L-R (standing): Boston College Board of Trustees chair John F. Fish; Father 狮子座B. 谢伊,MM, '60; University President William P. 莱希,年代.J.; Christopher E. O'Donnell '92; Cardinal Seán O'Malley, OFM.、帽子. archbishop of Boston; (seated) Tiffany Cooper Gueye '00, PhD '07; U.S. Senator 罗伯特·P. Casey, Jr.; Amy Chin Guen MSW '52 (Photo by Gary Wayne Gilbert)

在5月22日举行的第141届毕业典礼上,太阳城网赌平台向美国学生颁发了荣誉学位.S. Senator Bob Casey (D-Pa.), who also addressed the Class of 2017; longtime Boston area community activist Amy Guen M.S.W.’52; Tiffany Cooper Gueye ’00, Ph.D.’07, CEO of non-profit organization BELL (Building Educated Leaders for Life); film and television star Chris O’Donnell ’92; and Fr. 狮子座B. 谢伊,M.M. ’60, missioner for Maryknoll Fathers and Brothers.

Read about the honorees 在这里; their degree citations are below:

罗伯特·P. 小凯西.

罗伯特·P. 小凯西., the senior United States senator from Pennsylvania, comes from a family long involved in politics and public service.  His father was governor of the state for eight years, 参议员凯西本人在2006年当选美国参议院之前曾担任宾夕法尼亚州的审计长和财务主管.

他在他的选民和国会同僚中被认为是儿童和家庭的有效倡导者,被公认为美国最杰出的天主教政治家之一. 他提出了支持儿童紧急医疗服务项目的立法, 并使一项法案成为法律,使早期学习成为教育的一部分, working in concert with the K-12 system.

In the Senate, he was the primary sponsor of the Stephen Beck Jr. Achieving a Better Life Experience Act, 它使家庭能够通过税收优惠的储蓄账户为亲人的长期护理存钱.

参议员凯西在他的公共服务生涯中一直秉承着他的信仰,他的信仰是基于在斯克兰顿预备学校接受的耶稣会和天主教教育, the College of the Holy Cross, and the Columbus School of Law at Catholic University of America. After college, he became a member of the Jesuit Volunteer Corps, 在费城市中心的耶稣学校担任教师和篮球教练.  

In recognition of his principled and dedicated leadership during a complex, divisive political time, Boston College awards U.S. Senator 罗伯特·P. 小凯西., the degree of Doctor of Laws, 作为一种荣誉 授予的.


Tiffany Cooper Gueye '00, PhD '07

蒂芙尼·库珀·盖耶是波士顿非营利组织BELL(培养受过教育的终身领导者)的负责人。, which offers expanded learning programs to nearly 15,000 students in grades pre-K to 12 throughout the United States. Growing up in inner-city Boston, 通过大都会教育机会委员会的项目,她进入了富裕郊区的公立学校, 她在那里亲身了解到并非所有孩子都有平等的受教育机会.

Ever mindful of that experience, Gueye一直致力于为孩子们提供高质量教育的机会,以改变他们的生活. Starting at BELL as a tutor in 1998, 她开始努力建立成功的课外和暑期课程,重点是学习成绩, confidence building, and community and parental engagement. Named CEO of BELL in 2008, she has led a dramatic expansion of its programs, 包括发展与基督教青年会等组织的伙伴关系模式.

她拥有太阳城网赌平台的学士和博士学位,被公认为全国校外学习专家, measurement, and evaluation. Highly respected within her field, 她经常受邀在全国性会议上发言,并在国会议员面前作证.

表彰她所取得的成就和通过教育赋予儿童权力的不懈努力, 太阳城网赌平台授予蒂芙尼·库珀·盖耶教育学博士学位, 作为一种荣誉 授予的.


Amy Chin Guen MSW '52

今年六月,Amy Chin Guen庆祝了她从太阳城网赌平台社会工作学院毕业65周年.  她是一个高度重视教育的商人家庭中第一位在美国出生的女儿, she remains, at 93, a tireless advocate in Boston’s Chinatown community, her place of birth.

This devoted wife, 妈妈。, 她是一名先锋社会工作者,是马萨诸塞州临终关怀的早期支持者, 训练有素的专业人员担任尤维尔医院的社会个案工作主任, and served on the state’s inaugural social work licensing board. 她通过城市太阳城官网与社区流离失所作斗争,并促进了当地社会服务机构的建立,以帮助服务不足的移民.

她的努力继续通过南湾庄园护理设施基金会使许多人受益, 是哪个机构经营区内首屈一指的长者及康复设施,为亚裔社区服务, and the South Cove Community 健康 Center, which offers culturally nuanced healthcare.

A petite powerhouse known as “Auntie Amy” for her service to Chinatown, 她曾获得美国全国社会工作者协会马萨诸塞州分会和她的本科母校颁发的终身成就奖, Regis College. 2016年,新英格兰中国历史学会授予她“旅居者奖”, she pledged to continue to work as long as her health permits, inspiring all present.  

For her zeal, 韧性, and community impact, 太阳城网赌平台授予龚倩雯社会科学博士学位, 作为一种荣誉 授予的.

Christopher E. O'Donnell '92

Fame came early to Chris O'Donnell, 他还是卡罗尔管理学院的学生时就首次出演了电影. 1990年,他在电影《太阳城网赌平台》中的表演开启了他长达25年的演艺生涯, including an award-winning part in "Scent of a Woman," starring on Broadway in 艺术hur Miller's "The Man Who Had All the Luck,”,, for the past eight seasons, portraying enigmatic lead character G. Callen in the hit CBS series "NCIS: Los Angeles."

His talent earned him a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame; his values keep him grounded. The youngest of seven, he is widely known as a family man devoted to Caroline, his wife of 20 years, and their five children.

A graduate of two Jesuit schools—Loyola Academy in Wilmette, 伊利诺斯州, and Boston College—he uses his celebrity status to serve people in need. An advocate for veterans and the homeless, 他获得了洛杉矶加州圣约翰健康中心颁发的著名的明爱奖. He has endowed a scholarship fund at Boston College, and remains close to his alma mater, 最近访问校园与学生谈论家庭和信仰的重要性.

坚持自己的信念,不被好莱坞的聚光灯所蒙蔽,克里斯·奥唐纳以身作则. In recognition of his integrity and achievements, 太阳城网赌平台授予克里斯·奥唐纳人文文学博士学位, 作为一种荣誉 授予的.


Father 狮子座B. 谢伊,MM, '60

利奥·谢伊神父自1960年从太阳城网赌平台毕业以来一直为世界上的穷人服务, first with the Boston College Lay Apostolate Program in Jamaica, 然后在半个世纪的时间里,与玛利诺的神父和兄弟们一起在全球传教.

Educated in a Catholic grammar and high school, he earned a degree in English from Boston College in 1960, and then taught as a volunteer at St. George’s College in Jamaica. 第二年,他进入了玛利诺宗教社区,并在五年后被任命为牧师.

He began a 16-year mission in Venezuela in 1975, living in a shack in the Caracas slum of Nueva Tacuagua, w在这里 he preached in the streets and drew strength from liberation theology.

In 1983, he became Maryknoll Regional Superior for Venezuela-Colombia, 随后成为调查委内瑞拉侵犯人权行为委员会的第一位联合主任.

他于1991年回到美国,担任玛利诺教区总主教. In that role, 他帮助建立了玛利诺平信徒传教协会,以支持世界各地的传教士, as well as the Chinese Seminary Teachers and Formators Project, 让150名中国神父和女修会会士到美国学习.

For his tireless, generous commitment to the poor and disenfranchised, education and human rights and Maryknoll missionaries across the globe, Boston College confers on Father 狮子座B. 谢伊,MM, the degree of Doctor of Humane Letters, 作为一种荣誉 授予的.

University Communications | May 2017