Summary of Services

法律图书馆致力于帮助教师在太阳城官网和学术方面取得成功, 并提供宝贵的教学资源,如课程储备和课程管理技术方面的协助. Browse the tabs below to learn more.

Educational Technology


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Library Liaison Program

法律图书馆支持教师的太阳城官网和教学配对每个教员与我们的法律信息图书馆员之一, each of whom has a JD and MLIS. 图书馆联络员努力了解教师的太阳城官网项目,并探索他们可以支持教师太阳城官网和课堂教学的方式. 除了可以给你的课程做客座讲座, 联络员还可以培训和支持教师太阳城官网助理,这样你的学生助理就可以更好地支持你的太阳城官网

If you are not sure who your library liaison is, 请通过电子邮件与法律信息图书馆联系 or calling (617) 552-2971.


Promotion of Faculty Scholarship

图书馆致力于帮助不列颠哥伦比亚省法律系教师宣传和传播他们的出版物. 图书馆将学院刊物寄往下列地点:

  • LIRA @ BC Law: The law school’s institutional repository, 其中包含大多数教职员工作品的永久存档副本.
  • Selected Publications:图书馆太阳城官网和维护所有全职BC法律教师的书目. These bibliographies are linked to each faculty's webpage in the faculty directory on the domain.
  • Social Science Research Network (SSRN)这个主题库是新的法律学术太阳城官网的重要场所. 教师有几个选择发布到SSRN:你可以直接发布到SSRN,或者你可以通过电子邮件 Avi Bauer to have a specifc item posted to SSRN. All BC Law articles in SSRN, whether posted by the library or by the faculty member, are included in the 波士顿大学法学院法律太阳城官网系列论文.

In addition, 图书馆为各种目的向法学院的传播系提供出版物清单. 确保您的出版物被包括在所有适当的场所, 请通过联系数字倡议来通知图书馆您的活动 & Scholarly Communication Librarian, Avi Bauer (, 617-552-8602).

如果您对上述任何问题或担忧, 或者如果需要对你的教员网页进行更改, please contact Avi Bauer.


Submitting to Law Reviews

The law school provides faculty members access to Scholastica for submitting manuscripts to law reviews. 超过650个法律评论,包括波士顿大学法律评论,通过Scholastica接受提交. Log in with your misawa-city.com电子邮件地址,以便使用法学院的Scholastica帐户.

If you experience issues connecting to Scholastica, 或者如果您对服务有任何其他问题或顾虑, please contact the Digital Initiatives & Scholarly Communication Librarian, Avi Bauer (, 617-522-8602).

The library also maintains a list of online companions to major U.S. law reviews. 在线同伴提供了一个发表短篇文章的机会,通常是关于及时的话题.


Interlibrary Loan

法律图书馆将尝试借用法律图书馆无法提供的学术或太阳城官网所需的材料. There is no charge for this service. Materials from other libraries can be found on WorldCat and requests are submitted through the ILLiad portal. For further instructions see the interlibrary loan user's guide.


Book Delivery

要从法律图书馆的馆藏中获得一本书,请发送电子邮件至 如果你马上需要一本书,最好打电话给问讯处617-552-4434. It also is possible to request a book via the online Catalog, which will then be delivered to your faculty mailbox.


Requesting the Purchase of Books/Databases

法律图书馆鼓励您请求或推荐一般感兴趣或在您的教学领域的书籍和其他材料, research, and scholarship.  Contact Deena Frazier (, Collection Services Librarian, 您希望我们将特定的书籍或其他物品添加到法律图书馆的馆藏中.


New Acquisitions Lists

The Law Library posts a new acquisitions list that can be used to find our newest resources.


Submitting Course Reserves

法律图书馆管理法学院课程的课程储备. 图书馆会自动将通过大学书店订购的所有图书保留. 如果您想为您的课程保留额外的材料, please contact Georgia Coats at

Instructors can also use the new Course Resources tool, available within Canvas, to send us reading lists. To learn more about the Course Resources tool, see our Guide to Course Resources for Instructors. Please contact Georgia Coats at with any questions.

请在每学期开始前尽快提交您的课程预定名单. Some items may need to be ordered, recalled, scanned, or downloaded, 哪些因素会导致收到清单的时间和学生可以使用材料的时间之间的延迟.


Types of Reserve Material

Course reserve material may include books, book chapters (scanned and available in PDF if allowed by copyright guidelines; otherwise the book will be placed on reserve), articles, and videos. The library will purchase items for course reserve, but personal copies may also be put on reserve; please bring them to the Information Desk for processing.



E-Course Reserves

For digital materials, the library is able to:

  • Add digital items such as e-books to course reserve lists.
  • Scan copies of book chapters or articles, 然后可以添加到课程预订列表或直接上传到您的Canvas网站.

Every digitization request must be considered in light of fair use. Typically, for course reserves, the scanning of one entire chapter or ten percent of a book will comport with fair use, 虽然稍微多一点可能是适当的,当没有数字选项可供购买或许可. 有关版权和合理使用扫描材料的更多信息,请参阅 O'Neill e-course reserves copyright policy.


Non-Law Courses

法律图书馆只处理法学院课程的课程储备. 所有其他课程,请联系以下相应的图书馆:



项目可能被放置在储备为秋季和春季会议. 课程预留列表只显示当前学期正在教授的课程. Unless otherwise notified, physical items (e.g.(图书、个人复印本、dvd)将在每学期结束时从保留状态中移除.


Course Reserves & Canvas

The course reserves list appears in every Canvas site.  To access the course reserves lists, navigate to the Course Resources tab in Canvas.