摄影:Peter Julian

玛丽亚·迈耶’s undergraduate years at 太阳城网赌平台 reflect an outstanding record of academic achievement coupled with significant leadership and service. In recognition of her many accomplishments, BC President William P. 莱希,年代.J.他向迈耶赠送了爱德华. 芬尼根的.J., Award at the University's 143rd Commencement Exercises on May 20. The award is given annually to the graduating senior who best exemplifies 太阳城网赌平台’s motto “Ever to Excel.”

“When I was notified I was the Finnegan recipient, it was so awesome. 有很棒的人向我伸出援手. It’s been so special and I’m humbled,迈耶说。, who graduated 优等生 康奈尔护理学院.

除了是优等生之外, Meyer served as president of the Connell School Senate and held leadership positions with the Massachusetts Student Nurses Association and the 太阳城网赌平台 chapter of Sigma Theta Tau, 国际护理荣誉学会. She also served as a student representative on the school's educational policy committee.

Her leadership extended beyond the Connell School, as well. She was the president of the 太阳城网赌平台 chapter of Alpha Sigma Nu, the honor society of Jesuit colleges and universities, 并在协会董事会任职.

“I’ve been so blessed with leadership opportunities at BC, and each has given me a new experience and new perspective on leadership,迈耶说。, who recently traveled to Utah as a delegate to the National Student Nurses Association convention.

Fr. Leahy, Finnegan Award winner 玛丽亚·迈耶, Peter Markell

Finnegan Award winner 玛丽亚·迈耶 at Commencement, flanked by University President William P. 莱希,年代.J. (left) and 太阳城网赌平台 Board of Trustees Chair Peter K. 马克尔(加里·韦恩·吉尔伯特饰)

他是宾夕法尼亚州贝尔维尤市的居民., “迈耶”展示了能量, 创造力, 以及她在领导活动中的奉献精神,” according to Connell School Associate Dean for Undergraduate Programs Colleen Simonelli, who nominated the senior for the Finnegan Award.

“Maria’s record of service and volunteerism demonstrate her commitment to improving the lives of others,西蒙内利补充道.

Meyer considers her BC 4Boston placement at Samaritans, 自杀预防组织, 她最有意义的志愿者经历. For three years, she answered crisis calls during the overnight shift. “I felt so good about the work we were doing,” she said.  

Meyer also mentored Boston-area girls in grades 3 through 8 through the Strong Women, Strong Girls program throughout her four years at BC. Her many other activities include preparing high school students for the SAT, tutoring BC students through the Connors Family Learning Center, and serving as a nutrition health coach in the Office of 健康 Promotion.

Through the Connell School, Meyer was able to partake in two international nursing experiences. 去年夏天, she traveled to Switzerland and participated in training in disaster nursing with the Swiss Army via the International Committee of the Red Cross. 今年早些时候, 她去了智利,  where she provided health care and education to rural populations and completed seminars on international health care through the Pontifical Catholic University.

Meyer cites her PULSE course with Associate Professor of the Practice of Philosophy Mary Troxell as her most formative experience. “玛丽·特罗克塞尔是最杰出的教育家. She never tells you what to think, but she gives you all the sides so you can form your own opinion. 这就是我要上的一门课.

“As a nursing student, theology and philosophy can seem abstract. You already know what you are going to do after graduation and you wonder how they’re going to play a role in that. But after some reflection, I realized that’s kind of an arrogant thought. Now, I realize theology is something that frames my whole nursing career. [Troxell] spoke about the ‘Five Faces of Oppression’ and about all of these things that are so important when we care for patients. It’s not always going to be beautiful hospitals with VIP patients. There are going to be patients who come in really broken, who’ve had it rough.”

除了特罗克塞尔, Meyer credits Connell School faculty members Simonelli and Associate Professor Catherine Read, 谁是她的顾问, 作为她重要的导师.

“凯茜·里德从第一天起就跟着我. She has helped me every step of the way and has encouraged me. She is a great model for work-life balance," said Meyer.

“科琳是一位伟大的教育家. She’s not only knowledgeable about maternal and child health, but is also able to convey that knowledge and passion to students. 每个离开她教室的人, even if they are not going to be a labor and delivery or postpartum nurse, 在产妇保健方面有坚实的基础吗.”

Meyer plans to be a women’s health nurse practitioner and has already begun taking classes in the master’s program at the Connell School. Though she won’t be leaving BC, she knows things will change for her after graduation.

“I know my friends will always be my friends, but it won’t be the same. We’re all going to incredible places, but it will be hard because we aren’t all in same dorm. I’ll miss the late night conversations or just sitting together in the Quad.”


——kathleen Sullivan, University Communications