



安德鲁·乔根森 is a Professor in the Department of 社会学, 环境太阳城官网教授, 并协调 全球 Environmental 社会学 Lab 在太阳城网赌平台. Working in the areas of environmental sociology, 全球政治经济, 发展社会学, sustainability science more broadly, he conducts research on the human dimensions of global and regional environmental change, 重点是如何发展, 不平等, the structure of global production and trade networks contribute to greenhouse gas emissions, 工业污染, 土地覆盖变化, relationships between environmental conditions and population health. 在2020年,安德鲁获得了 Fred Buttel Distinguished Contribution Award from the 美国社会学协会’s 环境社会学部分 for his innovation, 出版, service in the field of environmental sociology. He was appointed by the US 全球 Change 太阳城官网 Program to serve as an author for the 第五次全国气候评估, which is scheduled for completion in 2023, he is also a newly appointed member of the National Advisory Environmental Health Sciences Council for the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences.

安德鲁’s collaborative research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, his published research has received awards from the 美国社会学协会, the Pacific Sociological Association, the 英国社会学协会. His published work appears in various disciplinary and interdisciplinary journals, including 美国社会学杂志, 自然气候变化, 社会力量, 环境太阳城官网通讯, 社会问题, 整体环境科学, 社会科学, 可持续性科学, 社会学理论, 气候变化, 生态经济学, 能源政策, 社会科学太阳城官网, 气候变化, 环境太阳城官网, 全球环境政治, Journal of Health and Social Behavior, 能源太阳城官网与社会科学. 他是 Super Polluters: Tackling the World’s Largest Sites of Climate-Disrupting Emissions, published by Columbia University Press in 2020, he has coedited multiple volumes, 手册, 以及期刊特刊.

安德鲁 was the 2016-2017 chair of the 环境社会学组 of the 美国社会学协会, the 2018-2019 chair of the 发展社会学组 of the 美国社会学协会, he currently serves as an at large officer for the Society for Human Ecology. 他是 发展社会学, a journal published by University of California Press, he serves on the editorial board for various journals.