不列颠哥伦比亚省新墨西拿学院的首届班级于7月到校. (Lee Pellegrini)

Messina College welcomes its inaugural class

110 first-gen students experience their first days on campus

A few nerves. A bit of anxiety. Some faint traces of trepidation. And a lot of excitement.

对于太阳城网赌平台新成立的110名学生来说,开学的头几天和往常没什么两样 Messina College.

Students and their parents arrived on July 7 for Move In Day, 其中包括一个由墨西拿学院院长埃里克·贝雷莱萨(Erick Berrelleza)发表讲话的迎新项目, S.J., Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley, 本科招生办公室高级副主任古永锵, who helped lead Messina recruitment efforts.

“校园感觉像是发生了彻底的转变,”Fr. Berrelleza, about a week before students arrived, as crews painted, cleaned, 并对翻新后的学生中心和餐厅进行了美化——这只是松树庄园学院(Pine Manor College)前校园即将结束的众多项目之一.

“经过多次关于创造一个邀请学生的空间的讨论, over time, 现在看到这种实际的转变是我工作中非常有趣的一部分,” Fr. Berrelleza said.

Here, Fr. 埃里克和鲍德温迎接墨西拿号头等舱的几名新成员

Messina College Dean Erick Berrelleza, S.J., and Baldwin welcomed members of the inaugural class. (Frank Curran)

墨西拿学院是该大学耗资1亿美元的松树庄园学生成功太阳城官网所的一部分,该太阳城官网所旨在为代表性不足的学生提供更多的教育机会, first-generation students, and marks the first time BC will offer an associate’s degree. 墨西拿总共将招收大约200名学生,他们将住在校园内的宿舍.

Aligned with BC’s Core Curriculum, Messina offers the majors of applied data science, applied psychology and human development, general business, and health sciences. With their degree, students can apply to earn their bachelor’s degrees at BC or other four-year colleges and universities; or go on to other programs focused on specialized skills, careers, or public service.

The inaugural class, drawn largely from Boston, other gateway cities in Massachusetts, as well as from some additional states across the country, 会在接下来的几周参加第一年的发现研讨会吗, 作为其他大学课程的一个焦点,帮助学生为工作量做好准备, challenges, and conversations they will encounter.

“我们正在与整个大学的合作伙伴合作,因此研讨会建立了一座桥梁,帮助这些学生过渡到太阳城网赌平台,并适应这个空间,” Fr. Berrelleza said. “我们将让他们参与到社交活动中来, spiritual, 身体上的立场——他们作为人是谁——除了他们在学术和智力上的成长.”

“Like a door opening”

对许多学生来说,一年前他们还没有想到要上墨西拿学院(Messina College). But throughout last fall, 不列颠哥伦比亚省招生办的工作人员开始把这个消息告诉高中的指导顾问.

来自弗雷明汉的安娜·桑帕约(Ana Sampaio)是一名健康科学专业的学生,她计划学习护理,并成为一名新生儿重症监护室的护士. 她回忆起基夫地区技术高中的一位指导顾问告诉她不列颠哥伦比亚省的新学院.

“I was completely amazed,” said Sampaio, a native of Brazil. “I was like, ‘OK, I want to go there.’”

I have always dreamt of going to Boston College. I’m looking forward to classes. 我想知道会发生什么以及作业会是什么样子. I want to stay focused. I feel like you experience every emotion getting started. What I’m feeling the most right now is excitement.
Messina College student Patrick Elvariste

For someone who is always looking for new opportunities, 桑帕约说,墨西拿学院非常适合她的学术和职业目标.

“我总是努力保持领先一步,抓住每一个机会,然后抓住它们, so when I heard about Boston College opening Messina College, that was a big motivator for me,” said Sampaio, who is already a certified nursing assistant. “It was like a door opening.”

Patrick Elvariste of Roxbury, who graduated from Cathedral High School in Boston’s South End, is studying data science. 他是在负责本科招生和财政资助的院长戈瑟林会见学生时得知墨西拿的.

“I couldn’t believe it. 我一直梦想着去太阳城网赌平台。. “I’m looking forward to classes. 我想知道会发生什么以及作业会是什么样子. I want to stay focused. I feel like you experience every emotion getting started. What I’m feeling the most right now is excitement.”

来自牛顿的张洁文(Jiewen Zhang,音译)在父母的食品批发企业工作时所学到的知识,现在她主修一般商业, where she often serves as their translator.

“When I am working with my father, 我看到了我在高中时看不到的外面的世界,” said Zhang, a native of China who graduated from Newton South High School. “Helping him work out customer issues is hard, but it has given me the chance to learn more about business.”


“I want to be a positive force”


“I am looking forward to college life,” said Zhang. “尽管我们要花很多时间学习,但它看起来很自由. I am looking forward to the dorms. I have never lived away from my home and family. I look forward to getting to know the other people in our class.”

Rochelli Silverio of Lawrence, who is studying general business, 她说她很感激这个项目是为像她这样的学生设计的.

“I have always heard about BC. A lot of my teachers went to BC,” she said. “When I heard about Messina College, it was great that it was part of BC, but also for people like me who are first generation, immigrants, people who might be defined as ‘other,’” said Silverio, who is from the Dominican Republic.

One of six children, 西尔维里奥说她期待着“有自己的学习场所”, all the support they have for us here, and working hard, like my mother, who works so hard for our family.”

Excitement was running high among faculty as well.

英语实践副教授艾米·阿尔瓦雷斯来自西弗吉尼亚大学. Earlier in her career, 她在波士顿日夜学院当了八年老师, part of the Boston Public Schools.

“我认为这个职位是一个机会,可以利用我作为公立学校教师和大学教授的技能,为我在职业生涯中一直与之共事的一群学生服务,” said Alvarez, who recently published her first volume of poetry. “在西弗吉尼亚大学,我和第一代大学生一起工作. In Boston, I worked primarily with students of color. 作为一名教育工作者,这份工作对我来说是最重要的.”

生物学实践助理教授Antonio Serrato-Capuchina, formerly of Boston University, 在北卡罗来纳大学获得遗传学博士学位,并在哈佛大学做博士后工作. A native of Mexico who was 12 when his family moved to the U.S., Serrato-Capuchina说,他很高兴能支持学生,并希望给他们提供工具,使他们自己的教育旅程不像他那样艰难.

As the first in his family to go to college, he had to overcome not only financial hardship, 但也缺乏高等教育运作的经验和制度知识. 他认为墨西拿的职位是教学和外展的完美结合.

Serrato-Capuchina说:“我一直参与教育推广活动. “我的心态是由我自己的学术道路塑造的,这条路比它应该走的要艰难得多. 但我一直是一个积极进取的人,我希望与我们的学生分享我学到的东西. 我想成为一股积极的力量,提升我们的学生和他们的社区.”

For more on Messina College, see misawa-city.com/messina.