There is no conventional campus memorial at 太阳城网赌平台 to Robert Parsons, S.J., who taught chemistry and oversaw several musical activities at the Heights during the late 1910s/early 1920s—no statue, 没有斑块, 无历史标记.

但Fr. Parsons’ memory lives on every time the BC Screaming Eagles Marching Band struts across the 校友 Stadium field, 活力乐队从看台上奏起了一支曲子, 英国防喷器! 爵士乐团在罗布舍姆剧院演出, or the University Wind Ensemble or Symphonic Band plays in Gasson 100.

Fr. Parsons essentially laid the groundwork for what is now the 太阳城网赌平台 Bands program, 与学生指挥J. Carey Martin of the Class of 1921 to convert what had been a military band—which Fr. Parsons had founded in 1918—into the contemporary concert and athletic-event ensemble model. 太阳城网赌平台乐队于10月10日正式亮相. 20, 1919年的bc -耶鲁橄榄球赛, leading a snake dance prior to the kick-off on the BC football field and down Commonwealth Avenue to Lake Street.

这学期, 不列颠哥伦比亚省乐队节目迎来了它的百年纪念, a formal celebration having taken place in October with a weekend of events including an concert by the University Wind Ensemble and BC Symphonic Band, a “field rehearsal” for marching band 校友 and their children the morning of the BC-NC State football game at 校友 Stadium, 与公元前防喷器共进晚餐并共舞! 和防喷器! 校友.

作为百年纪念的补充, BC Bands—with assistance from graduate student and office assistant Nicholas Arata ’19—established 一个网站 其中包括一个专门介绍该计划历史的部分, with a timeline; an archive of bands-related memorabilia, 例如宣传海报, 播放列表, 纪念补丁, tickets and passes to bowl games and other events; photos from 1919 to the present; biographies of band directors; and band 校友 memories.


这个100年的里程碑引发了一位法国人的反思. 帕森斯的继承人, 现任BC乐队总监Sebastian Bonaiuto, 乐队项目在大学的地位. 远非简单地提供娱乐, 他说, BC Bands are in harmony with BC’s educational and formative mission.

“One of the foundations of a liberal arts education has long been that experience in and knowledge of the arts is integral to being an educated person,他说. “BC has many excellent students from all over the world who come here with considerable musical experience and skills, 并希望能够使用它们. Making these opportunities available makes these students’ college lives more meaningful, 并帮助他们实现自己的激情.”

The BC Bands program also contributes to the University’s sense of community, 尖叫鹰军乐队指挥大卫·希利在1990年说道, 因为它的各种乐团出现在主要的校园聚会上, 包括毕业典礼, 《太阳城官网》, 点亮圣诞树, 体育赛事. Another signature highlight was the University’s 2013 Sesquicentennial Concert in Symphony Hall, 其中包括公元前防喷器的表演! 和管乐团.  

“The bands are an embodiment of student spirit—it’s difficult to capture that in other settings,他解释道. “There’s also a connection for 校友: They tap into the undergraduate experience just by hearing the Marching Band or Pep Band, 因为这让他们想起了学生时代.”

像许多学生组织一样, BC教会透过分享经验来培养团契, 传统, 和礼仪. 在每场主场足球赛之前, the Marching Band recites Psalm 150 and sings “Amazing Grace” (in four-part harmony) in the Band Room. 在Robsham音乐会之前,公元前防喷器! 成员形成同心圆, extend their arms to the center and then raise them with a shout of “Ehhhh, 防喷器!” Bonaiuto offers Wind Ensemble musicians a simple affirmation before their performances: “My wish for you is that you play with joy, 说出你的心声, 并滋养你们的灵魂.”

BC乐队的号角声远远超出了高地. 军乐队为红袜队表演, 凯尔特人, ESPN大学比赛日,和海斯曼奖杯晚宴, marched in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and the 2013 inaugural parade for President Obama, 并出现在爱尔兰的大学橄榄球经典赛上. The Pep Band has traveled to basketball and hockey (men’s and women’s) games, 包括定期, 季后赛, 和比赛, 全国各地. bbop的薪酬! 包括纽约的卡内基音乐厅, 悲观的 magazine’s Jazzfest in Florida, and the Reno Jazz Festival in Nevada.

纵观乐队的历史, 由于需要,已经创建了各种合奏, 学生的需求, 或者其他因素, 不过并不是所有的都存活了下来. Under Bonaiuto—who became the first full-time BC Bands director in 1989, and is the longest-tenured head next to the late Peter Siragusa, 从1955年到1987年任职的人,还有希利, 他在1999年任命他为军乐队指挥, BC Bands added the University Wind Ensemble and the Symphonic Band, 俗称“SymBa”."

BC Bands director Sebastian Bonaiuto and Marching Band director David Healey

BC乐队总监Sebastian Bonaiuto, with Screaming Eagles Marching Band Director David Healey to his left, 在百年庆典上受到热烈欢迎. (彼得·米. 朱利安。)

两人还负责公元前防喷器!, although its history dates back before Bonaiuto’s administration: In 1987, Healey—then an undergrad—and other student musicians had organized a jazz band, 波奈托问, 然后是BC的MBA学生, 成为它的主管. 尽管没有大学资助, 排练空间, 或者乐器(学生必须使用自己的乐器), 公元前防喷器! 吸引了大批校园追随者, and Bonaiuto made it an official part of the program when he assumed the BC Bands directorship.  

“The convention among college jazz bands is separate jazz and vocal bands, 尽管历史上这样的组合比比皆是, 比如格伦·米勒或贝西伯爵,波奈托说. “I wanted to include that tradition in BC Bands, and it’s proven to be a wonderful combination.”

Another aspect of BC Bands underscores its identity as a college bands program: Besides playing standards and crowd favorites, 合奏团经常拥护新的, 不太熟悉的音乐.

“One of the hallmarks of a research university is that it’s where ideas grow,波奈托解释说, noting that the Wind Ensemble is inaugurating a new series focused on under-represented communities of composers. “There are composers out there creating new works, but few symphonies are likely to perform them. College band directors, however, see this music as something fresh and challenging for students. In that sense, the BC Bands are like laboratories, helping to generate and exhibit new music.”

随着官方百年纪念活动的结束, BC乐队又回到了繁忙的日程中. “他们很有才华。, committed students who bring a lot to the University community, 无论是在学术上还是在艺术上,波奈托说.

欲知详情,请浏览 BC乐队百年纪念网站.

肖恩·史密斯|大学传播| 2019年11月


2月25日, 1919, 在波士顿的乔丹大厅, a 19-man ensemble performed show tunes and a selection from Rossini before concluding with John Philip Sousa's rousing and still-popular march "The Thunderer.“今天, BC's Marching Band numbers 175 women and men and performs at events around the globe, 包括奥巴马总统的第二次就职典礼. 这里展示的是乐队历史上值得纪念的物品, 包括一张1965年左右的LP, 21世纪初的摇尾, 1961年奥运会的奖杯, 纽约的帕特里克节游行, 以及1951年乐队成员在加森大厅的肖像. (太阳城网赌平台 Magazine | Photo by Gary Wayne Gilbert; items courtesy of University Archives, 校友安德鲁·纳尔逊, 和BC乐队.)