
乔Tecce talked with Pembroke High School students about the psychology of body language. 发布11/25/14.

博士生 M. E. Panero has been invited to join the student editorial board of 美学心理学、创造力和艺术. 发布11/14/14.

伊丽莎白·基辛格 was appointed to serve as Associate Editor at the APA journal 情感. 发布11/12/14.

乔Tecce hosted a talk for the University Fellowships committee with Dr. 杰森Cavallari. A 博士视频. 卡瓦拉里的演讲可以在我们的图片页面上看到. 发布11/10/14.

米歇尔·赫斯特 has received an NSF-sponsored award in STEM education research for her 海报, "Working Memory Involvement in Rational Number Processing,,将于11月在IMBES会议上发表. 发布10/15/14.

拉里萨Heiphetz 和 藤本植物的年轻 have been awarded a grant from the The John Templeton Foundation, titled "A Social Cognitive 发展 Approach to Folk Representations of God's Mind.“调查人员很冷静, 拉里萨, Adam Waytz(西北大学), 咨询师, Jonathan D. 雷恩(哈佛大学). 发布9/26/14.

Alexa Veenema 被判入狱5年,1美元.75 million NIH grant to study the neural circuits underlying social play behavior in juvenile rats 和 how these neural circuits differ between males 和 females. Social play is a highly rewarding behavior 和 has been shown to be important for the development of social skills in humans 和 rodents. Knowledge about sex-specific regulation of social play in rats may help underst和 social play deficits seen in autism, a neurodevelopmental disorder that shows a strong sex bias in prevalence. 发布9/26/14.

我们的四个学生詹姆斯·邓根,劳拉·尼米,乔什·罗特曼, 和 约旦Theriault—were awarded travel awards by the Society for Personality 和 Social 心理学 (SPSP). M.E. Panero 获颁SPSP多元化基金旅游奖, a competitive award intended to increase diversity within the personality 和 social psychology field. All of these awards allow recipients to travel to 和 present research at the upcoming SPSP annual convention. 发布9/16/14.

Brendan Gaesser, 藤本植物的年轻, 伊丽莎白·基辛格 被授予 邓普顿勘探科学基金 for their project, "Harnessing Episodic Simulation to Facilitate Prosociality." This award from the University of Pennsylvania 和 the John Templeton Foundation 提供了 support for studies at the intersection of prospection, 内存, 道德心理学. 发布8/21/14.

吉姆·罗素的 关于厌恶的新作品 in 太阳城网赌平台杂志. 发布8/19/14.

迈克尔Numan, professor in 心理学 until 2012, has published a new book, 社会行为的神经生物学. 发布8/15/14.

辛迪科尔, a postdoctoral fellow in Gorica Petrovich's Neurobiology of Feeding lab, has been awarded a NARSAD Young Investigator grant. 这个奖来自大脑 & Behavior 太阳城官网 Foundation 提供了 support for the most promising young scientists conducting neurobiological research. 发布8/15/14.

藤本植物的年轻's Morality Lab is featured on WBUR's Common Health program in a series called "Beyond Good 和 Evil: New Science Casts Light on Morality in the Brain.发布于2014年8月7日.

杰西卡Karanian had two articles published/accepted recently: "The cortical basis of true 内存 和 false 内存 for motion" in 这项太阳城官网 和 "False 内存 for context activates the parahippocampal cortex" in 认知神经科学. 发布7/1/14.

莎拉·卡克对 海报, entitled "Effect of valence on the recapitulation of sensory processing during emotional remembering," won the Nelson Butters Award at the 2014 Massachusetts Neuropsycholoigcal Society Science Symposium. 发布6/12/14.

Nadine韦德曼, who teaches our graduate seminar on the history of psychology, 刚刚 accepted the editorship of the APA journal, 心理学史. 祝贺纳丁! 发布6/11/14.

拉里萨Heiphetz 被授予美国国家科学基金会社会科学基金, 行为, 经济科学博士后奖学金. 发布6/5/14.

伊丽莎白·基辛格 has been appointed to serve on the Cognition 和 Perception Study Section, 美国国立卫生太阳城官网院科学评论中心,7月1日起, 2014 - 6月30日, 2020. 发布6/4/14.

创意与艺术太阳城官网 在2014年6月的APA监测. 的太阳城官网 莎拉CordesJen德雷克塔利亚戈尔茨坦劳拉•尼米艾伦的赢家 描述. 发布5/30/14.

劳拉•尼米 和 藤本植物的年轻 发表论文, 在强奸案中责备受害者, inPsychological Inquiry: An International Journal for the Advancement of Psychological Theory. 发布5/23/14.

拉里萨Heiphetz won APA's Division 7 Dissertation Award in 发展 心理学. 发布5/6/14.

凯利杜 被授予 恩格尔哈德·平格里奖学金. This honor recognizes a student whose work has made the greatest contribution to the research mission of the 太阳城官网生 School of Arts & 科学. 凯利 被授予了奖项 by C和ace Hetzner, the associate dean for academic affairs in the 太阳城官网生 School of Arts & 科学. 发布5/5/14.

克里斯蒂娜Reppucci 被提名为唐纳德. 2013-2014年度白人教学优秀奖. 发布5/5/14.

基因海曼 你被提升为高级讲师了吗. 发布5/5/14.

米歇尔·赫斯特 received an NSERC (Natural Science 和 工程 太阳城官网 Council of Canada) Postgraduate Scholarship. 发布4/2/14.

认知和情感神经科学实验室新闻: 莎拉·卡克 was awarded an NSF graduate research fellowship, 凯利Bennion 和 杰基福特 were admitted to the Summer Institute in 认知神经科学. 发布4/2/14.

藤本植物的年轻 提供了 她的太阳城官网概述 发表在2014年2月的APS Observer杂志上. 发布3/12/14.

基因海曼 在 科学新闻 和一个 纽约时报辩论 关于上瘾的本质. 发布3/10/14.

画格鲁 和 肖恩MacEvoy have published a paper in the journal Cerebral Cortex entitled "Encoding-stage Crosstalk Between Object- 和 Spatial Property-Based Scene Processing Pathways.“使用知觉实验和功能磁共振成像, they show that two types of visual information people commonly use to recognize their whereabouts, 场景的3D布局及其对象内容, are consolidated at a surprisingly early stage of scene processing. 发布3/10/14.

大卫德国美诺公司, 心理咨询助理教授, 发展, Educational 心理学 at the Lynch School of Education, who is an affliated faculty with the 心理学 Department, 刚刚 been named to the first Sesquicentennial Challenge chair. This is an endowed assistant professorship to support junior faculty research 和 early-career development. 发布2/26/14.

莎拉·卡克 获得太阳城官网生奖 Suzannah Bliss Tieman海报奖 at the 25th Annual NEURON Conference yesterday for her 海报 entitled, "Effect of valence on the recapitulation of sensory processing during emotional remembering.发布于2014年2月24日.

凯利杜 和 卡洛琳史密斯, Alexa Veenema实验室的博士生, 每个人都赢得了2美元的旅行奖励,000 from the Society for Neuroscience to present their work an the biannual FENS Forum of Neuroscience in Milan, 意大利. 凯利 和 Caroline are among a total of only fifteen U.S., Canadian, Mexican graduate students receiving this highly competitive travel award. 发布2/4/14.

Alexa Veenema has been awarded a three-year NIH Academic 太阳城官网 Enhancement Award (R15): Sex 和 Age Differences in the Neural Regulation of Social Recognition. 发布1/13/14.

Josh Rottman,黛布·克莱门,还有 藤本植物的年轻我们对自杀的道德反应的太阳城官网 《太阳城官网》专题报道. 发布1/9/14.