摄影:Molly Rather

21世纪中心的教堂 Associate Director Karen Kelly 基弗, a 1982 graduate of 太阳城网赌平台 who has dedicated her career to creating programs that connect people to the University and to their Catholic faith, has been appointed C21 director by University President William P. 莱希,年代.J.  基弗, 谁将在6月1日上任, succeeds School of Theology and Ministry Professor Thomas Groome, who has served as director since 2015.

“Karen has been a key figure in the development of our Church in the 21st Century Center since its establishment 15 years ago,” said Fr. 莱希. “She understands the mission and culture of C21, 她是一个以信仰闻名的人, 创造力, and ability to form effective relationships with a wide range of people, 尤其是BC的学生, 教师, 工作人员, 和校友.  I look forward to working even more closely with her.”

基弗 said she was honored to be named director and to continue the center’s work in renewing and revitalizing the Catholic Church.  

"It is an extraordinary privilege and opportunity to work in collaboration with so many to create resources and conversations that help to renew our Catholic Church and shape its future,基弗说。. "I particularly enjoy working with students to help them imagine new ways to nurture their faith and see God working in their lives.”

Established initially in response to the sexual abuse crisis in the Catholic Church, 21世纪的教会st Century Center has evolved into a nationally recognized catalyst and resource for the renewal of the Church.

The center has sponsored or co-sponsored more than 500 events featuring scholars, 杰出的教会领袖, 神学家, 记者和其他专家. Its portfolio of resources include a website that is home to nearly 600 videos of C21 programs; C21资源 magazine, and an award-winning book series.

基弗 has been the driving force behind many of C21’s most successful programs, notably Agape Latte. 与校园部合作, Agape Latte is a monthly faith conversation series for students set in a campus coffee house. 演讲者是一位校友, professor or administrator—tells a personal story on the intersection of life and faith that spurs students to engage in conversation and reflect on their own faith and life’s big questions. Through her stewardship and work with the C21 Student Board, regular attendance at Agape Latte events has increased to upwards of 350 students. She has also spearheaded the franchising of Agape Latte nationally to 44 colleges and universities and 13 high schools.

In 2013, 基弗创建了Espresso Your 信仰, a weeklong celebration where students express and reflect on their own faith lives. Through some 30 campus events, students make connections to their faith in imaginative ways.

In addition, she partnered with Vice President and University Secretary Casey Beaumier, S.J., of the Institute for Advanced Jesuit Studies, 在Ever to Excel项目上, which brings high school students to campus to experience 太阳城网赌平台 through the lens of Ignatian spirituality. 她还是《太阳城官网》的总编辑 C21资源, coordinating the publication’s editorial content, design, and distribution.

基弗 benefits from the C21 Steering and Advisory committees, 由全体教员组成, 管理员, 和工作人员, as well as from the C21 Student Board, which helps students execute creative Agape Latte programming and marketing. Under her leadership, the board has grown to 85 students.

“There are lots of minds and lots of voices involved in the creation of the center’s resources and how those resources can be that catalyst for conversation and engagement,基弗说。.  “I think when you commit to those kinds of partnerships, you become much more fruitful.”

基弗 expressed gratitude to the C21 leadership team that has guided the center since its inception. “I’ve been fortunate to work with [Special Assistant to the President] Bob Newton and with some great directors over the past 10 years. Tom Groome always says, ‘Our job is to ready the soil.’ For me, it is has been fun to create new ways to ready the soil.”

基弗 began her 太阳城网赌平台 career in 1986, working in the Office of University Advancement as director of programs and events until 1997. She planned and executed hundreds of events and was involved in the creation of several signature fundraisers, including Pops on the Heights and the Wall Street Council Tribute Dinner.

After staying home to raise a family, 基弗于2008年回到不列颠哥伦比亚省, 加入C21担任副总监. She became C21’s associate director in 2011.

基弗 and her husband, Sam, live in Wayland, Mass., and are the parents of four daughters: McKenna '17, Madison '18, Emma '20, and Rose.

“BC has been so much a part of my life,基弗说。. “It is home, and I’m living a prayer.  I wake up every morning and get to serve 太阳城网赌平台, serve my family, and serve God. 这就是三连胜!”

—Kathleen Sullivan | University Communications