
BCSSW将与伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校合作, 精神科, 通过与国际救援委员会(IRC)的次级赠款伙伴关系,, 由难民重新安置办公室提供资金,to 评估需求, 的优势, 以及阿富汗家庭在重新安置过程中面临的挑战,为服务提供者提供家庭支援策略. There are currently more than 100,000 Afghan evacuees who have been evacuated to the U.S.; 40% of the incoming Afghan population are minor-aged children and adolescents. 这个群体 暴露于急性创伤和脱位 all of which raise the risk of poor family functioning and mental health and psychosocial problems in resettled children. 在美国重新定居后.S., there is additional risk and vulnerability due to resettlement stressors as well as other inherent challenges of adjusting to life in the U.S. BCSSW RPCA、UIC和IRC将实现一个多项目方法 provide 资源 for culturally informed practices that service agencies can utilize to engage the community. 项目包括:1) Understanding Families' Needs and Strengths that Affect Youth Mental Health Among Afghan Families in Resettlement 2) 重新安置的阿富汗青年心理健康筛查工具的文化验证 & 3) 太阳城官网 to inform delivery of mental health and family support 需要 that are specific to Unaccompanied Afghan Minors (UAMs) who are unified with sponsors among the Afghan community in the United States.


第一阶段的太阳城官网结果 定性评估 在英国《太阳城网赌平台》. 2022年冬季威斯康辛州麦科伊表示 养育子女的问题, parent-child communication and family conflict and child and youth mental health and psychosocial problems as well as numerous family 的优势 utilized to overcome challenges including spending time together, 一起祷告,教导孩子,支持他们的学习. 基于我们第一阶段评估的定性数据, 我们进行了100次免费的上市采访 以…为目的 对问题、优势和服务需求有广泛的了解 为重新安置的阿富汗人提供资源 采访40个关键线人,收集更多信息 about the mental health and behavioral problems of children identified in the free listing exercise and identify mental health syndromes in the community in Boston, MA 难民移民援助中心(RIAC). These findings have supported development of a culturally validated mental health screening tool for Afghan youth.

到目前为止, there are no culturally relevant mental health screening tools specific to Afghan children and youth. 我们力求开发这一工具,以便更好地发现精神健康问题的风险 among this population using the local mental health related terms we identified in the previous project and provide 资源 for culturally informed practices that refugee service providers can utilize to engage the community through the 配电板 network, 专门为阿富汗青年工作. 该工具将在重新定居的阿富汗青年身上进行有效性和可靠性测试. 范围和测试将包括c在阿富汗青年中对筛查工具进行认知测试 和护理人员,然后我们会 对更大的阿富汗青年样本进行工具有效性测试 who have been identified as having one of the mental health problems and those who have not been identified as having the mental health problems and their caregivers. A subsample of youth and their caregivers will be randomly selected to complete the screener tool a second time to determine test-retest and inter-rater reliability.

建立之前的项目, the BCSSW RPCA team will build on the qualitative data gathered from the previous project that assessed the general resettled Afghan youth population in the U.S. to 包括无人陪伴的阿富汗未成年人 We will conduct 100 free listing interviews with UAMs, aged 10-17, and their Afghan sponsors to 评估的优点, 需要, 以及这些人在美国重新定居时的保护因素. 我们还将组织10个焦点小组, 5 with UAMs and 5 with Afghan sponsors of UAMs to learn and understand the context and lived experiences of UAMs. The research will add useful information about the context of UAMs to the results of a previous projects and will identify common mental health problems faced by UAM youth as well as expand the impact of the concurrently run research project 重新安置的阿富汗青年心理健康筛查工具的文化验证. 



  1. Assess the 需要 and 的优势 of families as well as the challenges families are experiencing during their resettlement experience; Identify family support strategies that can be deployed by refugee service organizations
  2. Develop a culturally appropriate screening tool for the identified common mental health problems facing resettled Afghan youth; Validate the screening tool and test for reliability; Develop cutoff scores for the screening tool
  3. Assess the 需要 and 的优势 of UAMs and their sponsors as well as the challenges that UAMs are experiencing during their resettlement experience; Summarize what is known about psychosocial consequences of forced migration facing UAMs and evidence-based strategies for supporting these youth. 


通过IRC与配电板合作的整个多项目工作, BCSSW RPCA将提供技术援助网络研讨会, 资源, and materials on what is known about psychosocial consequences of war and forced migration on children and the evidence for multi-level interventions and provide guidance for culturally informed practice with Afghan families that will be available on the 配电板 网站使用.


国际救援委员会通过美国的援助基金获得了竞争性资金.S. 卫生和公众服务部,儿童和家庭管理局, Grant #90RB0052. 该项目100%由联邦基金资助. The contents of this document are soley the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of the U.S. 卫生和公众服务部,儿童和家庭管理局. 



This study is funded by a sub-grant partnership with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) 由难民重新安置办公室提供资金.




