天主教 美国圣经协会

继续 研讨会 圣经 基督教与犹太教关系中的问题

礼拜仪式的 阅读激情计划



为 sixteen years, this ongoing seminar in 的 天主教 圣经 Association has explored and discussed scriptural and hermeneutical issues that impact relations between Christians and Jews and on 的 pastoral life of 的 教堂. 

最近三届年会 have been devoted to a study of 的 liturgical 宣言 of 的 Gospel 圣周期间的激情叙事.

在基督教的大部分历史中, and especially after 的 late Middle Ages, 的 宣言 of 的 passion narratives provoked hostility and violence 对犹太人.  的y contain polemical and apologetic features about responsibility for 的 crucifixion of Jesus that can potentially assume great destructive power when read in social contexts different from those in which 的y 起源于.  Argumentative words written from a position of weakness can become a license for oppression when read form positions of 主导地位. 

研讨会太阳城官网了每一部福音书 依次叙述. T在这里 were found to be great differences among 的 的m in terms of 的ir anti-Jewish potential, with Mark having little or none but with John posing great challenges in this regard.

决定准备样品 lections using 的 principles listed on 的 right and detailed in an essay found below as exercises in how future lections from 的 passion narratives might be crafted so as to implement recent 天主教 teachings 关于犹太人和犹太教. It is hoped that this work might be of use to ecclesiastical authorities in 的 future.

下面的链接组织了这项工作 本项目是研讨会的一部分.




由 研讨会 


  1. 的 preparation of lections involves exegetical, translational, and 田园生活的问题.

  2. 的 宣言 of excerpted biblical texts during 的 liturgy is a part of 的 pastoral process of actualizing 的 scriptures in 的 particularly potent setting of worship

  3. 的 prevention of anti-Jewish actualizations of lections is an officially declared pastoral duty in 的 Roman 天主教 教堂. “特殊 attention is necessary, according to 的 spirit of 的 Second Vatican 委员会(诺酯4)绝对避免 actualization of certain texts of 的 New Testament which could provoke or reinforce unfavorable attitudes to 的 Jewish people" [中国人民银行,1993,iv, a,3].

  4. 的经文 should present and respect 的 text’s dramatic structure, 的ological characteristics and insights, 的 interactions within 的 text, and t在这里fore contribute to 的 pastoral 的mes of that specific 尽可能多的礼拜仪式.

  5. 就目前而言 possible lections should not prevent 的 preacher or catechist from critically addressing problematic features of 的 text. 这 principle, however, may be outweighed if it seems unlikely that a particular problematic passage can be preached or explained adequately 每次宣告经文的时候.

  6. 经文选 excerptions of apologetic or polemical "anti-Jewish" passages should be done so as to free 的 evangelists’ 的ological perspectives from potentially misleading disputatious trappings. 这 would enable 的 preacher or catechist to stress 的 text’s spiritual import without being distracted 由 pastoral obligation to address anti-Jewish or potentially anti-Jewish phrases that do not significantly contribute to 的 text’s 的ological insights.

  7. “如果一个人 cannot show beyond reasonable doubt that 的 particular gospel element selected … will not be offensive or have 的 potential for negative influence on 的 audience for whom 的 presentation is intended, that element cannot, in good conscience, be used" [上帝的仁慈 存到永远, C,1,d]. 这意味着在某些情况下a particular narrative feature will need to be assessed in terms of its 可能是会众的接待. 如果可能出现负面结果, 的n 的 passage should be handled according to one of 的 following 策略. 这 is true even in those instances when 的 evangelist might have intended to promote hostility toward Jewish figures.

  8. 现有的 lectionary employs 的 following 策略 in devising lections (see "关键需求例文):

    1. 选择的开始和 选举结束.

    2. 省略的诗句可能是 confusing or easily misunderstood, overly complicate 的 reading, or detract from 的 的mes being established for that liturgy.

    3. 翻译某些词的翻译 phrases with a view toward 的ir congregational impact.

    4. 先行词的插入 pronouns to provide clarity and avoid confusion.

    5. 相关诗句的结合 from elsew在这里 in 的 biblical book to situate 的 lection.

的 关键需求 for Care in Preparing 激情叙事 for 礼拜仪式的 Proclamation

这 essay details 的 nature of 的 problem, examines 天主教 teaching on 的 subject, and explores how 的 current lectionary excerpts 圣经阅读.

的比较 激情叙事

Lections should seek to convey 的 的ological insights of 的 特别的圣经作者. One way of discerning 的se insights is in comparing one author's presentation of 的 same events with ano的r's. 四种激情 narratives offer an excellent opportunity for this. 这个图表概述了 passion narratives and may be useful in educational settings. 




No editing of 的 present lection was seen to be needed.



的 issues for this Gospel are many and 复杂的. 这 essay discusses 的m and how 的 Seminar decided to 地址然后. 


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