Vice Provost for Global Engagement James Keenan, S.J. (Lee Pellegrini)

冠状病毒使学术界的全球推广工作面临挑战, 考虑到国际旅行限制和高等教育的财政不确定性. But the Boston College Office of Global Engagement, under the direction of first-year Vice Provost James Keenan, S.J., has made significant advances nonetheless.

Fr. 基南通过加强天主教太阳城官网型大学战略联盟,成功地实现了他为自己设定的雄心勃勃的议程, or SACRU, creating new partnerships with Jesuit institutions, 并与教务长办公室合作,在本学期将国际项目办公室和国际学生学者办公室纳入全球参与办公室的主持之下.

Citing a desire to “honor the legacy” of the late Alberto Godenzi, BC’s inaugural vice provost for global engagement, Fr. 基南与南太平洋大学八所学院合作,与各自机构的跨学科委员会组成工作组,通过太阳城官网和教学应对COVID-19, and develop plans for collaboration on environmental issues. In addition, 他利用了太阳城网赌平台和SACRU七个合作伙伴中的五个现有的海外学习项目:圣地亚哥的智利天主教大学, Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro, Sacro Cuore in Milan, Sofia University in Tokyo, 与墨尔本的澳大利亚天主教大学合作,进一步发展教师和太阳城官网生之间的合作, 同时,他还通过不列颠哥伦比亚省耶稣会学院组织了一个为期一学期的年度访问教授奖学金,让SACRU的一名教员到太阳城网赌平台任教.

New partnerships

Beyond SACRU, Fr. 基南最近监督了不列颠哥伦比亚省与三所耶稣会学校——马尼拉雅典耀大学之间谅解备忘录的签署, Philippines; Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Bogotá, Colombia; and Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth in Beirut, Lebanon—that will establish faculty and student exchange programs, academic partnerships, and future collaborations.

The MOU with Ateneo de Manila University seeks to inaugurate a partnership between BC’s School of Theology and Ministry and AMU’s Loyola School of Theology for online courses; collaborations between the school’s environmental sciences departments and their respective programs in global public health and entrepreneurship; and an alliance between Ateneo’s Science and Art of Learning and Teaching initiative and the Lynch School of Education and Human Development’s Learning Engineering Program.

圣座大学-卑诗省谅解备忘录将在各自的社会工作学院之间建立合作关系, particularly in the areas of migration and reconciliation; the development of programs with BC’s Earth and Environmental Sciences department and PUJ’s Faculty of Rural and Environmental Studies and its Water Institute; and online courses between the Woods College of Advancing Studies’ Applied Economics program and PUJ’s master’s degree programs in artificial intelligence and health economics.

Boston College and Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth look to launch joint research opportunities between nursing schools; online courses, 以及USJ的宗教太阳城官网学院和BC的神学与事工学院之间可能的教师交流.

Fr. 基南说,过去一年取得的成就在很大程度上要归功于他和全球参与办公室副主任布莱恩·弗莱明与总统办公室建立的牢固的工作关系, the Provost’s Office, Office of International Programs, Office of International Students and Scholars, 以及“非常活跃”的全球参与委员会,该委员会由来自卑诗省八所学校的代表组成.

“Because of these relationships, we have had a very successful launch of SACRU, which is already promoting various research working groups. 我们还准备在盟友的学校担任客座教授,并在2023年启动为期一周的夏季全球培训项目,每年为大约50名博士生提供培训. And we have signed five major MOUs with the Jesuit Refugee Service, the Pontifical Council of Culture, and three major Jesuit research universities. 我们对迄今取得的成就感到高兴.”

New global umbrella for BC programs

Fr. Keenan said the move of OIP and OISS under the umbrella of Global Engagement will strengthen their outreach, allow them to work more 紧密结合,创造更加多元和严谨的机会 international study. He praised former OIP Director Nick Gozik—who left BC to become dean of global engagement at Elon University last month—for being “an enormous help” in the transition.  

“Larry 皮肯纳作为伊办临时主任,在搜寻方面做得非常出色 for the new OIP director to begin in April,” said Fr. Keenan.  “We want OIP to have a global reach that is more reflective of a Research 1 这意味着要和本科项目主任一起工作 to make study abroad a more ambitious time for developing students’ 学术档案,并提供一个更广泛的项目 our predominantly Western European offerings.”

 He added that OISS主任阿德里安娜·努斯鲍姆“一直是全球不可或缺的 Engagement Committee; in time, we will have conversations about other ways to support our graduate students coming from overseas.”

BC’s academic leadership has welcomed the changes.

 “It 国际项目办公室的运作是完全合理的 under the umbrella of Global Engagement,” said Vice Provost for Undergraduate Academic Affairs Akua Sarr. “The mission of OIP to educate 学生对于一个日益多样化的世界是直接符合的 vision of Global Engagement to advance international education and global cooperation on our campus. The promotion of internationalization 是不列颠哥伦比亚省的一个重要战略目标,我认为这一伙伴关系将 be fruitful. I look forward to continuing to work with Jim Keenan, Larry Pickener and the entire Global Engagement team.”

Added Vice 教务长Billy Soo说:“OISS已经走过了漫长的道路 它的唯一作用是协助国际学生和学者 visas. Today, it has a host of programs and services that help welcome and integrate our international community with the greater Boston College universe. With the establishment of the Office of Global 订婚,OISS找到了一个自然的家,他们可以分享他们的 为拥有共同目标的更广泛的公司提供专业知识和经验 of magnifying Boston College’s presence in and impact on the world.”

Fr. Keenan noted the potential for additional partnerships with 这些大学的专业知识与太阳城网赌平台的兴趣和兴趣相一致 优势:目前,一组BC教师正在与 他们的同行在雅典耀,雅韦里亚纳和圣约瑟夫,他 他预计,到下学期,将有大约50名BC学院教员“建校” bridges” with the Jesuit universities in Manila, Bogotá, and Beirut. Three more MOUs are likely to be signed this spring with the Jesuit 内罗毕的Hekima大学,都柏林的三一学院,最后 major Jesuit university in India.

“These six universities, together with the seven universities in SACRU—located in 13 very 不同的国际城市将成为关键的全球合作伙伴 that will define BC’s actual and future global engagement. We are very excited about the future of global engagement at Boston College.”

Jack Dunn | University Communications | February 2021