社会工作学院录取.

Interested in serving both the pastoral and social needs of individuals, 家庭, 和社区? 获得M.A. 在神学和事工方面,CSTM与M.S.W.

临床社会工作者 高中或大学牧师 高中教学 医院牧师服务 非营利性的
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ dual-MSW

Our 项目 prepare pastoral leaders, academics, educators and other professionals to serve the needs of a fast-growing Hispanic Catholic population in the United States. These 项目 offer our entire academic community the opportunity to engage leading U.S. Hispanic and Latin American theological voices as part of their formation.

Through STM’s Department of Religious Education and Pastoral Ministry, earn your:

As part of its commitment to forming creative and transformative leaders who take seriously the challenges and opportunities of serving in culturally diverse 上下文, 神学和事工学院提供令人兴奋的西班牙神学和事工课程.

教区牧师 宗教教育家 高中教学 高中或大学校园事工 学院或大学行政管理 非营利组织的工作
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ hispanic-项目
混合米.A. 神学与事工

Students typically take on-campus courses during the summer, 当有校内住房时, 利用秋季和春季的在线课程. 因为我们的课程既有面对面互动,也有在线互动, 学生与同学保持密切联系.

Program highlights:

  • 36 or 48 credits

  • Can be completed in three years  

  • Take courses across different theological areas (on-campus or online)

  • Spiritual formation component

  • Supervised ministry

  • Capstone grounded in pastoral praxis—a traditional essay-based thesis, 一篇艺术/表演论文, or a research-based thesis

Are you a professional working at a parish, high school, college, or other ministerial setting? 通过这个灵活的课程获得受人尊敬的STM学位. 结合面对面和在线课程,以满足您的需求, 用你的全职工作来完成我们监督的事工要求.

教区牧师和宗教教育 高中或大学牧师 高中教学 医院牧师服务 监狱部门
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ Hybrid-MA

The 19th Annotation of the Spiritual Exercises allows for persons to complete the Spiritual Exercises with others over several months, 进行依纳爵式的祈祷练习, 阅读, 和冥想, 定期与精神导师会面. 

The School of Theology and Ministry offers a week-long Summer Intensive for spiritual directors seeking a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the Spiritual Exercises in order to better accompany others through the Spiritual Exercises, particularly in the 19th Annotation format. It is essential that spiritual directors who accompany others through the 19th Annotation have completed the Spiritual Exercises themselves.

The School of Theology and Ministry offers a week-long Summer Intensive for spiritual directors seeking a deeper understanding of the dynamics of the Spiritual Exercises in order to better accompany others through the Spiritual Exercises, particularly in the 19th Annotation format.

公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/夏天

Students concentrate on a specialized topic area within theology—Biblical Studies, 系统与历史神学, 道德神学, 教会历史或灵性太阳城官网.


  • Two years of full-time 太阳城官网 (limit of four years of part-time 太阳城官网)

  • One year in residence

  • 24 credit hours (in addition to nine-credit thesis), half of credits taken in concentration

  • Proficiency in Latin (or Hebrew or Greek for Scripture concentration)

  • Proficiency in one modern research language (German, 法国, or Spanish) in addition to English

  • Successful defense of thesis

Focus your studies while honing your skills and working within the Church. 圣神学博士学位:三个学位中的第二个学位,最终获得圣神学博士学位, 这个太阳城官网驱动的学位为学生在神学院服务做好准备, 教区, 宗教团体, 以及高等学府.

神学院的老师 进一步太阳城官网(S).T.D. 或其他博士学位) 校长 教区牧师
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ stl

This two-year, 48学分的课程特别适合寻求神学深入太阳城官网的外行学生, 田园生活的发展, 积极参与精神培育, 并通过有监督的事工实习获得实践经验.

You can also pursue dual-degree 项目, combining the M.A. 拥有社会工作硕士学位.S.W.商务;商业.B.A.),或咨询(M.A.).

Program highlights:

  • Specialize the degree with a religious education or Hispanic ministry track

  • 完成混合米.A. program through online and on-campus coursework

  • Thesis project

All around the world, 在教区, 高中, 还有大学校园, 在医疗保健和社会服务环境中, 我们的米.A. 毕业生担任教会事工的领袖. 在线和暑期课程可以让你根据自己的需要定制课程.

教区牧师和宗教教育 高中或大学牧师 高中教学 医院牧师服务 监狱部门
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ MA-theology

This professional degree program combines broad mastery of theology with supervised ministry and spiritual formation. 先决条件包括一年的全日制课程, post-collegiate ecclesial ministry (exceptions will be made for applicants with significant undergraduate ministerial leadership experience) or its equivalent and two undergraduate courses in philosophy.

Program highlights:

  • 82 credits, typically completed in three years of full-time 太阳城官网

  • A grounding in Scripture, 教会历史, historical-systematic-practical神学, 道德神学, and pastoral studies

  • Supervised ministry in a setting you choose

  • A supportive cohort experience, 用晚餐, 祈祷和礼拜的夜晚, and other bonding opportunities

  • Synthesis exams in your third year

Rigorous and intensive, 全面实用, 我们备受推崇的课程培养学生成为按立的司铎和非神职人员. 在这里, 女人和男人都工作, 太阳城官网, 并肩敬拜, 发展成为服侍今日教会和世界的领袖.

教区、高中、大学或教区的教会工作 社会公正机构 宗教和其他非营利组织 博士工作 高中教学 监狱部门 医院牧师服务
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ mdiv

A broad curriculum covers various disciplines that make up theology. 这个项目也很灵活:一半的要求是核心学分——在圣经太阳城官网等领域, 系统与历史神学, 道德神学, 和教会历史,其中一半是选修课.  


Program highlights:

  • 48 credits, usually completed in two years

  • 应用 up to nine credits in ancient or modern languages to the degree

  • Pursue directed 阅读 with faculty members during your second year

  • Optional research thesis for credit

Pursue meaningful work with faith-based and other nonprofit organizations or doctoral studies in theology after completing this program. 学术严谨的一般神学素养课程和丰富的选修课使我们的M.T.S.

博士生 高中教师 教区管理 非营利事业
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ mts

This 24-credit, civil degree can be completed full-time or part-time, in one year or two. 学生可以选择神学专业或牧师专业. 神学专门化在论文中达到高潮.

Lay students who have already completed a first-level master’s degree, 对博士工作感兴趣吗, 并且想要额外的课程也应该考虑我们的神学硕士课程.

太阳城网赌平台 prerequisites:

  • A foundational master’s degree in theology or its equivalent in credit hours

  • Ministerial experience

  • Evidence of excellence in previous academic work

Examine specific issues more deeply and sharpen ministerial skills through this flexible program. 学生们在很多方面使用他们的学位:追求任命, 完成神学太阳城官网, 应对各自领域的挑战, 并为博士工作做准备.

教区牧师 进一步的太阳城官网 高中教学 CPE居住
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/三卤甲烷

You must have an undergraduate degree to enroll.


  • Regular tuition applies

  • Take up to 12 credit hours total as a nondegree student

  • If you later enroll in a degree program, apply the credits you earn toward your degree

  • Cross-register at other Boston Theological Institute schools

  • Take courses for full credit or as an auditor (at half of the credit cost)  

We also offer a special Minister-in-the-Vicinity rate for auditors working full-time in local ministry; the rate applies to one course per semester.


Considering a career change, graduate program, or a return to campus? 或者想要进一步的教育和职业发展? 在完全投入之前探索一条道路,或者通过我们的非学位课程磨练你的技能, 可用的秋天, 春天, 和夏天.

教区牧师 宗教教育家 高中教学 高中或大学校园事工 学院或大学行政管理 非营利组织的工作
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/没有学位的
Ph.D. 神学与教育

Prepare for a career as a leader in religious education, 与您的STM顾问合作,并享受林奇教育学院和莫里西艺术与科学学院的课程. 你将设计自己的学习计划,并获得作为太阳城官网和教学助理的宝贵技能.

Program requirements include:

  • 48 credit hours beyond the master’s degree

  • Reading knowledge of one modern, classic, or biblical language other than English,

  • Comprehensive examinations

  • A dissertation


This unique and interdisciplinary program integrates coursework from across 太阳城网赌平台 to educate future scholars and educators. 享受心灵的平静,专注于你的太阳城官网与资助四年, 包括全额学费奖学金, 助学金, 还有健康保险.

教授 教堂主任 副教授 牧养事工计划主任 爱尔兰参议院议员 大学校长
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/博士学位

This advanced certificate is offered only in the summers and is completed over three summers. 该项目包括与教师的讨论, 他们是公认的专业人士, 和动手, 小组工作. 先决条件包括神学硕士学位和全职事工经验.

Program highlights:

  • An introduction to the fundamentals of spiritual direction practice

  • Opportunities to fine-tune your retreat skills

  • Convenient summer 太阳城官网—two weeks for three consecutive summers

  • Vibrant daily liturgy

  • Affordable on-campus housing

The 硕士后属灵培育证书 allows you to take the next step in your career and strengthen your ability to transform the spiritual lives of individuals and faith communities. 三个主题——祈祷和辨别, 精神指导的艺术, 在信仰社区内工作——强调这个项目.

精神的导演 高中或大学校园事工 高中教学 教区牧师 非营利组织的工作
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/ post-masters

The summer at STM is an exciting time to enrich, enhance, and renew your ministerial education. 有多种课程可供选择,包括为期三周的课程, 一周的课程, 六周圣经语言强化课程, 在线课程, 校园讲座, 还有早上和晚上的选择. 大多数课程都要求有本科学位,并且在到校之前必须完成学业.

Students can also stay active spiritually and socially, 通过日常质量建立联系, 礼仪事工的机会, 7月4日波士顿流行音乐会, 红袜队的比赛, 去北端和山姆亚当斯或鱼叉啤酒厂. 学校也提供校内住宿,让他们在这里的时间更实惠.  


Each summer, 来自世界各地的学生来到STM完成基础课程, 在特定的事工领域继续他们的专业发展, 连接, 分享他们独特的经历. 完成混合米.A. 或者拿个证书,或者只是来上课的.  

教区牧师 宗教教育家 高中教学 高中或大学校园事工 学院或大学行政管理 非营利组织的工作
公元前:学校/ stm / program-browser /卡/夏天
