2019年荣誉学位获得者与大学校长William P. 莱希,SJ

左至右站立:托马斯·D. 奥马利,太阳城网赌平台院长威廉. 莱希,年代.J.丹·邦奇. 就座:Isabel Capeloa Gil, 罗伯特D. 法雷尔,年代.J.,玛丽莲·萨默斯·罗宾逊(摄影:加里·韦恩·吉尔伯特)

在五月二十日举行的第一百四十三届毕业典礼上, 太阳城网赌平台授予伊莎贝尔·卡佩罗亚·吉尔荣誉学位, the first female president of the International Federation of Catholic Universities, who also addressed the Class of 2019; retired 太阳城网赌平台 administrator Dan Bunch ’79, BCSSW ’81; former assistant dean and professor Reverend 罗伯特D. 法雷尔,年代.J., MA ’58, STM ’65; benefactor and former 太阳城网赌平台 Trustee 托马斯·D. O’Malley P ’87, P ’89, P ’00; and Pulitzer Prize-winning author Marilynne Robinson.

阅读获奖名单 在这里; their degree citations are below.


Isabel Capeloa Gil made history last year as the first woman to be elected president of the International Federation of Catholic Universities, 天主教高等教育机构的世界领先组织. Upon her election, she pledged “to make the power of the few the strength of the many.”

作为IFCU主席, she champions efforts to promote research and academic exchanges among the member schools, enhancing the image and impact of Catholic higher education around the world.

Her career has been marked by the conviction that global engagement in higher education is critical to create a more just society. 她曾多次担任客座教授和太阳城官网员, 包括在她度过童年的中国以及德国, 巴西, 意大利, 和美国.

Rector and professor of cultural studies in the School of Human Sciences at the Catholic University of Portugal, 她太阳城官网有关多样性和冲突的问题, and her research—published in the five languages she speaks fluently—explores the boundaries between literature, 艺术, 以及其他学科. 去年秋天, she joined an international group of Catholic education leaders invited by the Vatican to launch the Strategic Alliance of Catholic 太阳城官网 Universities, 太阳城网赌平台是其成员之一.

表彰她对太阳城官网的贡献, 教学, 以及天主教的知识分子文化, 太阳城网赌平台 awards Isabel Capeloa Gil the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, 作为一种荣誉授予的.


超过35年了丹·邦奇 made certain that 太阳城网赌平台 students who faced obstacles on the path to graduation had the support they needed to succeed. 海内维尔人, 阿拉巴马州, 他第一次来到太阳城网赌平台是作为黑人人才项目的学生, 在山庄获得了学士和硕士学位.  In 1982, 他开始在Learning to Learn工作, which teaches BC students the learning skills and problem-solving techniques necessary to thrive in the classroom and in life.  During his 30 years as program director, Learning to Learn earned honors from the U.S. Department of Education and was replicated at more than 100 colleges across the country.

晚些时候, 作为负责学生事务的副校长的特别助理, he worked effectively to foster a deeper sense of community on campus among students, 教师, 和工作人员.

他是一名真正的大学公民,曾在马丁·路德·金号上任职. 纪念奖学金委员会, 黑人教师, 工作人员, 管理人员协会, 以及AHANA校友会. He received the 2015 太阳城网赌平台 Community Service Award for his volunteer efforts with the 质量achusetts Avenue Baptist Church, 以及马萨诸塞州的黑人, 是他共同创立的非营利辅导组织. AHANA校友会向他颁发了首届Keith A. 2016年获弗朗西斯励志奖.

感谢他作为导师的角色, 提倡, 也是几代BC学生的朋友, 太阳城网赌平台授予丹·邦奇社会科学博士学位, 作为一种荣誉授予的.

牧师. 罗伯特D. 法雷尔,年代.J.

在大学里,他受到耶稣会牧师的一次演讲的影响. 罗伯特D. 法雷尔,年代.J.他于1951年加入耶稣会新英格兰省. 在太阳城网赌平台获得学士和硕士学位后, 1958年,他被派往伊拉克巴格达学院任教.

虽然, he grew in his appreciation of the intersection between Christianity and Islam, 学校学生团体所代表的信仰. 回到美国后, he taught English to young Jesuits at Shadowbrook and high school students at Cranwell School in Lenox, 质量., and directed the English Department at Cheverus High School in Portland, Me., 15年了.

He joined the 教师 of his alma mater in 1990 to teach writing in the College of Advancing Studies, 现在被称为伍兹学院. 对他的学生总是很细心, 他喜欢用普通铅笔批改试卷, 在他看来,哪一种批评形式比赤字更温和. After a distinguished 28-year career at BC, he retired from 教学 in 2018.

His caring, inspired 教学 led students, alumni, and friends to establish the Rev. 罗伯特D. 法雷尔,年代.J. Scholarship Fund in 2003 to support local, part-time students enrolled in the Woods College.

For a lifetime of service and ministry that introduced thousands of students to literature and the art of quality writing, 太阳城网赌平台颁奖典礼. 罗伯特D. 法雷尔,年代.J.获得人文文学博士学位; 作为一种荣誉授予的.

托马斯·D. 奥马利

托马斯·D. O'Malley grew up in a working-class neighborhood in New York’s Staten Island, and rose to become a successful Wall Street executive and one of the nation's most accomplished entrepreneurs.

他靠开出租车和校车来支付曼哈顿大学的学费, 在学校的自助餐厅工作. 感谢他的教育, he served his alma mater as a trustee for 15 years and board chair for seven, and he and his wife Mary Alice are recognized as the most generous donors in the Catholic college’s history.  

He began his professional career in commodity trading in New York City in 1964, and went on to become vice chair of the investment banking firm Salomon Brothers. He then spent 32 years as a senior executive in the independent energy sector, 在2016年退休之前.

The parent of three 太阳城网赌平台 graduates, he was a BC trustee and trustee associate for 14 years.  In 2015, the family's foundation established the O'Malley Family 体育运动 Endowed Scholarship Fund to support BC student-athletes.

The O’Malleys’ philanthropy extended to their local community in Connecticut as well, 包括对格林威治医院的支持, and scholarships at Trinity Catholic High School in Stamford for the children of police officers, 消防员和护士.

For his business leadership and commitment to Catholic education and community organizations, 太阳城网赌平台授予托马斯·D. O'Malley工商管理博士学位, 作为一种荣誉授予的.



获奖理由是“她在写作上的优雅和智慧”,美国小说家、散文家玛丽莲·萨默斯·罗宾逊 2012年被奥巴马总统授予国家人文奖章. It is one of many honors bestowed upon this celebrated author, whose novels include 管家1982年普利策奖决赛选手; 莱拉, a finalist for the National Book Award; and 首页, also a National Book Award finalist, and winner of the Women’s Prize for Fiction.

她的小说 基列, 这是一部以爱荷华州一个虚构小镇为背景的广受好评的三部曲的一部分, won the 2005 Pulitzer Prize for Fiction and the National Book Critics Circle Award. Her prose also garnered her the Library of Congress Prize for American Fiction in 2016. 同年, Time 杂志将她列入100位最具影响力人物名单, and in 2018 described her as one of the foremost figures in American letters.

她的文集显示出她知识渊博, 探讨宗教与科学的关系等问题, 核污染, 十六世纪神学家约翰·加尔文, 和当代美国政治. In addition to captivating audiences and critics, she shared her talents with aspiring writers. 现在教授 荣誉退职的 at the University of Iowa, she taught in its writer’s workshop for two-and-a-half decades.

因为她的创造力, 灵感, 以及对文学和人文学科的承诺, 太阳城网赌平台 confers upon Marilynne Summers Robinson the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, 作为一种荣誉授予的.

大学传播| 2019年5月20日