地址 representatives of the Jewish community in 美因茨, West Germany



您好! 女士们,先生们,亲爱的兄弟们 姐妹!

我感谢你的友好和真诚 问候语. This meeting was a deep need for me in the framework of this 我感谢你们实现了我的梦想. 愿上帝的祝福与此相伴 小时!

1. 如果基督徒必须考虑自己 brothers of all men and behave accordingly, this holy obligation is all the more binding when they find themselves before members of the Jewish people! 在 宣言 论教会与犹太教的关系 今年4月, bishops of the Federal Republic of Germany put this sentence at the beginning: “谁遇见耶稣基督,谁就遇见犹太教.“我想做 这些话也是我的. 耶稣基督的信仰,大卫的子孙和 son of Abraham actually contains what the bishops call in that declaration "the total heritage of Israel for the Church" [11], a living heritage which must be understood and preserved in its depth and richness by us Catholic 基督徒.

2. 具体的兄弟之间的关系 Jews and Catholics in Germany assume a quite particular value against the grim background of the persecution and the attempted extermination of Judaism in this 国家. The innocent victims in Germany and elsewhere, the families destroyed or dispersed, the cultural values or art treasures destroyed forever, are a tragic proof of where discrimination and contempt of human dignity can lead, especially if they are animated by perverse theories on a presumed difference in the value of races or on the division of men into men of "high worth," "值得活下去"和"毫无价值" "不值得"的人 的生活.“在上帝面前,所有的人都有同样的价值和重要性.

本着这种精神,在 persecution, 基督徒 likewise committed themselves, often at the risk of their lives, to prevent or relieve the sufferings of their Jewish brothers and 姐妹. I would like to express recognition and gratitude to them at this 时刻. And also to those people who, as 基督徒, affirming they belonged to 犹太人,沿着 通过十字架的 他们的兄弟 姐妹 to the end - like the great Edith Stein, called in her religious institute Teresa Benedicta of the Cross, whose memory is rightly held in great 荣誉.

我还要进一步提到弗兰兹 Rosenzweig and Martin Buber, who, through their creative familiarity with the Jewish and German languages, constructed a wonderful bridge for a deeper meeting 这两个文化领域.

你们自己也有压力 your 问候语, that in the many efforts to build up a new common life with Jewish citizens in this 国家; Catholics and the Church have made a 决定性的贡献. 这种认可和协作对你来说是必要的 离别使我充满喜悦. 就我而言,我也要表示感激和钦佩 for your initiatives in this connection, including the recent foundation of your 海德堡大学.

3. 的深度和丰富 our common heritage are revealed to us particularly in friendly 对话 and 信任的合作. 我很高兴,在这个国家,有意识和热心 这一切都需要关心. 许多公共和私人的倡议 pastoral, academic, and social field serve this purpose, as on very solemn 比如最近在 Katholikentag in 柏林. Also an encouraging sign was the meeting of the International Committee between the 罗an Catholic Church and Judaism in Regensburg last year.

这不仅仅是一个问题 correcting a false religious view of the Jewish people, which, in the course of history, was one of the causes that contributed to misunderstanding and persecution, but above all of the 对话 between the two religions, which - with Islam - gave the world faith in the one, ineffable God who speaks to us, 愿为全世界的人服事他.

它的第一个维度 对话, that is, the meeting between the people of God of the Old Covenant, 从未被上帝收回[cf]. 罗. [11:29]和新约的意义,在 same time a 对话 within our Church, that is to say, between the first and 她的圣经的第二部分. 在这种情况下, 大会宣言的适用 诺酯 说:“ effort must be made to understand better everything in the Old Testament that 有自己的、永久的价值吗 . . . 因为这个值不会被 later interpretation of the New Testament, which, on the contrary, gave the Old Testament its full meaning, so that it is a question rather of reciprocal 启蒙与解释”[11].

我们的第二次元 对话 - the true and central one - is the meeting between present-day Christian Churches and the present-day people of the Covenant concluded with 摩西. 重要的是,在这里基督徒-继续 post-conciliar directives - should aim at understanding better the fundamental elements of the religious tradition of Judaism, and learn what fundamental lines are essential for the religious reality lived by the Jews, according to their 自己的理解”【太阳城网赌平台】. 这种相互了解的方式是 对话. I thank you, venerated brothers and 姐妹, for carrying it out, you 还有那种"开放和宽广的精神 “机智”和“谨慎”,这些都是推荐给我们的 天主教徒受上述指示. 这是这次对话的成果 indication for its fruitful continuation is the declaration of German bishops quoted at the beginning "on the relationship between the Church and 犹太教”,今年4月. 我热切希望这份宣言 should become the spiritual property of all Catholics in Germany!

我还想参考一下 简短地谈谈我们对话的第三个方面. 德国主教奉献 concluding chapter of their declaration to the tasks which we have in common. Jews and 基督徒, as children of Abraham, are called to be a blessing for the 世界(cf. 创. 12:2 ff.],共同致力于和平与和平 justice among all men and peoples, with the fullness and depth that God himself intended us to have, and with the readiness for sacrifices that this goal may 需求. The more our meeting is imprinted with this sacred duty, the more it 对我们自己也是一种祝福.

4. 鉴于此 promise and call of Abraham's, I look with you to the destiny and role of your 人民中的人民. 我愿意和你一起为圆满的 您好 for all your brothers in nationality and in faith, and also for the land to 犹太人特别崇敬的是什么. 本世纪见证了第一次朝圣 去圣地的教皇. 最后,我愿重复保罗六世的话 entering Jerusalem: "Implore with us, in your desire and in your prayer, 尊重与和平降临在这片上帝到访的独特土地上! 让我们在这里祈祷 together for the grace of a real and deep brotherhood between all men, between 各国人民! . . . 爱你的人必得福吗. 是的,愿和平永存 你的城墙,你宫中的平安. 我为你祈祷平安. 我渴望 祝你幸福。. Ps. 122:6-9].

万民都可以住在耶路撒冷吗 愿你早日与亚伯拉罕和好并蒙祝福! 他,不可言喻的人,是属于谁的呢 creation speaks to us: he, who does not force mankind to goodness, but guides it: he, who manifests himself in our fate and is silent, he, who chooses all of us as his people; may he guide us along his ways to his future!

赞美他的名字! 阿门.