
生物系认为对生物系统的基本理解是在我们这个日益科技化的社会中必不可少的技能,并为生物专业和非专业提供一系列课程. 课程旨在提高科学素养和对复杂生物系统的深刻理解. Our courses introduce students to life at various levels of organization, with topics ranging from the molecular basis of cellular function, to the coordination of organ systems in the physiology of organisms, to the interactions of organisms with each other and the environment. 生物学太阳城官网和实验的重要性贯穿整个课程, which includes both lab courses and research experiences.

The 生物系 offers the following degrees:

理学士(理学学士.S.生物学 一个结构化的课程是为那些对该领域需要强大的物理背景知识感兴趣的生物专业学生准备的吗, 化学, and mathematics and for students who want to fulfill premedical/predental requirements.

文学士(学士.A.生物学 是一个灵活的项目,可以让学生为生命科学太阳城官网生院做准备,还是可以与其他领域相结合, 包括法律, 道德, 历史, 社会学, 计算机科学, 和管理. B.A. 为生物学提供了坚实的基础,但在选课上有更大的灵活性,因为它取消了一些B级的化学和定量要求.S. 程序. 因此,学生在B.A. 程序 can either add more depth and focus around a sub-discipline or have more breadth, either within the biology curriculum or by taking advantage of the B.A. 选修课的选择. 学生 should note that, unlike the B.S. 程序,B.A. 程序 does not fulfill medical school admission requirements.

生物系提供一门课程 minor in 生物学, a concentration in Bioinformatics,并共同发起一项 理学士(理学学士.S.)生物化学 together with the 化学 Department. The 生物化学 degree is described separately in this Catalog. 生物学辅修和生物信息学专业的要求可以在生物系网站上找到.
