太阳城网赌平台 will offer a new major in 全球公共卫生和共同利益, adding to a popular program that counts more than 100 students enrolled in its minor or pursuing the degree independently.

Under the leadership of the program’s founding director, Professor of Biology 菲利普J. 兰德里根,M.D., and administered by the 康奈尔护理学院 in partnership with the 席勒综合科学与社会太阳城官网所, 该专业预计最终将招收约45名学生, 谁必须申请进入竞争激烈的项目.

新专业反映了太阳城网赌平台对科学的持续承诺, one of the key priorities expressed in the University's 2017 Strategic Plan.

Seniors Ella Whitman, 迈克尔·布瑞特, 娜奥米·奥尔特, junior Sebastian Cota, and 菲利普·兰德里根,m.m.D.

菲利普·兰德里根,m.m.D., 极右, 和高年级学生Ella Whitman, 迈克尔·布瑞特, 娜奥米·奥尔特, 还有小塞巴斯蒂安·科塔, undergraduates pursuing 全球公共卫生和共同利益 as an independent major. (李Pellegrini)

The 全球 Public Health major joins the six-course public health minor that was launched in 2018 and now enrolls 110 students. There are currently 13 students pursuing an independent major in public health with approval from the Morrissey College of Arts and Sciences, 兰德里根说.

“兴奋程度已经打破了记录,兰德里根说, a 1963 alumnus who returned to his alma mater to help advance early efforts to bring public health programming to students. “就我而言,这是梦想成真. This is what many people—particularly [Vice Provost for 太阳城官网 and Academic Planning] Thomas Chiles and the late [School of Social Work Dean] Alberto Godenzi”—have been talking about since 2014. The first steps began before I got here and we have taken it in stages since.”

While BCSSW dean and later as associate vice president for global engagement, 高登兹主张开展一系列计划,以扩大不列颠哥伦比亚省的全球影响力. 兰德里根说,他开始与智利讨论这个项目, 他也是德卢卡大学的生物学教授, in 2014.



Connell School Dean Katherine Gregory said the school is uniquely suited to support students in the new major, 尤其是在服务学习方面. CSON has extensive partnerships with a diverse group of clinical organizations, from large teaching hospitals to community health centers and school-based clinics, 到世界各地的诊所.

“We are thrilled to welcome this new academic program to 康奈尔学院, and help position it for success in collaboration with the Schiller Institute,格雷戈里说. “We are confident that this program will be successful as a result of the strengths of our faculty, not only in 康奈尔学院 where we have many faculty who have long taught in the program and are passionate about public health, 而且来自整个大学.”


席勒太阳城官网所Seidner家族执行董事Laura J. 斯坦伯格

席勒太阳城官网所, 重点放在卫生领域, 能源, 还有环境, 会帮助管理新专业吗. Schiller Institute Seidner Family Executive Director 劳拉·斯坦伯格 anticipates complementing course offerings with the institute’s speaker series, 学生太阳城官网补助金, and student-driven events in such areas as environmental justice and global equity.

“席勒太阳城官网所 was conceived as a home for interdisciplinary curricular programs at BC, 尤其是那些与健康有关的, 气候变化, 数据科学,斯坦伯格说。. “We see a great deal of synergy between the institute’s current work and the focus of 全球公共卫生和共同利益 major.”

学生 in the major will take 12 courses for 36 credits for their degree, 兰德里根说. 课程包括以流行病学为重点的公共卫生课程, 生物统计学和数据分析, 道德, 法律, 健康不平等. 每个学生都将完成一个高年级毕业论文项目, 哪一个可以采用传统论文的形式, 或者是支持以公共卫生为重点的组织的服务项目, 他说.

The program joins a growing list of undergraduate majors in a discipline that was previously the province of graduate students, 兰德里根说. 在公元前, there has been strong student interest in public health courses since the development of the first three-course sequence, 是由BCSSW的教授设计的吗, 康奈尔学院, 以及林奇教育与人类发展学院.

就像其他好的公共卫生项目一样, we work very hard to teach our students the technical aspects of public health: epidemiology, 生物统计学, 以及类似的课程. What sets us apart is our very explicit focus on the social dimension of public health, 我们强调对穷人的优先选择, 以及我们的学生对公共服务的坚定承诺.
菲利普J. 兰德里根,M.D.

这个专业与众不同, 兰德里根说, through its emphasis on social justice and the “preferential option for the poor,” a commitment to individuals living on the margins of society first exhorted by then-Jesuit Superior General Pedro Arrupe, S.J., in 1968.

“就像其他好的公共卫生项目一样, we work very hard to teach our students the technical aspects of public health: epidemiology, 生物统计学, 以及类似的课程,兰德里根说, 谁把他的大部分职业生涯都奉献给了儿科流行病学. “What sets us apart is our very explicit focus on the social dimension of public health, 我们强调对穷人的优先选择, 以及我们的学生对公共服务的坚定承诺. The study of public health involves learning how health and disease exist in communities and then taking that knowledge and translating it to advance the common good.”

The approval of the major was especially gratifying for School of Social Work Professor Associate Summer Hawkins, who was among the interdisciplinary working group that initiated the first academic sequence, along with CSON’s former Dean Susan Genarro and Associate Professor Joyce Edmonds, 以及林奇教育与人类发展学院’s Professor and former Dean Maureen Kenny, Jim Mahalik教授, 和杰基·勒纳教授.

“The excitement about public health has been building on campus over the years, 所以很高兴看到这个专业取得成果,霍金斯说。. “We’re training generations of students who will help address pressing public health problems through a social justice lens.”

兰德里根说 the pandemic shone a light on the need to restore public health systems, 近几十年来,哪些项目资金不足且不受重视. Gregory agreed the response to COVID-19 reignited new levels of interest in the subject.

“今天, 也许比我们历史上任何时候都要多, knowledge of public health has shown to be critical in ensuring the common good for all people around the world,格雷戈里说. “Developing this major at 太阳城网赌平台 is aligned with our mission to use our education and knowledge in service to others – in this case, 通过全球公共卫生服务于人民和社区.”

艾德·海沃德|大学传播| 2022年12月