
林奇学校一直名列前25名的教育学校,并作为教育在全国排名第一的天主教学校. Theory, 太阳城官网, 实践是跨项目整合的, 这也充分利用了学校提供的大量实习机会, 医院, 心理健康中心, 以及波士顿市区的大学. 林奇学院的重点是扩大社会正义是我们的项目和我们的学生和教师的工作的一个标志.



应用统计学 & 心理测验学,M.S.


  • Exposure to the latest trends in psychometric theory and 太阳城官网.
  • Internships with national organizations such as ACT, ETS, and Cognia.
  • Coursework focused on organizational, 教育, 以及行为改善和公平通过循证太阳城官网.

Use advanced data analysis and statistical expertise to improve evidence-based organizational decision-making and practices. 

教育太阳城官网人员 教育顾问 主要心理计量学家 项目分析 教育家 机构太阳城官网人员
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Master-of-Science-MS-in-Applied-Statistics-and-Psychometrics
课程 & 指令,米.Ed.


  • Students develop a personalized program of study with their advisor to fit their professional goals. 
  • Examine approaches to multicultural education, 反种族主义教育, 以及旨在改变课程的包容性.

Enhance your knowledge of curriculum, policy, 而教育学则是对教育哲学和政治的深入探索, social, 以及教与学的哲学基础.

学校领导(校长、副校长等.) 教师领导(院长、学术协调员等.) l形的协调员 老师 项目协调人
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ 课程-and-Instruction-MEd


  • Approach data science with a human-centered mindset by centering ethics, bias, 安全和隐私问题会影响调查结果和随后的决策.
  • An online part-time program designed for students to leave the program with evidence of their skills by having a body of work to show employers through a capstone project.
  • Opportunities to learn in small class sizes and interactive programming incorporating discussions, 反射, 案例太阳城官网.


Apply technical methods and consulting skills to address the needs of organizations and 社区, 为经验丰富的专业人士和刚毕业的大学生在世界上发展最快的领域之一的职业生涯做好准备.

数据科学家 机器学习工程师 数据工程师 数据分析师/顾问 商业智能分析师 太阳城官网科学家
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ m-s-in-data-science


  • Donovan Scholars select the desired program from the list below which correlates with a state license. 您可以选择在任何州获得执照,并将完成适当的评估。. 
    • Early Childhood Education
    • 小学教育
    • 中等教育
    • Moderate Special Needs
  • Donovan Urban Teaching Scholars provides interactive urban education seminars, 批判性探究太阳城官网, 社会正义教育, 以及社区建设,以满足城市青年及其家庭的学术和社会文化需求. 

As part of an intensive one-year (18-month) M.Ed. 导致许可的程序, 多诺万城市教学学者通过优先考虑批判性探究的课程,学习如何在城市学校成为K-12教师, 社会正义教育, 社区建设.

Cohort-based 大量财政援助 量身定制的研讨会和体验式学习
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/城市教师


  • Degree are offered in tandem to allow for an accelerated timeline. 
  • Student must be accepted to each degree individually.

Take advantage of strengths across 太阳城网赌平台 with programs that offer a 林奇学校 degree and a degree from another 太阳城网赌平台 school. 

高等教育硕士.A. & 业务,米.B.A. 咨询、米.A. & 神学 & 部,米.A. 教育、米.A. or M.Ed. & Law, J.D.
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/双学位


  • 课程 includes courses such as Science Play and Learning, and Arts and Music.
  • Benefit from the close relationship with 太阳城网赌平台 Children's Center和Saint Columbkille Partnership School.
  • Graduates become eligible for initial licensure in Massachusetts.

Nurture a diverse range of pre-K–2 students with authentic and meaningful teaching in this licensure program. 

情老师 幼儿园老师 一年级教师 二年级教师 教务助理校长
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Master-of-Education-MEd-in-Early-Childhood-Education
教育领导 & 政策,米.Ed.


  • Draw on social-justice values and leadership strategies to boldly improve equitable opportunities for traditionally marginalized students.
  • Tailor your education and concentrate in 教育政策 Development or Social 正义 Leadership.
  • Licensure track leading to school principal licensure.




Assume a leadership role in 教育 systems serving students, families, and 社区.

学校校长 太阳城官网员 教务长 负责人 学校副校长
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Master-of-Education-MEd-in-Educational-Leadership-and-Policy


  • Students develop skills to work with diverse range of children, 同时利用教学实践的知识和对儿童的看法, 学校, 和社会.
  • Graduates are eligible for initial licensure in Massachusetts.


Prepare to teach the elementary grades in an ethical, 文化精通, 熟练的, 合作方式.

班主任(1-6年级) 副校长 太阳城官网助理 教育提倡 非营利组织的教育工作者
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Master-of-Education-MEd-in-Elementary-Education


  • Students explore 教育 viewpoints across a wide range of cultures and countries.
  • Conduct action 太阳城官网 to address problems encountered in your 教育 setting.
  • Opportunities to hear worldwide guest speakers provide insights on global education trends.



Learn to apply global perspectives to benefit students in a variety of 教育 settings, 包括国际学校.

老师 校长 项目董事 行动太阳城官网 学校管理人员
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Master-of-Education-MEd-in-Global-Perspectives-Teaching-课程-and-Learning-Environments


  • Choose one of four concentrations: 
    • Administration
    • Student Affairs
    • International Perspectives
    • Spirituality, Faith, and 形成.
  • Develop expertise in critical issues facing higher education.
  • Graduate assistantships are integral to the program as they provide valuable professional experience while reducing the financial burden on students.

Develop expertise in student affairs, 政府, 国际高等教育或天主教大学在全国首批高等教育太阳城官网生课程之一.

学生事务 大学招生 多元化和包容性 高等教育领导 机构发展 国际项目
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Master-of-Arts-MA-in-Higher-Education


  • Apply Jesuit teaching and curricular practices that improve life opportunities for students in diverse global contexts.  
  • Engage in action 太阳城官网 to solve a problem of practice. 
  • This program is affiliated with 太阳城网赌平台&耶稣会高级太阳城官网所.


Utilize an Ignatian and international lens to best meet the needs of global and diverse students.

公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ jesuit-education-med


  • Students gain hands-on design experience, 跨学科的知识, 以及学习设计和技术的技术技能.
  • You&我将直接运用这些技能, 理论, 和你在课堂上学到的模型, 最终形成一个应用经验项目.

Prepare to design engaging and effective learning experiences that are informed by the learning sciences and incorporate cutting-edge technologies.

学习工程师 学习体验和用户体验设计师 教学设计师或评估员 课程开发人员 教育技术顾问 企业培训和发展经理
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/必备——学习,设计,和技术


  • Students develop strong counseling skills, 从事反思学术太阳城官网, 并掌握科学的最佳实践.
  • Year-long practicum in community health centers, 学校, 医院, or treatment programs.
  • Options for Massachusetts Licensure (60 credits) or Non-Licensure (48 credits) program track.

Prepare to serve the mental health needs of individuals, groups, 社区, 以及跨背景和文化的系统, 促进和倡导社会变革.

持牌心理健康顾问 太阳城官网健康科学专家 家庭治疗师 药物滥用临床医生 心理学家
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Master-of-Arts-MA-in-Mental-Health-Counseling


  • Students have hands-on opportunities to work on applied 太阳城官网 and evaluation projects in a variety of settings including K-12 and higher education, 社会服务, 公共卫生.
  • Learn ways to develop and conduct studies that honor the perspectives and experiences of marginalized populations.
  • Wide selection of electives make the program customizable for each student.


Develop data-driven skills to improve organizational decision-making and conduct vital evaluations to examine processes and outcomes.

教育太阳城官网人员 教育家 数据分析师 评估专家 顾问 机构太阳城官网人员
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Master-of-Education-MEd-in-Educational-太阳城官网-Methodology


  • Program promotes a “whole child” approach to counseling where graduates consider both the in-school and out-of-school factors that impact students.
  • Our 48-credit track meets current Massachusetts requirements for initial licensure.

Become an advocate who utilizes evidence-based practices to promote positive development for all children and adolescents.

小学辅导顾问 中学辅导员 高中指导顾问 大学招生 大学咨询
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ School-Counseling-MA


  • Content area electives allow students to create a personalized program in their content area.
  • Students learn how to teach for social justice and reflect on their practice as a means to enrich their teaching and lesson planning skills.
  • Graduates are eligible for initial licensure in Massachusetts.

Prepare to teach grades 8-12 in one of the following disciplines: Biology, 化学, 英语, 历史, 数学, 或物理.

高中教师 中学教师 领导老师 副校长
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/ Master-of-Education-MEd-in-Secondary-Education


  • Students are prepared to work in a variety of settings, 包括一个完全包容的教室.
  • Benefits of the dual degree/dual licensure programs: practicum experience meeting both licensure requirements, 速成课程.




As 学校 become more inclusive, 林奇学院提供各种单学位和双学位/双执照硕士课程&轻度/中度和广泛的支持需求.

适度的支持需求 广泛的支持需求 适度和广泛的支持需求 初级教育和中等支持需求 基础教育和广泛的支持需求 中等教育及广泛支援需要
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学历/ special-education-licensure


  • Urban Catholic Teaching Corps (UCTC) trains students who want to intentionally and actively participate in formation as Catholic school teachers in urban settings. UCTC为参与者提供每周信仰分享的机会, 一年静修三次, 精神上的方向, 朝圣, 充分参与社区生活.
  • UCTC members complete a master’s degree in 课程 & Instruction and commit to a two-year teaching practicum in Boston’s Catholic 学校 serving urban students. 
  • Students who have completed a year in the 天主教城市教师团 are able to apply for dual degree programs throughout their 教育 journey
    • M.A. 在神学 & Ministry
    • M.Ed. 教育领导 & Policy

天主教城市教师团 (UCTC) actively engages in the ministry of teaching in the 学校 of the Archdiocese of Boston. UCTC根据500年历史的耶稣会形成性教育传统,提供学术严谨、经验丰富的城市天主教教师培训. 

Cohort-based 大量财政援助 量身定制的研讨会和体验式学习
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/城市教师


  • Donovan Urban Teaching Scholars provides interactive urban education seminars, 批判性探究太阳城官网, 社会正义教育, 以及社区建设,以满足城市青年及其家庭的学术和社会文化需求. 

  • Urban Catholic Teaching Corps (UCTC) trains students who want to intentionally and actively participate in formation as Catholic school teachers in urban settings. UCTC为参与者提供每周信仰分享的机会, 一年静修三次, 精神上的方向, 朝圣, 充分参与社区生活.

The 林奇学校&美国城市教学计划:多诺万城市教学学者和城市天主教教学团, 是否适合那些致力于支持城市学校和社区的学生. 

Cohort-based 大量财政援助 量身定制的研讨会和体验式学习
公元前:学校/ LSOE /学术/项目/城市教师
