宣教事工服务中心提供高效率的服务, professional, 和可靠的客户支持与财务报告, budget management, PeopleSoft processing, P-card management, grant administration, human resources, web services, program management (UMM System), event & retreat planning, and special projects. Refer to the What's New Archive for monthly updates.

P: 617-552-2283
F: 617-552-2329

Brock House - 78 College Rd.
Chestnut Hill, MA 02467


How Can We Help You?



Payment Forms



Employee Reimbursement Form要报销员工的费用,请填好这张表并记录下来 ITEMIZED receipts to an 8.5x11 ONE-SIDED blank page.
Student Reimbursement Form要报销学生,请填写此表格并将其全部录下来 ITEMIZED receipts to an 8.5x11 ONE-SIDED blank page.
Student Direct Deposit FormTo reimburse a student (who is not working for BC),请填妥此表格.
Voucher Form此表格应随附任何与付款给供应商(外部供应商、公司和非bc个人). 如果这个供应商之前没有收到太阳城网赌平台的付款, please have them fill out a W9 or a W8Ben
U.S. Supplier or Individual Registration Form所有向太阳城网赌平台提供服务或商品的新公司或个人必须注册为供应商(This process is replacing W9 & W8-Ben paper form submissions).
Award FormUse this form to pay an award to a STUDENT. 此表格不应用于提交所提供服务的付款. 
HonorariumFill out this form when paying a non-BC speaker or other professional 提供法律上或传统上不需要收费的服务的人. 如果这位演讲者以前没有得到太阳城网赌平台的报酬,请让他们填写W9. 

Independent Contractor Policy
Gift Card Policy

 在处理与外部供应商付款有关的表格之前,请查看以下政策, companies and non-BC Individuals.

Travel Advance Form

如果旅行费用在旅行前已经发生,则可以获得旅行预支.g. airplane). The form must be signed and received at least TWO WEEKS prior to the trip and must include the PROPER 证明已发生费用的证明文件. 预支款项不会发放给尚未对先前发放的预支款项进行核对的员工.
International Currency Conversion
Travel Expense and Reimbursement Policies
P-Card Support FormUse this form if you have a question regarding your p-card (charge was declined; suspect fraudulent charge; or any other question you may have)

Deposits from Income & Fundraising

eMarket Request Form


Fundraising Deposit Form

向参与者收取报酬和会费, 我们强烈建议您尽可能使用UMM系统和CashNet. 

设立一个新的现金网筹款项目(如.e. bake sale, t-shirts, etc.), 填写一份电子市场申请表,并在你想开始收款的日期前两周提交给UMMSC.

Deposits from Donations

我们鼓励捐款通过网上收集 UMM Online Giving page. 如果以支票形式收到,请使用以下其中一种表格并将其交付给UMMSC:

Gift Deposit Form

Budget/Financial Question

Events and Retreats

Request Forms

Off-Campus Events & Retreats

Bus Request Only for Off-Campus

On-Campus Events & Retreats

*Please note: 您不再需要使用服务中心预订教室、礼堂或休息室. 确保在活动/会议的标题前加上“(学生项目)”. 如果有需要收费的地点,或者你想通过活动管理中心订餐,你可以 must use the Service Center. 

Related Links:

  • BC Event Planning 101 
    • A list of timelines that you need to follow 
    • 校园里可以点外卖的地点.
      • *你不能在任何有厨房的地方点外面的食物. 
    • Additional fees that you might incur (i.e. Grounds overtime, supervisor fees, etc.)
  • Heights Catering Menu
    • 请查看“事件管理”为您的事件提供的菜单列表.
  • Drop-Off Services - "Heights Express" 
    • 在最后一分钟点餐时使用高地快车
    • *请注意:服务中心不提供团体订餐服务. To place an order go to your Agora 页,在“食物选择”下选择“高地餐饮-送餐服务”. It is recommended that you use your PCARD. 

Hire Forms

Request Forms

Undergraduate Student Hires

  • 此表格只适用于整个学年聘用的学生

Fall, Spring and Summer Graduate Student Hires

  • 此表格只适用于整个学年聘用的学生

Graduate Student One-Time Payment Form

Tuition Remission Request Form

Supplemental Payment Forms for Employees

请仔细阅读表格,以确保遵循最佳做法. 如果您有任何问题,请随时与我们联系 ummsc@misawa-city.com

UMM System

Request Forms

Existing Program

Student Access

Login Links:

Program Manager Login

Student and Other Participant Login

Participant Profile

Frequently Asked Questions

问:当我登录bc时,我无法查看我的节目.edu/ummpm. How do I get access?

A: Submit a request through the Existing Program Request Form 详细说明您正在使用的程序,服务中心将授予您适当的访问权限.


答:你的学生可以进入你的课程. First, have them sign the UMMPM Confidentiality Agreement. 一旦学生通知你他们签署了协议,项目经理就应该填写 Student Access 表格,要求服务中心给予这些学生访问权限. 


A: Submit a request through the Existing Program Request Form with the new fee and the first name, last name, 和您希望支付替代费用金额的人的Eagle ID号码.


A: Yes! The UMMPM Info Sheet 回顾了如何使用UMM系统的基础知识.



Request Forms

Website Request


Website Protocol

Please refer to the University Editorial Style Guideline 如果你对网络的最佳实践有任何疑问.


Request Forms

P-Card Request

P-Card Question

Deactivate P-Card



  • Know before you go! p卡不适用于编码为 sit-down restaurants. 如果您想在尝试购买之前了解您的供应商是如何编码的, visit the Visa Supplier Locator.

New Program

Request Forms

New Program Request

此申请表适用于UMM系统中的任何新项目、务虚会、活动/会议或预算. 服务中心的人会联系你,决定是否需要召开会议来讨论新项目, retreat, or budget.

Bellarmine House Reservation

Request Forms

UMM Bellarmine Reservation

如果你不是宣教和事工部的成员,你想预订Bellarmine House, please reach out to Lisa Gentile at lisa.gentile@misawa-city.com in regards to your request.