
The upcoming 2020 presidential election provides a timely backdrop for the campus appearance by award-winning 纽约时报 白宫记者麦琪·哈伯曼报道, which kicks off te fall season of the University’s Lowell 人文学科 Series, 本学期哪些课程将以虚拟形式举行.

英语副教授詹姆斯·史密斯, LHS主任, said the fall line-up “offers students the opportunity to enhance their academic experience by engaging with conversations addressing a series of urgent issues in our society, 包括选举年的公民参与, 投票抑制, 气候变化, 社会正义, 退伍军人护理服务,  以及持续的公共卫生危机.”

All events are free; registration is required.




在加入 纽约时报 2015年担任竞选记者, Haberman was part of a team that won a Pulitzer Prize in 2018 for reporting on Donald Trump’s advisers 和 their connections to Russia. 在时代之前, she was a political reporter at Politico 和 a finalist for the Mirror Awards, 格伦·思拉什, for the 2014 Politico profile “What Is Hillary Clinton Afraid Of?哈伯曼之前曾在《太阳城官网》等出版物工作 纽约邮政t和 纽约每日新闻. Her appearance is cosponsored by the Campus Activities Board. 需要注册


Emory University’s Charles Howard C和ler Professor of African American Studies, 安德森是 《白人的愤怒:我们国家分裂的不可言说的真相, a 纽约时报 畅销书, 华盛顿邮报》 Notable Book, 和 National Book Critics Circle Award winner. 她也是其他书籍的作者,包括 One Person, No Vote: How Voter Suppression is Destroying Our Democracy, which was long-listed for the National Book Award 和 a finalist for the PEN/Galbraith Award in non-fiction. 她是联合国的一名成员.S. State Department’s Historical Advisory Committee 和 board of directors of the Harry S. Truman Library Institute 和 the National Economic 和 Social Rights Initiative. Co-sponsored by the Winston Center for Leadership 和 Ethics 和 the History Department.


一个地理学家, 冰河学家, 泰德的, 以及国家地理学会探险家, Jackson is the recipient of notable grants 和 awards including U.S. 富布赖特基金和美国.S. 富布赖特大使的职位. 目前是国家地理学会的北极专家, she has worked for more than a decade chronicling that region’s 气候变化 和 communities, 指导旅行, 探索冰川系统. 她的回忆录 While Glaciers Slept: Being Human in a Time of Climate Change weaves together parallel stories of what happens when the climates of a family 和 a planet change. In 冰川的秘密生活, she explores the impacts of glacier change on the human 和 physical geography of Icel和. Co-sponsored by the Earth 和 Environmental Science Department和 the Environmental Studies Program.


Bridgett米. 戴维斯
除了她作为小说家的成功, 散文家, 老师, 导演, 和策展人, 戴维斯的回忆录为她赢得了赞誉, The World According To Fannie 戴维斯: My Mother’s Life in the Detroit Numbers, a 纽约时报编辑的选择. 获奖影片《太阳城网赌平台》的编剧和导演,” she also is an advocate in promoting 和 nurturing literary talent by people of color. 作为一名职业生涯早期的记者, 戴维斯 wrote for newspapers 和 magazines 和 her recent reviews 和 essays have been featured in such prominent publications as the 纽约时报哦,奥普拉杂志. 戴维斯 is a professor of Journalism 和 the Writing Professions at Baruch College, CUNY 和 facilitates writing workshops for junior faculty of color 和 women. 由非洲人共同发起 & African Diaspora Studies, American Studies 和 Journalism 项目.

Stephan Wolfert

Stephan Wolfert

Wolfert left a career in the military—having served as an Army medic 和 infantry officer—for a life in the theater after seeing Shakespeare’s “Richard III.” He earned a master of fine arts degree from Trinity Repertory Conservator 和 went on to create 和 direct the military segments for Twyla Tharp 和 Billy Joel’s Tony-Award winning Broadway production “Movin’ Out.” Wolfert is the founding artistic director of Shakespeare & 退伍军人和退伍军人表演艺术中心. He is currently a company member 和 the head of outreach for Bedlam in New York City, 和 the creator of DE-CRUIT: a program to reintegrate military veterans using classical actor training. 由戏剧系共同主办.


Murphy is the founding principal 和 executive director of MASS Design Group, an architecture 和 design collective that leverages buildings, the design 和 construction process to become catalysts for economic growth, 社会变革, 和正义. With a portfolio comprising more than a dozen countries 和 spanning health care, 教育, 住房, 城市发展, MASS’s work has been published in some 900 publications 和 won global awards. 它的项目, 国家和平与正义纪念碑, was named the single greatest work of American architecture in the 21st century. Murphy’s 2016 TED talk reached over a million views 和 was awarded the Al Filipov Medal for Peace 和 Justice. Presented by the Park Street Corporation Speaker Series 和 co-sponsored by LHS.

“I want to urge faculty to encourage students to register for the webinars via the BC Event Calendar 和 to avail themselves of the additional resources linked to each event和 accessible from the Lowell website,史密斯说。, who acknowledged the support of the Office of the Provost和 Dean of Faculties 和 the Institute for the Liberal Arts in the move to a virtual webinar format this semester, which along with the generosity of the Lowell Institute ensured the continuity of a 63-year-old BC tradition.  

史密斯还对各部门表示了感谢, 项目, 和 partners across campus which co-sponsor Lowell events 和 help make possible the vibrant intellectual dialogue they foster.

Registration links for each webinar will go live two weeks prior to each event. To register, 和 for more details, including resources for faculty 和 students, go to misawa-city.com/lowell.

大学传播| 2020年9月