巴普斯特图书馆Gargan Hall(摄影:Caitlin Cunningham)



All the inspiration Carroll School of Management junior Jimmy O’Malley needed to study 金融 came from his parents and their entrepreneurial zeal—his father explored the restaurant business, 绘画, 然后是遛狗, 而他的母亲从网上卖鞋变成了经营私人心理治疗诊所.

“看着我的父母在没有正式会计的情况下艰难地经营自己的企业, 金融, 或者营销培训, 我进入太阳城网赌平台(太阳城网赌平台),希望能掌握这些技能,他说. “Being able to help both of my parents in their respective businesses after getting more formal training in these fields has been a gratifying experience. 当我展望我的事业时, 我知道我想更多地探索金融, 因为BC给了我一个平台——这是我父母都没有的.”

奥马利是其中之一,461个金融专业, 哪个专业再次成为不列颠哥伦比亚省最受欢迎的本科专业. The other nine most-enrolled majors for the 2023-2024 academic year also remain unchanged from last year: 经济学 (1,278), 生物学(816), 政治学(691), 心理学(615), 通信(567), 计算机科学(556), 护理(429), 神经科学(417), 应用心理学和人类发展(380).

这些和其他数据为大学的9,575名本科生和5名全日制学生,119 graduate students were compiled during the fall 2023 semester by the Office of Institutional Research and Planning (IR&P),作为其为管理人员提供的年度事实和数据摘要的一部分, 教师, 工作人员, 和学生. 当前和过去版本的波士顿大学事实书可访问 misawa-city.com/factbook.

(Data for 经济学 and 计算机科学 majors reflect enrollments in both the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences and Carroll School of Management; as of 2023, 计算机科学专业只反映MCAS的太阳城网赌平台人数.)


豪布家族教授罗尼·萨德卡,财务部主席. (李Pellegrini)

Finance also remains far and away the most popular undergraduate minor at BC, with 606 enrollees. 其他排名靠前的辅修课程是市场营销(298), 管理与领导(285), 管理社会影响和公共利益(204), 哲学(157), 历史(131), 计算机科学(117), 全球公共卫生和共同利益(106), 英语(105), 金融和咨询会计(104). 这些注册人数不包括牙科前, 法律系的, 预科, 或者兽医预科课程的学习.

BC administrators and 教师 typically regard popular majors and related statistics as offering insights into BC students’ interests, 动机, 和愿望, 以及它们如何随着时间的推移而演变或保持不变. The data also provide a means to consider BC students’ academic and career interests among wider societal and generational trends: Studies in or related to business, 护理, 心理学, 生物学, 经济学, 计算机科学, 沟通, 在美国的高等教育中,政治科学的太阳城网赌平台率往往很高. 然而, 管理人员和教职员工说, 把BC的数字放在一个主要的国家耶稣会士的背景下来看是有益的, 天主教大学和它吸引的学生.

“While the increase in the numbers of 金融 majors and minors is consistent with an overall trend we observe across undergraduate programs in the country, there are a number of additional factors I believe significantly contribute to the success of the program,” said 豪布家族教授罗尼·萨德卡,财务部主席.

“The department and school have invested significant efforts in hiring exceptional academic talent across ranks, 进一步提高教学和科研质量. The curriculum is consistently reviewed and adapted to account for new developments in financial markets as well as student feedback. Finally, we improved the accessibility of our classes to welcome students across the University.

“We are grateful to BC senior leadership for the opportunity to participate in the educational experience of the students and improve their attractiveness upon graduation.”

作为金融专业的学生, 奥马利选择专注于投资银行和私人股本业务, and spent a considerable amount of time beyond his classroom experience as a sophomore preparing for interviews. 今年夏天,他将在黑石集团担任分析师. “我非常感谢这次机会, 如果没有这些了不起的老师,这一切都是不可能的, 初级和高级导师, 还有帮助我度过这个过程的校友们.”

Gratitude also is evident in 2018 alumna Gabrielle LeBlanc’s assessment of her experience as a BC 金融 major. 不止是一套必修课, 她说, 该项目是“一种引导金融世界的整体方法”,” where “excellent 教师 and a robust network of 校友” help guide students toward internship and career opportunities.

 “这个节目是一流的, 课程还教会了我如何在商业和金融领域进行批判性思考,”他说。, a vice president in the equity capital markets group within the Barclays Investment Banking Division. “不列颠哥伦比亚省的真正与众不同之处在于员工, 从教授到职业顾问再到学生. The individuals that you meet and work with in the classroom set you up for success over the long term.”

Tara Pisani Gareau

Tara Pisani Gareau, director of the Environmental Studies program and a professor of the practice in the Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences. (李Pellegrini)

环境太阳城官网专业的学生远远少于金融专业的学生, but the program has seen a 600 percent jump in enrollments since it was introduced as a major in 2014, 这是过去十年中增幅最大的一次. 实践教授塔拉·皮萨尼·加罗, 项目主管, 将其受欢迎归因于学生对众多环境挑战的关注, from violent storms and catastrophic wildfires to loss of freshwater resources and failing crop yields.

“当我们问即将毕业的大四学生他们选择环境太阳城官网的主要原因时, the most common answer is that they are passionate about solving these complex and existential environmental problems,加罗说. “This is a watershed moment in human history and the Environmental Studies program prepares students with the knowledge and skills to envision and enact positive and lasting solutions that sustain people and the planet.”

环境太阳城官网专业的学生也很欣赏这个项目的跨学科课程, 添加Gareau, quoting a student who described environmental issues as going beyond science and policy to include sociology, 政治, 生态, 地质, 还有心理学——所有这些都让学生感兴趣.

“共同的目标——改造社会,使其具有生态再生能力, 社会就, 经济安全——是环境太阳城官网的秘密武器,使学生, 校友, 教师们感到彼此之间的联系,以及比他们自己更大的东西,加罗说. “Students value the diversity of meaningful experiences we provide or promote that shape their experience at BC and help them to discern a pathway for life after college.”



Managing for Social Impact has quickly become a popular minor since the program debuted in the fall of 2016: This year’s 204 enrollees are more than double the 97 MSI minors in 2020-2021. CSOM本科生高级副院长伊桑•沙利文, MSI临时董事, said MSI is a natural fit for undergraduates seeking to address compelling social justice issues; about half of the enrollees are CSOM students motivated by the school’s Portico program to explore topics such as economic disparity, 可持续性, 创新, 和道德.  

“It offers students a chance to blend elective courses—more than 200 of them—from throughout the University in really interesting combinations,沙利文说。, 谁认为卡罗尔学院名誉教授玛丽·克罗宁构思了MSI. “The ability to explore new options and design their own minor presents such appealing choices and a ton of freedom in the design.”

Undergraduates see MSI as a potential path to opportunities in non-profits and companies with social-impact missions, or jobs connected to a social-impact initiative such as a foundation for social responsibility within a bank or insurance company, 据沙利文说. Others may simply want to incorporate what they learned through MSI into their personal lives through participation in volunteer activities or local 政治, 也许最终目标是第二份工作或事业.

“不管这是否总是会发生, 我们正在帮助培养具有解决问题的心态的伟大公民,他说.