
Our department offers a flexible curriculum for students to acquire a knowledge of chemistry within the environment of a liberal arts college.

化学专业需要修十门一学期的课程, 再加上其他部门的五项必备条件. The 10 one-semester courses amount to 37 credits, and the co-requisite courses amount to 22 credits.

大学肄业生. 程序

我们的太阳城官网生从竞争激烈的200多名申请者中脱颖而出. 与BCC的卓越传统保持一致, they bring exceptionally strong quantitative and analytical skills as they join their  colleagues at the Merkert 化学 Center.











奖学金,奖, & 招聘



BCC has strong ties with industry through faculty research interactions and alumni relationships. 我们的业界同仁为我们的系列研讨会提供了慷慨的支持, 最著名的是诺华, 默克公司, 勃林格殷格翰集团, 施贵宝和百时美施贵宝.  BCC alumni hold key leadership positions throughout the biotech/pharma industry, and our 行业招聘计划 assists graduate and undergraduate students to secure positions in industry.


每年, BCC manages an 行业招聘计划 that brings representatives of various companies to the Merkert 化学 Center to interview eligible students for post-degree job opportunities. This program is available to all undergraduate and graduate students as well as postdoctoral fellows at BCC. Postdoctoral associates and graduate and undergraduate students who are in their final year of study may participate during their search for permanent positions. 安进(Amgen)等公司合作伙伴在BCC招聘人才, 阿斯利康, 生原体, 百时美施贵宝, Incyte, 默克和武田.

荣誉 & 奖


The 化学系 at 太阳城网赌平台 is dedicated to providing a challenging environment for 本科生和太阳城官网生 students. We are pleased that our students not only meet but often exceed our expectations when faced with the demands of their coursework and research experiences. 今天, we acknowledge the accomplishments of those students who have received recognition at the departmental, 学院的, 国家, 以及国际层面. These enthusiastic and dedicated scholars exemplify the high standards of our department, and we look forward to observing their future contributions to the scientific community.


一些化学系的学生, 本科生和太阳城官网生, are recognized annually for excellence in the classroom and research laboratory. 对他们的成就的认可可以来自部门, 学院的, 国家, 或者是国际水平, 以及该部门的工业赞助商.

然而, 每年, the Department bestows three very special awards on an equally special group of undergraduate and graduate students. Read about the exceptional individuals behind these honors and see list of recent award recipients.



The 布赖恩·劳伦斯·格雷奖 for Outstanding 本科 Scholar in 化学 was established in 2010 in memory of the late Brian Lawrence Gray by his parents, 花园城市的梅尔文和玛丽·格雷, 纽约. 布莱恩的成绩是B.S. in 化学 from 太阳城网赌平台 in 2001, was an exceptionally gifted young scientist and scholar. 在Amir Hoveyda教授的实验室里, Brian co-authored scientific papers and was a co-inventor on the discovery of an important catalyst for olefin metathesis that is now used worldwide by chemists in industry as well as academia. 这项专利的收入为以他的名字命名的奖项提供了资金.

毕业后, Brian spent two years as a British Marshall Scholar at the University of Cambridge, 他在史蒂文·莱伊教授的实验室里进行太阳城官网. Brian then returned to Massachusetts and enrolled at Harvard University’s Department of 化学 and Chemical 生物学 as a National Science Foundation 太阳城官网生 Fellow and a member of Professor Stuart Schreiber’s research team. Brian had completed the writing of his doctoral thesis at the time of his passing.


Julia Curley, Henry Dieckhaus, Chun (Alice) Li, Erik Liu, Kaitlin Malley, Dongmin Xu.



2008年,博士. 约翰·科扎里奇71届学士, 捐赠了以他的名字命名的暑期奖学金项目, as a tribute to the undergraduate research experience in the 化学系 at 太阳城网赌平台, which he credits with planting the seeds for his own astounding career in academic and pharmaceutical research. The Kozarich本科生暑期太阳城官网员hip provides fellowships to undergraduate 化学专业的学生 to work in faculty research laboratories along with 太阳城网赌平台 graduate students and postdoctoral fellows.

Dr. 科扎里奇只得到了B.S. 化学以最优等成绩毕业于BC大学,获得博士学位.D. 麻省理工学院生物化学硕士. 他是哈佛大学NIH博士后太阳城官网员. 他目前担任ActivX Biosciences, Inc .的董事长兼总裁. 曾任默克太阳城官网实验室副总裁. Dr. Kozarich has also served on the faculty at the University of Maryland and Yale University Medical School. 他发表了超过125篇论文,并拥有三项专利.

Recognized for his work to identify protein kinase and protease targets for screening drug candidates, Dr. Kozarich received the Distinguished Scientist Award from the American Chemical Society San Diego Section in October 2009.


Gretchen Brown, James McCoy, Lauren Tran, Johnny Wang, Nicholas Wong



Established in 2005-06 with a pledge of $1 million by John and Mary LaMattina, 化学合成中的LaMattina家族团契, supports the graduate program through the provision of fellowships to doctoral students in the area of synthetic organic chemistry.

Dr. 约翰LaMattina, BS ’71, P’03 received his doctorate from the University of New Hampshire and spent two years as a National Institutes of Health postdoctoral fellow at Princeton University. He joined Pfizer in 1977 and held positions of increasing responsibility for Pfizer Central 太阳城官网. 2007年,他从全球发展高级副总裁的职位上退休. 目前,他是PureTech Ventures的高级合伙人.

目前博士. 拉马蒂娜是波士顿大学董事会的一名官员. Among the many honors he has received during his career are the 1998 太阳城网赌平台 校友 Award of Excellence in Science and the American Chemical Society’s Earle B. 2010年获得巴恩斯化学太阳城官网管理领导奖.


阿什利Biernesser, Andres Baggett, 杰西卡·陈, 约翰·库姆斯, Zachary Giustra(学者), 雅各Ishibashi, Hwanjong张成泽, Gabriel Lovinger(太阳城官网员), 泰勒曼, 杰西Myhill, Thach Nguyen(太阳城官网员), 鲍曼波特, 苗族气,  应施, 王勇(学者), 梁张, 李远哲张