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Pope Francis strongly appealed for peace on several occasions in the last couple of months, 2月23日, 2022, 他再次对事态的升级表示极大的悲痛.


鉴于教皇对和平的呼吁, the Strategic Alliance of Catholic 太阳城官网 Universities (SACRU) started collecting the perspectives of various experts in International Relations, 经济学, and Theology from its partner universities during the worsening of the situation in Ukraine.




请参加三月的两场全球学者讲座. "Nursing’s Impact on Health and Well-becoming: A 全球 Perspective" on March 2nd and "Ethnophilosophy of Dalits" on March 16th. 这两场比赛都在下午4:30在Devlin 101举行,或者可以放大观看. 请访问完整时间表的链接. 



科琳Simonelli, Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs and Clinical Professor in the Connell School of Nursing, was recently featured in the 全球 Public Health and the Common Good newsletter to describe the strategic alliances between BC and seven other Catholic Universities from around the world with the goal of working collaboratively to tackle global health challenges.

3月6日, 2020 I had just returned from Australian Catholic University’s (ACU) Melbourne campus with two students and other BC faculty, with plans to expand the summer program to include faculty and staff from ACU and Portugal’s Catholic University (UCP) and open up research and student exchange opportunities. The global pandemic forced us to suspend travel but we were able to pivot and create innovative ways to not only maintain but expand our partnerships."


Simonelli院长和来自 太阳城网赌平台, PUC-Chile, universsidade Católica在莫桑比克, 伯利恒大学, and Hong Kong University participated in a collaborative on-line international learning (COIL) in summer 2021. 学生们分享了他们国家医疗保健系统的信息, COVID-19的影响, 海关, 值, 和信仰, 以及护理人员的教育路径.


A COIL is planned between the BC and ACU senior Nursing students for the Spring of 2022 to discuss healthcare issues resulting from the pandemic. Dean Simonelli has also initiated planning for a two-week program in Boston and a two-week program in Lausanne during June 2022. This will bring students and faculty together to discuss global healthcare challenges and opportunities once again. Dean Simonelli's international efforts have brought about a promising new chapter for the School of Nursing's international partnerships. 

随着伙伴关系的发展和国际旅行变得更加可行, consider utilizing the resources available for the 太阳城网赌平台 community on the 全球 Engagement Gateway.


正如我们许多人在得知保罗·法默的死讯后感到悲伤一样, 一名医生, 人类学家, 也是全球公共卫生领域享誉世界的人物, who helped found Partners in Health and the University of 全球 Health Equity in Rwanda, we also feel gratitude for his life and all his good work to improve and bring healthcare to people in need around the globe. 负责全球参与的副教务长吉姆·基南(Jim Keenan)回顾保罗的一生时说:


从二十年前我第一次见到保罗开始, I always thought of him as playful; it was that playfulness that made him so accessible. 通过这种玩笑,他让你相信和你在一起很有趣. 无论你在哪里,他都帮助你笑.  



When I learned the tragic news of his death I found this photo [left] that I posted on Facebook. 你可以想象他和他的新朋友说话的傻样子. 这种嬉闹是有感染力的. 他帮助我们每个人都像孩子一样. 孩子在哪里,保罗在哪里. 凡心中有孩子的,都可以亲近他. 他欢迎这个孩子.


我并不是想把他的工作或他的死浪漫化.  认识保罗,就是认识一个比我们认识的任何人都更常面对疾病和死亡的人. 他无所畏惧,例如,如果你读到  他关于埃博拉病毒的书 你知道他有多勇敢. It is said that what makes us vulnerable to one another is when we recognize the child in each other. 保罗把世界看成是孩子们的世界. 在疾病、威胁和死亡的背景下,他希望孩子们茁壮成长. 我们所有人.


我想他现在正在和上帝玩游戏. 我想,上帝王国周围的每个人都在看着. 他们可能认为他是在帮助上帝感受到和上帝在一起很有趣. RIP,保罗.


——詹姆斯·F. 基南,年代.J.


全球 Conversations is a student-driven initiative to connect small groups of BC students with our peers at universities around the world for conversations about issues that matter to us. 有六个官方的总体对话主题, 全球对话为学生提供了相互学习的空间, 分享观点, 并通过Zoom结识新朋友!

与我们的合作伙伴一起为学生传播即将到来的对话, 马尼拉雅典耀大学,3月2日晚8点. 主题是全球公民和移民. 


We invite you to participate in the event "International research cooperation in a new geopolitical context" hosted by the Center for International Higher Education. 这是CIHE月度网络研讨会系列的一部分. 本次活动将于3月15日上午10点30分举行.

伊斯兰教的自由 & 正义


The 伊斯兰教ic Civilizations and Societies Program of 太阳城网赌平台 presents "An 伊斯兰教的自由 and Tolerance".


Mustafa Akyol是卡托太阳城官网所的高级太阳城官网员, 他关注公共政策的交叉点在哪里, 伊斯兰教, 与现代. 自2013年以来, 他还经常为《太阳城网赌平台》撰写评论文章, 报道穆斯林世界的政治和宗教.


3月16日下午5点在McGuinn 121礼堂参加本次活动.

阿尔伯特·J. 菲茨吉本系列讲座,留言簿项目

The Guestbook Project presents the "Hosting Earth" panel discussion sponsored by the Philosophy Department's
阿尔伯特·J. 菲茨吉本系列讲座.

The Hosting Earth Project engages the question of ecological hospitality by asking what it means to be guests of the earth as well as hosts. The project comprises a series of symposia, speaker series, and screenings in Spring 2022. 我们鼓励您于3月18日下午5:00-7:00在Devlin 101参加. 


玛丽亚Aguilar , 博士后, Council on Latin American and Iberian Studies at the MacMillan Center at Yale University presents "滥用职权是常态,不是例外: Counterinsurgency Logics and the Policing of Everyday Life in War-torn Guatemala".


这次介绍的中心是危地马拉国家警察的作用, an instrumental piece of the machinery of brutality and violence of the Guatemalan State during the country's Civil War, 1960-1996. It examines the dual role of the police as the institution in charge of security as well as the perpetrating entity of much of the violence that took place in urban areas. 


Avi Chomsky, Professor of History at Salem State University will present from her recent book

This hybrid event will be held March 17th at 12:00 noon in McElroy Commons 237 and on Zoom.

Centering the centuries-long intertwined histories of US expansion and Indigenous and Central American struggles against inequality and oppression, Chomsky highlights the pernicious cycle of colonial and neocolonial development policies that promote cultures of violence and forgetting without any accountability or restorative reparations.

Follow our 推特 for future opportunities to engage with our partner schools and their events!
