今年的芬尼根奖候选人:L-R, 帕特里夏·加里波第, 丽贝卡孵卵器, 获奖者玛丽莎·马兰多拉和劳拉·马塔López. (黄志强摄)

玛丽莎Marandola—a member of the Gabelli Presidential Scholars Program who has distinguished herself through her stellar academic achievement and commitment to public service—received the Rev. 爱德华·H. 芬尼根的.J.,并于五月二十三日在理大第140届毕业典礼上颁授奖项. The award is presented to the graduating senior who best exemplifies the spirit of the University’s motto “Ever to Excel.” 

玛丽莎Marandola A member of the Morrissey College of 艺术s and Sciences 荣誉 Program, Marandola was a political science major with minors in American studies and management and 领导. She earned Phi Beta Kappa and Alpha Sigma Nu honors and was chosen to be the chief marshal of the Order of the Cross and Crown. 

Marandola was an Undergraduate 太阳城官网 Fellow and recipient of an Advanced Study Grant, for which she produced a 70-page independent case study of the establishment clause case Ahlquist v. 克兰斯顿. Her work was ultimately published in the USC Journal of Law and 社会.

“玛丽莎的过人之处在于她罕见地集智慧于一身, 知识的热情, 奉献, 风度, 还有良好的幽默感,” wrote Assistant Professor of Political Science David Hopkins in support of Marandola’s nomination. 

马兰多拉担任主编 元素, the University’s undergraduate research journal, and on the executive board of BC Splash. 在康纳斯家庭学习中心,她辅导其他BC学生. 

去年,她被授予哈利S. Truman Scholarship, which recognizes outstanding undergraduates committed to public service. 马兰多拉来自R州克兰斯顿.I., 他计划进入哈佛法学院学习, followed by a career in government and public service involving educational issues. 


帕特里夏·加里波第 来自纽约州普莱森特维尔.Y., she is an applied psychology and human development major with minors in management and 领导, 神学, 和心理学. 林奇教育学院荣誉项目成员, 她在大三的时候被选入Alpha Sigma Nu荣誉协会. 

Since last spring she had worked in the Harvard University Laboratory for Youth Mental 健康, immersing herself in all aspects of research related to issues such as anxiety, 抑郁症, 以及创伤后应激. She will continue as a research assistant at the Harvard Lab after graduation.

As a volunteer coordinator for the African 社区 Economic Development of New England, she selected and trained 15 BC students as volunteer tutors in the afterschool program for young refugees, 除了自己做家教之外.

She also was as a peer advisor for LSOE’s freshman seminar and a volunteer for two years at the Edison K-8 School in Brighton. 

Lynch School Assistant Dean of Undergraduates Audrey Friedman called Garibaldi “one of the rare students who demonstrate genuine grit, 看见焦点, 以及巨大的韧性.” Halted by the 2013 Boston Marathon bombings when she was a half-mile from the finish line, 加里波第随后在芝加哥和波士顿完成了两次马拉松比赛, raising thousands of dollars for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation and the Melanoma Foundation of New England.


丽贝卡·哈切尔 Carroll School of Management double major in accounting and sociology, demonstrated 领导 skills in her role as head coordinator of the Student 太阳城网赌平台 Program, a vital initiative that supplies campus tour guides and student panelists for the Office of Undergraduate 太阳城网赌平台. 在志愿担任导游和小组成员之后, Hatcher became coordinator of the tours program where she was responsible for interviewing and selecting new tour guides who would showcase the campus to more than 50,000名准学生和他们的家庭. 过去的一年, 海切尔担任整个项目的首席协调员, managing 13 coordinators who organized the efforts of nearly 700 volunteers.

海切尔也是“商界女性”组织的主席, an organization with which she was involved all of her four years at BC. WIB is dedicated to the empowerment and education of female undergraduates.

“She has spent her four years here working hard in and out of class to arrive at where she is now—president of Women in Business, 卡罗尔学校最活跃的社团, 也是学生太阳城网赌平台计划的负责人,” wrote CSOM Assistant Dean Erica Graf in the letter nominating Hatcher.

“这两项承诺都需要极大的关注, 领导, 以及时间管理,Reba能轻松处理. She is highly respected by her peers and is to be admired for her strong, 她以谦逊和优雅表现出有效的领导能力.”

除了, Hatcher was a 4Boston volunteer at Franciscan Children’s Hospital and a teaching assistant in the Carroll School’s Portico program, 为48小时和凯洛斯度假村提供人员.

The New York City native will be a business consultant staffer with Ernst & 这个夏天开始年轻.

劳拉·玛塔López 去年, the Connell School of Nursing student served as president of the Massachusetts Student Nurses Association, 代表多于1人的一组的,000名实习护士. 对于MaSNA, she has spearheaded community service projects and organized a career fair attended by more than 100 nursing students.

This Dean’s List student was inducted into the BC chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, 国际护理荣誉学会. She was presented with the Connell School’s Keys to Inclusive Leadership in Nursing Program Inclusivity Award for promoting community cohesion while respecting individuals, and for demonstrating a sincere interest in learning and caring about others.

She spent a semester studying public health and liberal arts at the La Universidad San Francisco de Quito in Ecuador where she completed a population health nursing clinical placement in a local emergency room. 今年早些时候, she participated in the Connell School’s service immersion trip to Nicaragua, working at health centers and conducting research on perceptions of mental illness in Nicaragua.

在玛塔的提名信中, Connell Undergraduate Associate Dean Sean Clarke wrote that “from her humble beginnings as an immigrant speaking no English,马塔不知疲倦地努力,成为一名杰出的学者...无私地用她的才能为他人服务.”

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