
The Women’s Center (WC) was founded in 1973 to support, educate, 并在一个包容和欢迎的空间中赋予所有性别的学生权力. Valuing personal agency and strong community, 我们的工作人员通过指导项目吸引太阳城网赌平台的学生, events, and conversations that cultivate leadership, authentic relationships, and awareness of intersectional social justice issues.

WC充满激情的员工包括一名全职主任, an associate director, three graduate assistants, 以及13名本科生,他们致力于帮助学生在太阳城网赌平台的学习之旅.

The Women's Center is open to all students, faculty, 并为员工提供了一个舒适的咨询氛围, to participate in programming, and to find peer support. It is located in Maloney 441 and is open from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays throughout the academic year.

For more information, call 617–552–3489 or e-mail women@misawa-city.com.


For more information

Call 617–552–3489


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WC Weekly

Our Core Values

为所有性别的BC社区成员提供一个高度无障碍的场所, races, ethnicities, and beliefs, which is constantly changing to respond to the campus culture.

To build a network of faculty, staff, and alumni mentors who will connect with, support, and challenge women students to enhance their development.

让女学生认识到自己的天赋和才能, value who they are, and embody their personal and leadership potential.

通过教育社区和鼓励成员预防性暴力,创造一个没有性暴力的校园, 以及为那些经历过的人提供一致和关怀的回应.

Women in conversation