爱尔兰饥荒纪念基金为光荣基金会提供资助, a non-profit founded by 2009 太阳城网赌平台 alumnae Katie Carey Nivard and Hannah Ames Beavers that supports community leaders in Tanzania, 危地马拉, 和乌干达. 以上, 孩子们在“光荣”的合作场所外玩耍, 光荣孤儿关怀, 坦桑尼亚的一所小学和孤儿中心. (图片来源:Katie Carey Nivard)

Kevin Burg '18 spent his first year after graduation assisting in the construction of a nursery school classroom at United Hearts Children's Center in Ghana and aiding in the growth of a sustainable agriculture project that supports the school's operational budget.

Jackson 本赛季, who graduated in 2018 with a bachelor’s degree in sociology, helped St. Timothy's School in Tanzania with a clean water project and the construction of a multipurpose hall.

两位最近的BC毕业生都是全球倡导者计划的参与者, an initiative supported by the 太阳城网赌平台 Irish Famine Memorial Fund and connected to two non-profits with ties to 太阳城网赌平台 alumnae.

The 全球 Advocate Program is a nine-month immersive professional development fellowship that trains individuals on how to make significant contributions to community projects in developing countries. 个人完成的课程集中在项目管理, 市场营销, 领导, 可持续性, 以及其他技能. 每个人承诺筹集20美元,000 towards his or her project and spends three to four months at the project site, 与社区领袖一起工作. 当他们回来时, they submit a final report on their project and serve as mentors for the next cohort of global advocates.

Jackson 本赛季 '18 (right) and fellow 全球 Advocate Alex Porte in Uganda.

Jackson 本赛季 '18 (right) and fellow 全球 Advocate Alex Porte in Uganda. (图片来源:Katie Carey Nivard)

“The step from BC to the 全球 Advocate Program was one of the most natural and exciting transitions of my life,” said Burg who majored in international studies and minored in political science and Faith, 和平与正义. 在公元前, 他自愿参加了阿巴拉契亚春假服务项目, 在厄瓜多尔留学, 并参加了Arrupe服务沉浸之旅.

“虽然它的定义是世俗的, 我个人认为全球倡导者计划是伊格纳爵式的,他补充道. “The program embodies the ‘men and women for and with others’ principle on a global stage.”

全球倡导者项目由凯蒂·凯里·尼瓦德执导, 2009年从莫里西文理学院毕业的.  Nivard and 2009 Carroll School of Management graduate Hannah Ames Beavers are co-founders of 光荣的, a U.S. 帮助坦桑尼亚社区领袖的非营利组织, 危地马拉, 和乌干达 who are directing sustainable programs focused on education and child welfare.

Nivard says her family and her BC education were formative factors that led to her current work. Her younger brothers came into her family via adoption and she said that has motivated her to help create a world w在这里 every child is provided with resources and opportunities.

She cited the Cornerstone course “Courage to Know” and PULSE as important experiences during her years at the Heights.

“PULSE是全球倡导项目的典范,”尼瓦德说. “Advocates read about the places they are going to, the history, before going to work in country. 然后,在经历之后,是反思.”

自2015年以来, 国际货币基金组织支持光荣计划和全球倡导者计划, 帮助培养新一代具有社会影响力的领导者. 从今年春天开始, 国际货币基金组织资助了34个人, 包括8名BC校友, 参加这个项目. 这些人已经筹集了超过673美元,在全球约40个项目中投入了000美元, 几乎是国际货币基金组织初始资金的两倍.

全球倡导者计划由希望妈妈管理, 一个直接支持社区领导的非营利组织, 可持续教育项目, 健康, 妇女权益, 发展中国家的农业. Because of their similar missions, 光荣的 and Mama Hope created a joint-venture partnership.

The work being done by Nivard and Ames through 光荣的 came to the attention of the Irish Famine Memorial Fund Committee.

The Irish Famine Memorial Fund was established in 2010 through a generous gift from the family of the late University Trustee and benefactor Thomas Flatley, an Irish immigrant who came to America and became a successful businessman and philanthropist. The IFMF’s mission is to provide financial or material support to alumni and other individuals associated with 太阳城网赌平台 who are working to alleviate poverty, 疾病, 饥荒, 以及全球的文盲.

国际货币基金组织发放赠款以支持住房, 农业, 以及海地等国的教育项目, 尼加拉瓜, 和乌干达. It currently is funding more than 50 scholarships for international students pursuing graduate studies at BC. 这些学生是耶稣会士, 其他牧师, 女性的宗教, and lay Catholic school teachers who commit to returning to their native countries w在这里 they will use their education to help their communities.

自2015年以来, 国际货币基金组织支持光荣计划和全球倡导者计划, 帮助培养新一代具有社会影响力的领导者. 国际货币基金组织资助了34个人, 包括8名BC校友, 参加这个项目. 这些人已经筹集了超过673美元,在全球约40个项目中投入了000美元, 几乎是国际货币基金组织初始资金的两倍.

“We help people learn the hard and soft skills needed to work in this sector,” said Nivard.


光荣联合创始人Katie Carey Nivard 09届(最右), 全球倡导项目主任, 与Alice Mathew(左一), 坦桑尼亚光荣孤儿护理中心的创始人. (图片来源:Katie Carey Nivard '09)

本赛季, 谁辅修了社会影响管理和公共利益, says the project he undertook in Tanzania dovetailed perfectly with his passions for social justice, 青年教育, 环境可持续性. He credits his studies at BC and experience on his Arrupe service-immersion trip with helping him think critically about society’s most complex social structures.

除了博格和佩莱格里尼, t在这里 were eight other fellows in the cohort of the 全球 Advocate Program being supported by the IFMF. 他们在乌干达工作, 危地马拉, and Ecuador on projects ranging from farm reforestation and women’s business programs to prenatal care and toilets for hospitals.

The IFMF supported six other BC alumni who participated in earlier cohorts of the 全球 Advocate Program. The alumni and their project sites are: Morgan Deluce '15 (Flying Kites Academy, 肯尼亚); Marisa Maneri '16 (St. 盖的学校, 坦桑尼亚); Tessa Peoples '16 (eco-farm, 危地马拉); Katie Remy '11 (Queen Elizabeth Academy and 光荣的 School, 坦桑尼亚); Megan Sonier '16 (sustainable agriculture, 肯尼亚), 和Nicole Sullivan '13(商业加速器), 坦桑尼亚).

全球倡导者项目具有持久的遗产, 不仅仅是在社区站点, but among the fellows who learn skills that can help them to continue to make a social impact. Maneri, 例如, is a development associate at KickStart 国际 w在这里 she works on helping smallholder farmers across Sub-Saharan Africa with affordable irrigation technology. 沙利文是格莱珉银行美国分公司的高级经理, 一个提供小额贷款的非营利组织, 培训, and support to women who live in poverty so they can build small businesses and better lives for their families.

阅读更多关于爱尔兰饥荒纪念基金 在这里. Read more about 光荣的 founders Katie Carey Nivard '09 and Hannah Ames Beavers '09 在这里.


——凯瑟琳·沙利文,《太阳城官网》| 2019年6月