Address to Representatives of Jewish Organizations

Rome, March 12, 1979


Dear Friends:

It is with great pleasure that 我问候你们,犹太世界组织的主席和代表们, 并以此身份与天主教会的代表组成 International Liaison Committee. I greet also the other representatives of various national Jewish committees who are here with you. Four years ago, my 他的前任保禄六世也接待了同样的国际委员会 告诉他们,他们决定在罗马会面,他是多么高兴 is the center of the Catholic Church [cf. Address of January 10,1975].

Now you have also decided to 来到罗马,迎接新教皇,会见委员会的成员 与犹太人的宗教关系,从而太阳城官网和给一个新的冲动 the dialogue which for the past years you have had with authorized representatives of the Catholic Church. This is indeed, therefore, an important 这是两国关系史上的重要时刻,我很高兴有这个机会 say a word myself on this subject.

As your representative has mentioned, it was the Second Vatican Council with its declaration Nostra Aetate, No. 4, that provided the starting point for this new 这是天主教会和英国之间关系的一个充满希望的阶段 Jewish religious community. In effect, the Council made very clear that, "while 寻找教会的奥秘,”它唤起了“精神上的” 将新约的人与亚伯拉罕的血统联系在一起的纽带" [Nostra Aetate, 4]. 因此,它明白我们两个宗教团体是联系在一起的 并在各自的宗教身份层面上密切相关. “因为(教会的)信仰和拣选已经开始了 among the patriarchs, Moses and the Prophets," and "therefore she 她不能忘记,她是通过《太阳城网赌平台》得到启示的 上帝以他无法形容的仁慈,屈尊与他们建立 ancient covenant" [ibid.]. It is on the basis of all this that we recognize 非常清楚我们应该如何处理犹太人 宗教团体是一个兄弟对话和富有成果的合作团体.

According to this solemn 在任务规定的范围内,罗马教廷设法提供进行这种对话的工具 和合作,促进他们在中心和 elsewhere throughout the Church. Thus, the Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews was created in 1974. At the same time, the dialogue began to 在世界各地的地方教会中分几个层次发展 Holy See itself. I wish to acknowledge here the friendly response and goodwill, 确实是亲切的主动,教会已经找到并继续找到 在你的组织和犹太社区的其他大部门之间.

I believe that both sides must 继续自己的坚强努力,克服过去的困难,以便 履行上帝爱的诫命,并维持一个真正富有成果和兄弟情谊的家庭 有利于各方利益的对话 our better service of humanity.

The guidelines you have mentioned, 我希望强调和重申其价值,并指出一些方法和手段 obtain these aims. 你想强调特别重要的一点是正确的: 因此,基督徒必须努力获得更好的知识 basic components of the religious tradition of Judaism; they must strive to 了解犹太人根据他们的信仰定义自己的基本特征 own religious experience" [Prologue, Guidelines and Suggestions for Implementing the Conciliar Declaration Nostra Aetate, No. 4, Vatican Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews, December 1, 1974]. Another important reflection is the following: "In virtue 教会的神圣使命,她的本质,必须宣讲耶稣基督 to the world [Ad Gentes, 2]. Lest the witness of Catholics to 耶稣基督应该冒犯犹太人,他们必须小心生活和传播 他们的基督教信仰,同时对宗教保持最严格的尊重 liberty in line with the teaching of the Second Vatican Council [Dignitatis Humanae]. They will likewise strive to understand the difficulties 为犹太人的灵魂而生——正确地充满了一种极其崇高、纯洁的精神 神的超越性的概念——当面对道成肉身的奥秘 Word" [Guidelines, 1]

These recommendations refer, 当然是对天主教徒,但我不认为这是多余的 repeat them here. They help us to have a clear notion of Judaism and Christianity and of their true mutual relationship. You are here, I believe, to help us in our reflections on Judaism. And I am sure that we find in you, and in the 你所代表的社区,一个真实而深刻的倾向去理解 基督教和天主教会今天的身份,这样我们 愿双方共同努力,克服各种困难 prejudice and discrimination.

In this connection, it is useful to refer once more to the Council declaration, Nostra Aetate, and 重申准则中关于拒绝“一切形式的 反犹太主义和歧视" "而不是精神上的 基督教“但是”,在任何情况下,人的尊严 alone would suffice to condemn" [Guidelines, Prologue]. The Catholic 因此,教会在原则上明确否认所有这类侵犯人权的行为 rights wherever they may occur throughout the world. I am, moreover, happy to 今天在你们面前唤起我的前任的敬业和有效的工作 Pius XII on behalf of the Jewish people. And on my part I shall continue with 愿神帮助我在罗马的牧职——正如我在罗马教廷所努力做的 克拉科夫——以任何方式帮助所有受苦或受压迫的人.

Following also in particular 在保罗六世的脚步中,我打算促进精神上的对话,并做 我将尽我所能,为那片被你们视为圣地的土地争取和平 为我们,希望耶路撒冷城将得到有效的保障 作为一神教三大和谐中心的追随者 犹太教、伊斯兰教和基督教,这座城市是受人尊敬的地方 place of devotion.

I am sure that the very fact 今天的会议,你们如此善意地要求召开,本身就是一个 表达对话和迈向更全面相互了解的新步骤 which we are called to achieve. By pursuing this goal we are all sure of being 忠信并顺服神的旨意,就是先祖之神的旨意 Prophets. To God, then, I would like to turn at the end of these reflections. 我们所有的人,无论是犹太教徒还是基督教徒,都用同样的祷告频繁地向他祈祷, taken from the Book which we both consider to be the word of God. It is for him to give to both religious communities, so near to each other, that 和解和有效的爱同时是他的命令和他的 gift [ff. Lev. 19:18; Mark 12:30]. In his sense, I believe, each time that Jews recite the Shema Israel, each time that Christians recall the first and 第二条诫命,因着神的恩典,我们彼此更亲近.

As a sign of understanding and fraternal love 至此,我再次向各位表示诚挚的欢迎和问候 都用了那个意义丰富的词,取自希伯来语,我们 Christians also use in our Liturgy: Peace be with you. Shalom. Shalom!

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