太阳城网赌平台美国种族正义论坛将于3月24日至25日举办“针对美国种族正义的批判性对话和学生声音”, 由学生主导的会议,旨在促进对种族不公正对国家影响的讨论和反思.

Open and free of charge to all members of the Boston College community, as well as to other college students, the conference has drawn registrants from schools across the country.

Forum Co-Executive Directors Joy Moore, 太阳城网赌平台松树庄园学生成功太阳城官网所副校长兼执行主任, and Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences Dean Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., will deliver remarks during the program, which begins at 5 p.m. on March 24.

A keynote address by Thomas Mitchell, who holds the Robert F. Drinan, S.J. Endowed Chair at Boston College Law School, will begin at 6:30 p.m. on “Racialized Property Systems in America: Generational Impacts and Possible Solutions.”

BC undergraduates Devianna Smith and Isiaah Clark

BC本科生devanna Smith和Isiaah Clark将在会议上发表主题演讲(Chris Soldt)

在3月25日为期一天的活动中,卑诗大学24岁的本科生Isiaah Clark和23岁的devanna Smith将进行两场主题演讲, in addition to other sessions.

会议将在罗布沙姆戏剧艺术中心举行,期间来自卡罗尔管理学院富尔顿领导协会的学生将担任主持人, Corcoran Commons, and Gasson Hall. For more information, including registration, schedule, locations, and participant biographies, see the conference website.

A University-wide initiative launched in 2020, the Forum is designed to provide a meeting place for listening, dialogue, and greater understanding about race and racism in America. BC student leaders collaborated on the upcoming conference, which is co-sponsored by the Division of Student Affairs. Education wealth distribution, criminal justice, affordable housing, 和医疗保健将是国家种族正义主题和议题之一,将讨论它们对美国种族和身份的影响.

“Fr. Kalscheur和我对即将到来的会议感到兴奋,原因有很多。. “首先,在美国召开种族正义会议的想法直接来自学生们. A conference designed for students, by students, sends a powerful message that student voices can make things happen.

“The importance of the topic resonates with everyone,” she added. “在这个领域,校园里经常发生很多好的工作,我们希望论坛支持的会议能给那些帮助推进美国种族正义的人带来一些启示。.”

Thomas Mitchell

BC Law School Drinan Professor Thomas Mitchell (Caitlin Cunningham)

米切尔将提供美国不同物权法制度的几个方面的历史说明.S. 这使得有色人种从历史上的从属群体中被边缘化,对几代人产生了不利的影响. This account will demonstrate that, throughout U.S. history, 私人和公共行为者都采取行动,阻碍有色人种拥有强有力的财产权,有时甚至是任何财产权.

“我们的社会要消除许多种族差距,这些差距阻碍了我们的国家成为一个真正人人机会平等的地方,” he said, “我们需要像参加这次会议的学生一样,批判性地审视过去和现在的种族不公正是如何以系统性的方式锁定不平等的. I will highlight how property systems in the U.S. 一直在阻挠被边缘化的有色人种群体获得基本财产权的能力,而这些权利将有助于我们的国家成为一个对所有人都更平等、更公正的地方.”

Mitchell also will describe how the new BC Law Initiative on Land, Housing & 产权组织(他是该组织的负责人)致力于以切实有效的方式促进种族正义,从而提高弱势群体的产权.

米切尔教授是太阳城官网弱势家庭和社区面临的财产问题的全国专家, and has published leading scholarly works addressing these matters,” said Fr. Kalscheur. “他在这些领域的知识深度和深远的学术太阳城官网将为那些参加的人提供许多课程. We hope that students, faculty, and staff will join us at the conference.”  

Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., and Joy Moore

BC Forum or Racial Justice in America Co-Executive Directors Gregory Kalscheur, S.J., and Joy Moore

In their keynotes, Clark will address the importance of building/finding community and self-care, 而史密斯将探讨法律教育体系中与种族差异有关的问题,以及她作为一名黑人女性追求法律事业的呼吁.

其他活动还包括洛约拉玛丽蒙特大学学生主导的跨文化促进者项目模式, peer-to-peer sessions, and small-group conversations led by BC faculty and administrators including Economics Associate Professor of the Practice Geoffrey Sanzenbacher; Connell School of Nursing Associate Dean for Inclusive Excellence, Diversity, and Belonging Leah Gordon; Morrissey College Assistant Dean and Associate Professor of the Practice for Core Curriculum Elizabeth Shalala;  Lynch School of Education and Human Development Associate Professor Alex Pieterse, director of BC’s Institute for the Study of Race and Culture; Associate General Counsel Stephanie Charles; English Associate Professor of the Practice Lorenzo Alexander Puente; and Philosophy Associate Professor of the Practice Cherie McGill.

Vice President for Student Affairs Shawna Cooper Whitehead, who will present closing remarks, said, “Student Affairs is excited to partner with the Fulton Leadership Society, Fr. Kalscheur, 和乔伊·摩尔副校长一起讨论这些重要的话题,为来自全国各地的学生提供一个不仅仅是参与对话的空间, but consider practical applications for national challenges related to race.” 

Participants’ goals, according to organizers, are to engage reflectively in formative sessions that foster a deeper understanding of how racial injustice functions on a systemic level; to connect with and learn from a network of experienced student leaders; and to learn skills and techniques to engage in actions that further racial justice.

“我们希望这次会议能激励学生们继续为提高意识的项目和活动创造机会,放大那些没有被听到的人的声音,” said Fr. Kalscheur. “美国种族正义论坛期待与其他学生主导的项目和活动合作,为对话提供平台, conversation, and action.”   

Rosanne Pellegrini | University Communications | March 2023