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欢迎来到 这座桥 , the newsletter of the Office of 全球 Engagement.


The motto of our office is Faciamus cum sociis pontes , "Let us build bridges with our partners." We hope you will begin to partner with us by subscribing.


9月, 全球参与和学生事务办公室为国际社会举办了欢迎野餐.
photo credits: Caitlin Cunningham

全球 Scholars Lecture Series

Promoting Child Development in Settings of Severe Adversity

Dr. 莎拉·詹森的演讲题目是"在严重逆境环境下促进儿童发展". This will be a hybrid event.


Dr. 詹森是太阳城网赌平台社会工作学院儿童与逆境太阳城官网项目的太阳城官网科学家,与特蕾莎·贝当古教授合作. 她的太阳城官网旨在描述早期社会心理和生物经验在塑造儿童认知方面的作用, 情感, and neurological outcomes. 她目前的工作重点是在卢旺达开展以指导为基础的育儿干预,以促进儿童健康发展,防止面临严重贫困的家庭发生暴力.

霍维的房子 Library | October 6, 2021 | 4:30 - 6:00 PM

Dr. 玛丽安圣. 翁奇, 是太阳城网赌平台社区的长期领导者,并通过她的旅行和建立牢固的伙伴关系极大地扩展了其全球范围.

      Dr. St. 翁奇 arrived at 太阳城网赌平台 in the early 1970s as a graduate student. She served in many different roles during her long BC tenure, including Coordinator of the French Language Program, Director of the Women's Studies Program, 国际项目和伙伴关系中心(今天的全球教育办公室)的创始主任.

      太阳城网赌平台之外, Marian was President of the Massachusetts Foreign Language Association and, as an active researcher and writer, 他是否获得过包括国家人文基金会在内的几项奖学金和奖项, The American Association of Teachers, and the Pi Delta Phi French Honor Society. 2006年春天, 她曾在塞萨洛尼基美国学院担任迈克尔·杜卡基斯国际事务客座教授, 希腊.

      退休后,博士. St. 翁奇 wrote poetry and was working on a biography of the Rev. Louis Favre, a Catholic priest and resistance leader during World War II. 

      Dr. St. 翁奇, “loved her granddaughters profusely” says her son 安迪. 她的孙女形容她“独立、自信、优雅、坚强”。.

      她两个儿子中的一个, 安迪, said his mother possessed an “intellectual curiosity, a passion for learning and knowledge, and that curiosity was contagious". 


New Leadership and New Team Members

Since the return to campus this Fall, 国际学生和学者办公室(OISS)和全球教育办公室(OGE)继续支持国际学生和学者来BC省和学生出国留学的重要工作. 我们欢迎这些办公室的新成员,并祝贺他们最近的晋升.


Director, Office of 全球 Education


International Student Advisor, OISS


International Advising Assistant, OISS

"They come with a wealth of experience working with international students... 在过去的几个星期里,他们在欢迎我们数百名新的国际学生方面发挥了关键作用."


Associate Dean and Director, OISS

帕特O ' donnell 分类. 导演,总局


“帕特的晋升反映了他多年来对我们办公室使命的贡献. Pat has become a valuable mentor to new staff and voice within our office."


奥斯丁的木匠 , OGE项目经理

萨曼莎李 , OGE项目经理


"Both have brought valuable insights to our office as graduate assistants. I think they each bring a fresh perspective to our office and our students."


BAIC Kicks Off 拉美裔, Latinx Heritage Month

的高度 -在9月底的年度庆典上,北汽集团旗下的Thea Bowman AHANA和跨文化中心(BAIC)让加森100宴会厅充满了色彩和舞蹈. Fr. 奥拉约-姆萨姆德斯发表了主题演讲,讨论了他的社区需要面对不公正,并与世界上其他人民团结起来. The celebration included a performance from Fuego del Corazon, 英国广播公司的拉丁舞蹈队, 与校外舞蹈团巴茹科尔哥伦比亚民俗舞蹈团一起. Afterwards, students lined the atrium as BAIC staff served delicious food.


Thea Bowman AHANA和跨文化中心支持本科生社区,特别关注非洲人, 拉美裔, 亚洲, and Native American descent), 多元文化的, 多民族的, and OTE students—in navigating college life and fulfilling their potential.

Early Bird Registration EducFrontiers Conference

第二届国际教育前沿会议将于2021年11月19日至20日举行. This conference is hosted by the 太阳城网赌平台 Lynch School and our partner, Ateneo de Manilla Gokongwei Brothers School of Education and Learning Design. The theme is "global education experiment: lessons that inspire the future.在这次会议上, 教育专业人员聚集在一起,面对大流行时期和大流行后时期有关教育政策和做法的问题. Early-bird registration ends on October 22nd. View the link above to see more details. 


Social Justice and the Sacred:
Exploring the thought of St. Alberto Hurtado, SJ

美国全球参与办公室(Office of 全球 Engagement)正在举办一场讨论和招待会,庆祝这本书的出版 Social Justice and the Sacred: Exploring the thought of St. Alberto Hurtado, SJ . Join us for conversation with editors Scott FitzGibbon, 孙加文, SJ, and Fernanda Soza about the life and thought of Alberto Hurtado, 他是美洲历史上的不朽人物,也是20世纪智利的圣人. 需要口罩.

Tuesday, October 12 in the Connolly House from 4:30-7:00


为了确保BC学生的安全,太阳城网赌平台发布了一款名为BC Safe的手机应用程序, 教师, and staff both on campus and while traveling or studying abroad.


该应用程序将取代之前的BC移动安全应用程序,成为确保BC社区成员在海外留学期间安全的主要资源. The app not only provides notification of international safety concerns, it also contains a plethora of resources including emergency contact numbers, 旅游报告, US Embassy information, 以及如何注册国际健康保险和旅行安全计划的说明. You can even use it to look up the weather!

BC Lynch x Trinity Meet Up

林奇教育与人类发展学院将与都柏林三一学院教育学院进行虚拟合作, Thursday 7 October, 1pm Boston time/ 5pm Irish time .


这次活动的目的是与我们的国际同行建立联系. The theme of the event is 全球 Perspectives in Education 我们将邀请来自每所学校的教师演讲者介绍他们在包容性领导领域的工作, 特殊教育, and curriculum (design or practices). 


This Zoom event will be open to 教师 colleagues at the Lynch School. If you are interested in attending, RSVP to the event coordinator, Dr. Margaret Flood, a 访问ing Fulbright 太阳城官网 Scholar from Ireland ( ).

丹Corrou, SJ on the Refugee Crisis in the Middle East

耶稣会中东和北非难民服务处(MENA)为约旦的流离失所者提供服务, 黎巴嫩, 伊拉克, 还有叙利亚,陪伴他们度过人生中最艰难的时刻.

加入JRS-USA与Fr. 丹Corrou, SJ, JRS–MENA Regional Director, to learn more about the ongoing issues and needs in the Middle East region, JRS’s approach to respond, and what you can do to help. 这个免费的活动将于10月14日星期四晚上7点在加森大厅100室开始. 

International Education Week

国际教育周(IEW)强调提高对世界多种文化的认识和认识的重要性, 人, 和语言.


Under the direction of the Office of International 学生 and Scholars, the Office of 全球 Education, and the Office of 全球 Engagement, this week will consider the theme: "Healing Along the Faultlines: Enduring Crisis; Maintaining Resilience; Strengthening Engagement; Ensuring Justice ". The events will run Nov 8-12th. 

We would love to collaborate with you. Anyone interested in planning or hosting an event should e-mail us:

Support for International Graduate 学生

由OISS、太阳城官网生生活办公室和大学咨询服务共同主办, 远离家乡 是一个为国际太阳城官网生提供安全空间来分享和讨论如何适应美国生活的团体吗, 学术压力, 家庭问题, 和更多的. Discussions are led by a member of University Counseling Services. This session runs bi-weekly starting on Wednesday, September 22, 12:00 pm. For more information, please email .

Ignatius 500 Series: The Conversions of Saint Ignatius

As part of the Ignatius 500 Lecture Series, José Garcia de Castro SJ, Professor in the Theology department at University Comillas, 西班牙, 将 "The Conversions of Saint Ignatius ". Lunch will be provided. 本次活动将于10月5日中午12点在美利多功能厅426举行,包括午餐.

