

For decades, the Boston College School of Social Work 是否要求学生反思他们在课堂和实地的经历.

这项工作是理大长期以来对 formative education—a guided process that has helped students find purpose, live fulfilling lives, and understand the world around them.

Now BCSSW’s Equity, Justice, and Inclusion Initiative, 哪项工作能制定促进关怀的政策和做法, respectful, and inclusive community, is bringing student formation to the forefront of its mission. 

EJI领导人将“形成中的沉思”作为2024-2025学年的主题, 呼吁学生花时间自我反省,向内看, make sense of their experiences, and identify their deepest desires. 

“The fact is that we’ve been doing this for decades. 在社会工作学院,我们关注的是学生的形成。 Rocío Calvo他是BCSSW公平、正义和包容的教授兼副院长. “现在唯一的区别是,我们有意为其命名, in bringing it to the table, and saying, listen, ‘This is who we are, this is what we’re doing, let’s put it to the forefront. It’s part of our DNA, it’s our identity.’”

The theme derives from the term “contemplative in action,” coined by Jérôme Nadal, a Jesuit priest who worked closely with St. Ignatius of Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus.

Here’s how Nadal described the term in his spiritual journal, 在16世纪的某个时候:“我不希望你只有在庆祝弥撒或祈祷时才虔诚和属灵,” he wrote some 500 years ago. “当你投身于一项活动时,我希望你是精神上的、虔诚的, 这样,在你们的工作中,就会散发出精神的全部力量, of grace, and of devotion.”

LLI的学生参加2022 LLI静修的社区建设活动.


As a Jesuit, Catholic University, BC is rooted in a world view that calls students to learn, to search for truth, and to live in service to others. Much like Nadal, 它敦促学生向内看,但总是向外走——发展他们的思想和才能,用它们来促进共同利益.

It is in keeping with these values that John T. Butler, S.J., Haub Vice President for the Division of Mission and Ministry at BC他将在BCSSW年会上讨论沉思在信息中的作用 公平、正义与共融讲座及杰出校友颁奖典礼 in October. EJI leaders said that the Student Collective, 负责监督九个致力于促进接纳和包容的学生团体和委员会, 将有助于设计未来以“信息中的沉思?.”

“真正需要沉思的人是那些不怕走进混乱的环境去做工作的人,同时把它作为他们实践的一部分进行反思。,” said Samuel Lewis Bradley, Jr.她是BCSSW学术规划副院长兼城市垃圾项目主任. “我们真的必须努力培养那些不怕犯错、勇于表达自己的学生.”

BCSSW形成性教育的悠久传统包括课堂讨论, self-reflection, off-campus retreats, 与社区合作解决复杂的社会问题——城市生活垃圾学位的离散部分融合成一个更大的整体,帮助学生成为最好的自己. In each case, students assume the role of a contemplative in formation, searching for ways to use their skills in service to others. 

In the classroom, students routinely discuss the “Three Key Questions,” Fr. 迈克尔·海姆斯的职业识别框架已经融入了BC反思的结构. The three questions—“What brings you joy? What are you good at? And who does the world need you to be?——也是BCSSW年度社会工作峰会的主要支柱之一, Latinx Leadership Initiative Summit, and Black Leadership Initiative Summit. 



参加这些年度静修的学生在信息方面是沉思者的典范, 参加旨在确定其未来目标的有组织活动, developing their spiritual selves, and reflecting on their shared desire to serve people in need.  

As part of BCSSW’s experiential learning program, 学生必须反思他们在实地机构的经历. Through written recordings, 学生们审视自己的情绪和对他们正在努力解决的问题的反应, 给他们机会去探索可能影响决策的个人问题.

“As social workers, 我们审视自己,通过我们所做的工作提高我们的自我意识,” said Teresa Schirmer, associate dean of student experience. “With practicum reflections, students are very honest and vulnerable, 写下他们记得的关于互动的想法和感受.”

学生们每个月还会与他们的领域顾问会面,参加一个特定主题的研讨会, be it competency, ethics, or another topic germane to the formation of MSW practitioners. It is during these monthly meetings, held in small groups, 学生反思他们在实地的实践学习和他们在课堂上的理论学习之间的相互作用.

A few weeks ago, 布拉德利在给兼职教师的一封电子邮件中总结了学生形成的重要性,宣布了该计划今年的主题. “Formation is more than a buzzword in Jesuit education,” he wrote. “这是一个引导我们的学生和社区走向最大利益的过程.”