Joint M.A. in Philosophy & Theology

哲学和神学的联合硕士课程借鉴了其在每个领域的优秀课程的优势. 它建立在这样一种信念之上:对任何一个领域的大量工作都最好是对另一个领域的充分了解. 太阳城网赌平台哲学系致力于太阳城官网哲学史上的伟大著作, 密切接触在那里和当代文化中发现的重要问题和问题, and a pluralistic approach. 该系尤其以在现象学方面的全球突出地位而闻名, 欧洲大陆思想家的解释学和后结构工作, 还包括在英美语言哲学和语言分析哲学方面的卓越表现, ethics, and science. 太阳城网赌平台的神学系在美国名列前两三名, 与伦理学领域的顶尖学者和教师一起, fundamental theology, comparative theology, bible, and historical theology. The two departments work together often, 他们的教师和学生之间有一个活跃的社区.

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Jeffrey Bloechl,
Department of Philosophy

Jeremy Wilkins,
Department of Theology

Goals and career paths served by this degree

The program is designed to serve graduate students (i.e., 任何已经拥有学士学位或同等学历的学生)需要在哲学或神学方面进一步工作,以加强博士课程的准备, 希望完成中学教学的准备工作, or simply interested in further intellectual enrichment.


  1. Coursework in philosophy and theology:
    该项目总共需要10门太阳城官网生课程, 在神学和哲学之间尽可能紧密地划分.e., 5 each or 6 of one and 4 of the other). 这些分布在学生选择的6门课程(见下文)和4门应该致力于完善她/他的背景和领域基础的课程之间. 每个学生都必须修“神学太阳城官网哲学”,” which is offered annually or bi-annually.

  2. There is also a thesis option. 写论文的学生在课程的最后两个学期完成. It counts for two of the ten courses that are required. 第一学期致力于引导阅读和建立大纲和参考书目. The second semester is dedicated to writing the thesis. 该项目应在上学期结束前获得批准, 是否有教员明确同意监督, with the formal approval of the program co-directors. 论文长度不少于60页(双倍行距,12号字体).

  3. 学生主要从太阳城网赌平台选课 Philosophy and Theology 他们也有机会参加其他成员机构提供的宗教课程 Boston Theological Interreligious Consortium (BTI). 波士顿地区联盟其他成员机构的哲学课程:波士顿大学, Tufts University, and Brandeis University. By application,他们也可以参加妇女太阳城官网太阳城官网生联合会.

  4. 学生们在标准的哲学和神学课程中与太阳城官网生一起上课.

  5. 学生必须具备至少一门非英语语言的中级能力,以满足其学术兴趣. 这通常是法语,德语,希腊语或拉丁语,但一个人可以为其他人做一个案例. 语言课程不包括在学位必修的十门课程中.

  6. 所有的学生必须通过一个综合考试,该考试是在课程的最后一个学期结束或之后进行的. 考试包括对哲学和神学各两道题的书面回答. 这些报告的长度应该是6-8页,并且是完全学术风格的(分析、论证、脚注)。. 提交书面答复后的短时间内, an oral defense of the answers is scheduled. This takes approximately 75 minutes. The reading list can be found here.

  7. 所有学生都必须参加每月一次的会议 Advanced Research Seminar in Philosophy and Theology.

  8. 在第二学期的课程后期,学生选择一个特定的专注领域. The established concentrations are “Ethics,” "Faith, Philosophy, and Science,《太阳城官网》和《太阳城网赌平台》," and "Philosophy and Religions" (i.e., non-Christian religions).

  9. 所有学生都由一名或两名联合主任指导,直到他们选择自己的专业领域. At that time, 在该领域专门的教师导师可能会增加或取代以前的导师.

  10. 该计划旨在在四个学期内完成, but a longer trajectory can be arranged.

Sample courses of study


  • 第一学期:神学哲学、柏拉图、中级拉丁语
  • Second Semester: Kant’s First Critique, Fundamental Theology as Political Theology, Intermediate Latin 2
  • 第三学期:19和20世纪欧洲哲学, Modern Metaphysics, Theological Aesthetics
  • 第四学期:中世纪哲学,洛尼根的洞见,奥古斯丁

Area of specialization: Philosophy and Religions

  • First Semester: Method in Comparative Theology, Islamic Philosophy, Philosophy for Theological Studies
  • Second Semester: Aristotle, Kant
  • Summer: Introduction to Arabic, Intermediate Arabic 1
  • 第三学期:中世纪犹太思想,阿奎那,奥古斯丁
  • Fourth Semester: Thesis 1 (guided reading)
  • Summer: Intermediate Arabic 3
  • Fifth Semester: These 2 (completion of the text)

Area of specialization: Ethics

  • First Semester: Plato, Virtue Ethics
  • Second Semester: Aquinas, Medical Ethics
  • Summer: Intermediate French 1, Intermediate French 2
  • 第三学期:神学太阳城官网哲学、康德道德哲学
  • Fourth Semester: Feminist Philosophy
  • Fifth Semester: Just War Theory, Liberation Theology
  • Sixth Semester: Philosophical Hermeneutics

Extracurricular associations

联合硕士项目与东北宗教哲学学术研讨会关系密切, which meets for two days annually in Boston or New York, 宗教哲学和神学的学生提出太阳城官网成果供讨论的工作研讨会. For more information on this, contact Professor Bloechl.

该项目还与国际宗教哲学网络有着密切的联系, 哪个国家不定期组织小型区域会议,每两年组织一次大型国际会议. The next major conference will be in 2021. For the INPR’s goals and activities, see


考生应通过太阳城网赌平台规定的标准录取程序申请 Graduate School of Arts and Sciences.