
晚上6:30 - 8:00


The right to photograph someone in a public space without first asking permission is legal, 但这合乎道德吗?? What about posting these photos on the internet and social media platforms? 这样的问题是否相关, when we are all being filmed by thousands of surveillance cameras – government, corporate and private -  while we are in public and, 越来越多地, 即使在私人空间? 

当每个人都有相机的时候 is a panel consisting of practitioners and experts in the fields of Documentary Photography, 警察的工作, 宪法, 和道德, who will be discussing issues pertaining to permission and consent for photography in both public and private space.

The purpose of this panel is to engage these important and timely issues from the knowledge and experience of each panelist, 通过讨论和提问告知观众 & A, to consider various ways of thinking in consideration of these matters.

该小组是免费向公众开放的. 不需要回复.




卡尔·巴登 is a photographer living in Cambridge Massachusetts. 他的照片曾广泛展出, 包括罗伯特·曼画廊, 扎布里斯基画廊, Marcuse Pfeifer Gallery and the Museum of Modern Art in New York, 霍华德·耶泽斯基画廊, The Institute of Contemporary Art and The 美术博物馆 in 波士顿, 休斯顿的美术博物馆, mussame Batut在法国, 科隆摄影kina, 德国, 摄影师画廊和萨默塞特宫, 都在伦敦. He has received fellowships from the National Endowment for the Arts, 马萨诸塞州艺术家基金会, the Massachusetts Council on the Arts and Humanities, 马萨诸塞州文化委员会, the Kenan Foundation and Light Work Visual Studies. His photographs and visual books are included in the permanent collections of the Museum of Modern Art, 纽约, 美术博物馆, 波士顿, 美术博物馆, 休斯顿, 艾迪生美国艺术馆, Polaroid International Collection and the Guggenheim Museum. He has been on the faculty at 波士顿 college since 1989.

在其他摄影项目中, Baden has made a photograph of his face every day since February 23rd, 1987. In 2000, he was the subject of a 26-year retrospective exhibition at Light Work Visual Studies. “我怎么... 到达这里?”; a 48-page catalogue, accompanies the exhibition. 马士街项目, the result of a two year commission to photograph life on Massachusetts Avenue as it runs through the city of Cambridge MA, will be on display at Gallery 344 from November 12, 2019年至2月14日, 2020.


梅勒妮Einzig grew up in Minnesota and moved to New York in 1990. She has been committed to making art since her early teens. Photographing on the street for her is one of the many joys of a life-long diaristic use of the camera. From 1998-2001 she worked for the Associated Press in New York where she developed her picture language but eventually left photojournalism to focus on more open ended personal work. Her photos have been exhibited in galleries and festivals in the US and Europe and are included in the collections of the Art Institute of Chicago, 纽约城市博物馆, 在其他项目中. Melanie’s work is presently on display in a group show at the Kunsthaus Wien in Vienna as part of a show titled Street. 生活. Photography which covers seven decades of street photography. 

凯文船长. 巴克利

Captain 巴克利 was born and raised in Dorchester, MA, where he still lives with his wife (Chris) and daughter (Shaunna). In 1979, he received a Bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice from Northeastern University and later a Master's degree in Criminal Justice from Anna Maria College in Paxton, MA. He began working with the 波士顿 Police Department in 1976 as a student intern and remained a part of the department until retiring in 2018. 和BPD在一起, 他在不同的区和单位工作, 主要是在调查局工作. He retired with the rank of Superintendent, in the role of Chief of 工作人员. 2018年10月, he was hired by the 太阳城网赌平台警察 Department as a Captain in Patrol Operations and Community Policing.



格雷戈里炸 received his BA from Harvard College and his MA and PhD from the University of Chicago. He is presently 哲学教授 at 太阳城网赌平台, 他曾在芝加哥大学任教, 波士顿大学, 加州州立大学洛杉矶分校, 和萨福克大学, 他还担任过主席. His research has focused on defending the classical liberal-democratic tradition against some of its most serious critics, 尤其是马丁·海德格尔. 他是 海德格尔的Polemos:从存在到政治. 理查德·波尔特, he is also the translator of three of Heidegger’s works, 形而上学导论存在与真理自然,历史,国家. Together with his father, Charles Fried, he is the author of Because It Is Wrong: Torture, Privacy and Presidential Power in the Age of Terror (W. W. Norton, 2010), an exploration of moral, legal, political questions in the post-9/11 world. 弗里德也是 种族之镜项目, 一个在线, interdisciplinary project exploring the meaning of race in America’s history, he served as an executive producer for the documentary film 在树木变得奇怪之前,由德里克·巴罗斯执导. 理查德·波尔特, he is co-editor of the New Heidegger 太阳城官网 book series for Rowman and Littlefield International.

埃尔南德斯维. 粗呢衣服

埃尔南德斯维. 粗呢衣服

埃尔南德斯维. 斯特劳德是首任罗伯特. Drinan 客座助理教授 of Law at 波士顿大学法学院.  He teaches and researches education, race, constitutional law.  Before joining the BC Law faculty, Professor 粗呢衣服 clerked for judges on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the First Circuit and the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama.  He holds degrees from the University of Alabama at Birmingham, the University of Pennsylvania and Washington and Lee University.  斯特劳德教授在2018年 《太阳城官网》杂志 “30位30岁以下”的法律和政策名单.