伍兹学院的学生Maggie Joyce和Darren Li在学校的首届本科生太阳城官网会议上分享了一个祝贺的时刻. (Justin Knight)

Scholarship across the disciplines of philosophy, psychology, literature, politics, energy dynamics, natural sciences, 在伍兹高等太阳城官网学院主办的首届本科生太阳城官网会议上,faith成为了焦点.

3月23日,100多名与会者聚集在加森大厅,参加为期一天的活动, which included faculty panels and student poster presentations, 太阳城网赌平台警察局长和公共安全执行主任William B. Evans.

The conference, sponsored by the Woods College's new applied research department, 反映了学校对培养学生成为公民的形成性教育的标志性承诺, service, and leadership in a global society. 除了伍兹学院为本科生提供多种机会 personal reflection and discernment, 它对学术的日益重视鼓励学生加深他们的思考和探究水平.

To research is to go about seeking the truth, said Woods College Interim Dean David Goodman in his welcoming remarks at the event; it provides a more informed guide with which to consider—and challenge—ideas, 在一个被注意力持续时间缩短和病毒式传播的“假新闻”困扰的当代社会,哪一点尤为重要."

The Woods undergraduate research conference, he said, 不仅是为了展示学生的成就,也是为了丰富参与者彼此交谈和深入思考世界的能力.

BCPD Chief William Evans addresses the conference

波士顿警局局长威廉·埃文斯在活动上发表了主旨演讲. (Gary Higgins)

In his keynote address, Evans, 他是全国受人尊敬的执法领袖,在担任波士顿市警察局长后,于2018年加入太阳城网赌平台, shared a number of examples of how research has been, and continues to be, of critical importance to his work.

On a daily basis, he said, studying crime statistics, including patterns and trends, 是决定波士顿警局2200名警员任务的关键. “我们需要知道犯罪在哪里发生,或者可能在哪里发生,”他说. "Data drives deployment."

Research influences and supports policy decisions and initiatives, he said, 他指出,在准备向立法者就从普遍枪支法的必要性到大麻使用对年轻人的影响等问题发表讲话时,他依赖太阳城官网和统计数据.

BCPD Chief William Evans

首届活动吸引了一百多名与会者来到不列颠哥伦比亚省的加森大厅. (Gary Higgins)

In addition, he said, it plays an important role in the solving of crimes, not only in the effort to identify perpetrators, 同时也帮助警方了解犯罪发生的原因. "When we look at gang violence," he said as an example, “从犯罪本身和家庭成员的生活来看,这很有价值, to learn more about why it happens."

Evans, 他最近刚就防范恐怖主义策略向香港执法人员提供意见回来, 强调需要不断太阳城官网最佳做法的发展, 尤其是考虑到当代警察工作的复杂性. Modern research techniques such as DNA identification, he said, 让调查人员能够解决几十年来一直悬而未决的案件吗.

埃文斯的言论也反映了伍兹学院的使命,即让非传统学生能够接受太阳城网赌平台的教育. 他一生都住在南波士顿,是六个孩子中最小的一个,很小的时候就失去了双亲. It was a local priest, he said, who helped him to enroll in Saint Sebastian's, a Catholic secondary school in Needham, Mass., which he describes as a turning point in his life.


West Price Ashby presentation

伍兹大学本科生West Price-Ashby '19讨论了他的海洋热能项目. (Justin Knight)

伍兹学院的学生海报展示集中在广泛的主题, including an assessment of the impact of satire in generating political change; an examination of The Apollonian and Dionysian in Tolstoy’s The Death of Ivan Ilych; a comparative study of two U.S. Army nurses, both immigrants, who were killed while serving their adopted country in separate conflicts; and an analysis of Haitian religious communities, to cite a few.

19岁的波士顿人West Price-Ashby说,他很高兴有机会与伍兹学院的教员Jennifer Cole一起完成他的项目, which related to the viability of ocean thermal energy. "My family is very committed to conserving energy at home," he said, 是什么促使这位心理学专业的学生选修了科尔的能源动力学和减少碳足迹课程, 了解他个人如何对环境产生更大的影响. "The course," he said, "was amazing."

Award presentation

伍兹学院临时院长大卫·古德曼为María Cristina Fernández Escobar颁发了“最佳海报”奖, a researcher in the area of philosophy and women's issues. (Justin Knight)

这一天还包括两个关于太阳城官网在法律领域中的作用的教师小组讨论, business, English, history, philosophy, theology, psychology, and the natural sciences. 与会者还强调了这些领域最近出现的重要发现.

The Woods College Applied Research Department, which organized the conference, 是去年秋天由学院发起的,旨在支持和推进学院教员的学术探索, research fellows, and students. 它目前的太阳城官网领域与学校的领导和管理硕士课程相对应, cybersecurity policy and governance, applied economics, and sports administration.

Projects under way focus on how the experience of fear affects leadership across personality types; transitions in business leadership; the efficacy of mindfulness programs in U.S. police departments; the impact of participation in sports for midlife athletes; cyber warfare, international cyber crime, and cyber risk management in nation-states; and new measures of labor market restrictiveness.

Patricia Delaney | University Communications