87%的太阳城网赌平台员工表示,他们觉得自己是大学社区的一员, according to the Faculty & Staff Experience Survey that was administered to all full-time BC employees in the fall of 2015.

The survey, which yielded a 51 percent response rate from 1,607 BC employees representing a variety of demographics—including age, gender, 工作年限和就业领域评估BC的工作环境和社区特征,以及员工的总体满意度和专业发展机会.

Overall, 调查显示,教职员工对他们在太阳城网赌平台的经历感到满意,并对他们的努力感到满足, despite some specific areas that call for improvement.

Among the notable findings:

* 90%的BC员工同意或非常同意他们喜欢在太阳城网赌平台工作是因为它的使命, vision and core values.

*90 percent of employees said they feel moderately to extremely fulfilled at BC.

* 78%的教师对自己在波士顿大学的工作感到有些满意或非常满意,74%的教师表示他们可能或肯定会鼓励同事接受太阳城网赌平台的教职.


*Overall, BC employees described the community as collegial, mission-driven and very supportive.

The survey also revealed areas for growth and improvement, including a desire among employees for a stronger work-life balance, especially among those with young children. A number of comments from both faculty and staff identified the length of the work day, 缺乏标准的弹性工作时间指导方针和个人单位人手不足的感觉是令人关切的问题. 女性员工对职业发展机会的总体满意度也低于男性员工.

Among AHANA faculty and staff, while the majority responded positively to questions concerning their work experience, 在BC提供的校园多元化项目数量和BC主要高管的多元化优先级等问题上,白人受访者的回答更为积极. In total, 68%的AHANA员工和69%的白人受访者同意或强烈同意太阳城网赌平台欢迎就多样性和包容性问题进行公开讨论. 

In addition, 与异性恋同事相比,LGBT教职员工对大学对性取向的态度不那么乐观.    

In general, respondents gave high marks to inquiries regarding their relationships with supervisors, with a total of 81 percent agreeing or strongly agreeing that their supervisor/manager treats everyone in the department fairly; 87 percent stating that their opinions are valued; and 91 percent responding that they are treated with respect.  

Faculty, 谁第一次接受调查是为了更好地了解他们的态度和经历, 对他们在太阳城网赌平台得到的支持和他们所经历的合作表示深深的感谢.

They cited as a strength the role BC plays in mentoring junior faculty, while recommending “peer to peer” mentoring as a potential area for improvement. 

In addition, 78%的教师表示,他们对BC提供的教学资源感到满意, 65%的人表示,他们对BC为支持他们的奖学金和太阳城官网提供的资源感到满意, though some cited a lack of space as a negative factor in their work experience.  一些教师也对自己在大学决策和管理中的角色表示失望, 而其他人则质疑服务机会和/或责任在各自学校和部门的分配不均, 女性和AHANA教职员工要求担任委员会成员的比例过高.   

该调查还征求了所有教职员工对BC大学整体工作环境的优缺点的评论, with the goal of identifying steps the University could take to improve the employee experience. The most-cited strengths included generous benefits that contributed to a positive work environment, 以及BC公司的“家庭感觉”,员工们反复列举校园社区提供善意的例子, understanding and strength to  colleagues enduring difficult circumstances, a phenomenon that many attributed to BC’s Jesuit, Catholic heritage.

除了工作与生活的平衡问题,以及需要维持大学对理解和接受社区差异的承诺, the most-cited areas for improvement were parking and pay, with respondents voicing concern over the high price of campus parking and the lack of spaces, 以及保持工资与大波士顿地区高生活成本同步的挑战.  

“This survey in concrete terms shows how special a place Boston College is, and how it is the faculty and staff who make it special,” said Vice President for Human Resources David Trainor.  “People clearly feel valued in their work at Boston College, and to continue that feeling, 我们需要在某些领域加倍努力,以确保所有卑诗员工都能平等地分享这种感觉.” 

“这是我们对太阳城网赌平台教师的第一次调查,重点关注他们的专业经验,并将为未来建立一个有用的基线,” said Provost and Dean of Faculties David Quigley. “Initial results suggest that we are doing well on a number of fronts.  They also point to areas of focus for my office going forward, 例如,需要探索更好地支持我们的教师努力保持健康的工作与生活平衡的方法.”  

Added Vice President for Planning and Assessment Kelli Armstrong, “我们很幸运,超过一半的BC教职员工在这次调查中表达了他们的意见。, and the responses reflect a wide range of roles and backgrounds on campus. This feedback allows us to see where we are doing well and where we need to be strengthened, and provides a roadmap for ways to continually improve the BC experience."

The survey, 由特雷纳和奎格利共同委托,由阿姆斯特朗和机构太阳城官网与评估主任杰西卡·格林管理, was offered confidentially in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, Chinese and Russian to more than 3,000 BC faculty, staff and administrators, both online and through a paper version for employees without access to computers. 它由60个问题组成,旨在确定优势和感知不足,目的是帮助改善所有BC员工的整体工作体验.  

A survey of BC employees was last conducted in 2006. Trainor and Quigley said they plan to conduct the Faculty & Staff Experience Survey administer again in the fall of 2018, and repeat it every three years. 阿姆斯特朗说,她计划今年夏天更深入地分析这些数据,然后在秋季与校园里的各种团体会面,讨论结果.

“我们的计划是利用调查及其结果作为参与对话和收集社区成员进一步投入的机会,” said Armstrong.  “这是一项持续的努力,目标是提高我们太阳城网赌平台所有人的工作经验.”

By Jack Dunn | News & Public Affairs