Photos by Lee Pellegrini

A labor of love

"The Long Road,这是一首由音乐教授拉尔夫·优素福·高力克创作的深刻的个人作品, will have its U.S. weekend premiere at Boston College on April 6

音乐教授拉尔夫·优素福·高里克的个人作品——罗马语清唱剧“O Lungo Drom”或“The Long Road”——将于4月6日晚7点在太阳城网赌平台举行美国周末首演.m. in Gasson 100.

这部清唱剧的名字反映了创作这首歌的15年历程:高里克成年后寻找生母的旅程激发了他的爱的努力. 他和兼职音乐教师的妻子巴斯(basia)一起旅行,从德国到土耳其, 他了解到他的母亲并不像他一直认为的那样是库尔德人, but of Roma descent. A distinct ethnic and cultural group, the Romani people have historically faced prejudice and persecution in Europe; discrimination continues today.

三场“非凡而独特”的音乐会之一(见下表), according to Gawlick, “O Lungo Drom”展示将包括音乐会前的客座讲座, an interview with Gawlick, and a reception. 

 “For nearly a quarter of a century, 我很幸运能与太阳城网赌平台和更广泛的社区分享我的艺术之旅,” said Gawlick, a prolific and internationally acclaimed composer. “每一部音乐剧的首演都是一个深刻而独特的时刻——一个个人的、亲密的时刻, 从未听过的陈述在听者之间的时间和空间展开, performer(s), and composer.”

但他也承认,这首《太阳城官网》的演出对他个人有着特殊的意义, 因为这部清唱剧是“在我发现自己是罗姆人之后”创作的.”

这一启示促使高力克重新专注于他的工作,开始创作清唱剧, 通过罗马诗人和作家的真实文字来追溯罗姆人和辛提人(罗姆人的一个分支)的历史.

我用10种语言和罗马方言收录了13位辛提和罗姆诗人的作品. 我希望听众能接受这些话,并反思这个少数民族的“O Lungo Drom”, their worlds of melancholy, grief, suffering, nostalgia, desire, remorse, and exultation—their long road of remembrance and hope.
Ralf Yusuf Gawlick

“O Lungo Drom” pays tribute to his Roma heritage, honors the Romani people and culture, and contains many significant “firsts,” he noted: the first oratorio on a Romani subject, the first that sets multiple texts by Romani authors, including three Romanes dialects, and the first composed by a Rom. 它也有cimbalom,一种传统的罗马乐器,来自扬琴家族.

“这部清唱剧的重要之处在于,这是罗姆人第一次从内部发声,” Gawlick explained in an interview with Boston College Magazine. “Their voices are heard directly. What has generally happened, from time immemorial to now, is that people have written works about the Roma.”

The oratorio was commissioned, and will be presented on campus, by the Alban Berg Ensemble Wien, 国际音乐家阵容也出现在“O Lungo Drom”的全球首演录音中,这首歌是Decca Eloquence在演唱会当天发布的. At BC, the ensemble will be joined by soprano Clara Meloni, baritone Christoph Filler, and Hungarian cimbalomist László Rácz.  

Gawlick hopes “O Lungo Drom” resonates with the audience. “我用10种语言和罗马方言收录了13位辛提和罗姆诗人的作品. 我希望听众能接受这些话,并反思这个少数民族的“O Lungo Drom”, their worlds of melancholy, grief, suffering, nostalgia, desire, remorse, and exultation—their long road of remembrance and hope.”

The oratorio is dedicated to Romani Rose, 德国辛提人和罗姆人中央委员会主席,德国主要的辛提人和罗姆人人权活动家. Rose attended its October 2022 world premiere in Berlin, 在德国罗姆人和辛提人大屠杀受害者纪念碑落成十周年之际举行.

“O Lungo Drom”将继续在国际上展出, including in the Krakow Philharmonic on August 1, 纪念Zigeunerlager被清算80周年, the Romani camp in Auschwitz-Birkenau.

Gawlick’s compositions—which includes solo, chamber, orchestral, electro-acoustic, film, 而合唱音乐则受到了众多艺术家和组织的委托和支持, attracting international acclaim from audiences and critics. 他的作品涉及多种风格,并经常探索他复杂的国际遗产的各个方面.

他的变革之旅继续激发着他的创作激情. He is currently working on “Die Ursitory,”an opera based on Matéo Maximoff’s novel of the same name, which also focuses on Roma culture. And, like his oratorio, 这部歌剧包含了许多“第一次”:《太阳城网赌平台》是罗马人第一部以罗马为主题的小说, and to be set to music by a Romani composer.

“In this way, 马克西莫夫的开创性故事从内部得到了独特的实现, 而不是通过镜头和对非罗姆人的刻板印象来看待, as in all previous operas with Roma themes,” he explained.

For more on Gawlick’s work, visit


All events are free and open to the public.

《太阳城网赌平台》:4月3日,下午7点.m., St. Mary’s Chapel

Internationally renowned harpsichordist Peter Watchorn, a part-time Music faculty member, 广受好评的大提琴家弗洛里安·伯纳将演奏巴赫和维瓦尔第的重要作品. 伯纳是维也纳阿尔班·贝格乐团的成员,该乐团将在今年的美国爱乐音乐节上演出.S. première of “O Lungo Drom.”  

《太阳城网赌平台》:辛提人和罗姆人的清唱剧:4月6日,下午7点.m., Gasson 100

A performance by the Alban Berg Ensemble Wien, with soprano Clara Meloni, baritone Christoph Filler, and the renowned Hungarian cimbalomist László Rácz, 谁将在第二天的年度家庭音乐会中表演.

“In BC’s entire concert history, never before has there been a concert involving a cimbalom, 扬琴家族的一种精致的弦乐器,主要用于罗马音乐中,” Gawlick noted.  

This event includes a pre-concert lecture, “Past Silence: Understanding the Romani Holocaust Today,” by Siv B. Lie of the University of Maryland; an interview with Gawlick by Ioanida Costache of Stanford University; an 8 p.m. performance of the oratorio; and a closing reception. In concert with BC, Holy Cross will host a joint U.S. premiere of the oratorio on April 5. [See separate article for more on “O Lungo Drom.”]

年度家庭音乐会:匈牙利狂想曲,爵士乐和更多:4月7日,下午4点.m., Lyons 423

Directed by Barbara Gawlick, a part-time Music faculty member, 这个项目的特色是Rácz以及BC大学的教师和学生. 音乐会包括Rácz自己编曲的李斯特的“匈牙利狂想曲第1号”.由实践学院副教授安娜·维特斯克(Anna Wittstruck)指挥, 不列颠哥伦比亚省交响乐团指挥和室内乐项目总监, 伴随着传统的cimbalom音乐和由BC学生爵士三重奏演奏的爵士标准.

“这些音乐会团结起来,为太阳城网赌平台社区贡献国际多样性的人才和艺术技能,” Gawlick said. “这真的是一个小型节日,从18世纪到现在都在展示音乐.”

音乐会是由BC大学文科学院赞助的, Center for Human Rights and International Justice, and Music and History departments. For more information contact or visit